Which of the following statements about digital literacies is false?

Asked by BuLTz

Can anyone help me answer these questions?

1.Which of the following statements is true of the digital divide at the global level?

A.Only 5.6 percent of Africa's citizens have access to the Internet, compared with 78.6 percent in North America.

B. Only 24 percent of the population in sub-Saharan Africa has access to the Internet, compared with 80.6 percent in North America.

C. Although nearly 90 percent of households are located where broadband is available, 60 percent of adults are not connected to the Internet.

D. The number of Internet connections is growing by less than 9 percent annually, but just over one-third of the population is connected.

The Council of Europe has proffered the Convention on Cybercrime as an international effort to address computer-facilitated crime.



Which of the following is a provision of the Computer Pornography and Child Exploitation Prevention Act of 1999?

A. It prohibits websites from collecting personal information from children under 13, who use computers, without parental permission.

B It requires that parents be allowed to review and correct any information collected about their children and published.

C. It makes it unlawful for companies manufacturing computers to employ children below the age of 15.

D. It makes it unlawful to use a computer to solicit, lure, or entice a child or otherwise engage in sexual offenses with a child.

Which of the following is a network of infected computers that can be harnessed to take coordinated action, such as sending spam?

A. Botnet

B. Adware

C. Malware

D. Spambot

The Communications Decency Act of 1996 violated the _____.

A. Sixth Amendment

B. Eighth Amendment

C. First Amendment

D. Fourth Amendment

In December 2010, the Federal Communications Commission [FCC] issued new rules on net neutrality to address net neutrality issues. Which of the following statements is true of these rules?

A. Wired broadband services were permitted to block "lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices."

B. Wireless broadband services were subject to the same disclosure rules as the wired broadband services but were granted more leeway with regard to equal access.

C. Wired broadband services were permitted to block consumer access to lawful websites that competed with their video telephony services.

D. Wireless broadband services were allowed to withhold information regarding network performance.

The _____ is charged with primary enforcement of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act [COPPA].

A. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

B. Federal Trade Commission

C. Consumer Product Safety Commission

D. Food and Drug Administration

The Internet delivers private communications between particular users, much as a phone system.



In the context of the Internet, what is the reason for the access imbalance that exists in the United States?

A. Availability of service is a problem in the United States.

B. Digital literacy is an issue in the United States.

C. Security concern in the United States is high.

D. About 98 percent of American households are located where broadband is absent.

Which of the following statements is true of the digital divide in the United States?

A. Although nearly 98 percent of American households are located where broadband is available, 60 percent of American adults are not connected.

B. The percentage of Internet users in certain areas such as California is much lower than some other areas such as Mississippi.

C. Seventy-six percent of white households are connected to the Internet, but only 57 percent of African-American households are connected.

D. Ninety percent of those under 65 use the Internet, but only about 50 percent of those 65 and older use the Internet.

Which of the following statements is true of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act [E-SIGN]?

A. President Clinton had refused to sign it into law.

B. Under this act, consumers cannot be forced to accept electronic signature agreements.

C. It forces consumers to receive records and documents electronically rather than in paper form.

D. It does not give electronic signatures the same legal stature as handwritten ones.

Catalina has been receiving threat messages from Steve, one of her Facebook contacts. Steve has never met Catalina, but he has been tracking her activities on the social network regularly. This is an example of:

A. cyberterrorism.

B. spear phishing.

C. cyberstalking.

D. VoIP spamming.

The Internet is increasing national boundaries.



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Answered by excellencewriters

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Answered by Ashug022

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Which digital literacy skills refers to the ability to locate informations related to an assigned topic given by a teacher in class?

Information literacy: ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively needed information.

What type of literacy refers to the ability to select and use digital devices applications or services to accomplish tasks requiring the use of the Internet?

[Digital literacy is] the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create information.

Which of the following is a positive impact of digital literacy and digital technology on society?

Answer: One aspect of technology that has had a great impact on society is how it affects learning. It's made learning more interactive and collaborative, this helps people better engage with the material that they are learning and have trouble with.

Which of these is one of the three factors that affects the digital divide?

There are at least three factors at play: information accessibility, information utilization, and information receptiveness. More than just accessibility, individuals need to know how to make use of the information and communication tools once they exist within a community.

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