Why is the Yalta conference important?

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The Cold War origins 1941-56

Just as the 1960s started swinging and a new US President entered the White House, the Cold War entered its most critical phase, when the world would be pushed to the brink of nuclear war.

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The Yalta Conference, 1945

In February 1945, the Big Three – Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin - met again at Yalta in the Crimea region of the USSR.


With an Allied victory looking likely, the aim of the Yalta Conference was to decide what to do with Germany once it had been defeated. In many ways the Yalta Conference set the scene for the rest of the Cold War in Europe.


  1. Germany would be divided into four zones of occupation with the USSR, Britain, France and the USA each controlling a zone. France had been liberated from Nazi Germany and was included at the conference partly due to pressure from the French leader, General de Gaulle, but also because Britain wanted a European ally with whom it could share the cost of the post-war reconstruction of Germany.
  2. The German capital, Berlin, was about 100 miles inside the Soviet zone and it, too, was to be divided into four zones, each controlled by one of the Allied powers. Berlin would become a continuing source of tension once the Cold War began in earnest.
  3. All countries freed from Nazi control were to be guaranteed the right to hold free, democratic elections to choose their own governments. This commitment was released as an official joint statement, the Declaration on Liberated Europe. However, Stalin was offered a sphere of influence in Eastern Europe where communist ideals would dominate.
  4. Again, Stalin committed to joining the war against Japan, once Germany had been defeated. This was important to the Americans who were suffering heavy losses in the Pacific, despite the fact they were gradually pushing back the Japanese.
  5. All the leaders made a commitment to pursue, and put on trial, suspected Nazi war criminals.
  6. The Allies agreed to the setting up of the United Nations, an organisation dedicated to international cooperation and the prevention of war.

Revision tip

Berlin was to become a Cold War flashpoint. Make sure you know the different key events:

  • What was decided about Berlin at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences in 1945
  • What happened during the Berlin Crisis and the Berlin Blockade of 1948-9
  • What happened when the Berlin Wall was built in 1961

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Why was the Yalta Conference important quizlet?

The Yalta conference was a meeting held during World War II, between February 4, 1945 - February 11, 1945, by the heads of the state of the allied nations [Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill]. The meeting was held to plan out the occupation of post war Germany.

Why was the Yalta Conference important to the Cold War?

Overview. The Cold War was a struggle for world dominance between the capitalist United States and the communist Soviet Union. At the Yalta Conference, the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and France agreed to split Germany into four zones of occupation after the war.

What were the three main goals of the Yalta Conference?

For Stalin, postwar economic assistance for Russia, and U.S. and British recognition of a Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Europe were the main objectives. Churchill had the protection of the British Empire foremost in his mind, but also wanted to clarify the postwar status of Germany.

What was the focus of the Yalta Conference?

The meeting was intended mainly to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe, especially focusing on German reparations and post-war occupation as well as Poland.

How successful was the Yalta Conference?

The Yalta Conference failed but Yalta Europe was not forever. The strategic vision that Roosevelt spelled out in the Atlantic Charter and sought to realize at Yalta—even if miserably—now seems the right one.

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