32.00 usd bằng bao nhiêu vnd

Tiền tệ là tiền khi chỉ xét tới chức năng là phương tiện thanh toán, là đồng tiền được luật pháp quy định để phục vụ trao đổi hàng hóa và dịch vụ của một quốc gia hay nền kinh tế. Vì định nghĩa như vậy, tiền tệ còn được gọi là "tiền lưu thông". Tiền tệ có thể mang hình thức tiền giấy hoặc tiền kim loại [tiền xu] do Nhà nước [ngân hàng trung ương, Bộ Tài chính, v.v...] phát hành.

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Công cụ chuyển đổi 32 Đô la Mỹ [USD] bằng bao nhiêu Đồng Việt Nam [VND] miễn phí. Lịch sử tỷ giá USD [Đô la Mỹ] đến VND [Đồng Việt Nam] cập nhật hàng ngày

Lịch sử tỷ giá 32 USD [Đô la Mỹ] đổi sang Đồng Việt Nam [VND] 7 ngày qua

NgàyĐô la MỹĐồng Việt Nam23/01/202332 USD= 755,840.000000 VND22/01/202332 USD= 755,840.000000 VND21/01/202332 USD= 755,840.000000 VND20/01/202332 USD= 755,840.000000 VND19/01/202332 USD= 755,840.000000 VND18/01/202332 USD= 755,200.000000 VND17/01/202332 USD= 755,200.000000 VND

Most Popular USDVND [US Dollar to Viet Nam Dong] conversions

NoUS Dollar [USD]Viet Nam Dong [VND]Notation1$ 1 USD₫ 23,450 VND1 US Dollar = 23,450 Viet Nam Dong2$ 5 USD₫ 117,250 VND5 US Dollar = 117,250 Viet Nam Dong3$ 10 USD₫ 234,500 VND10 US Dollar = 234,500 Viet Nam Dong4$ 20 USD₫ 469,000 VND20 US Dollar = 469,000 Viet Nam Dong5$ 50 USD₫ 1,172,500 VND50 US Dollar = 1,172,500 Viet Nam Dong6$ 100 USD₫ 2,345,000 VND100 US Dollar = 2,345,000 Viet Nam Dong7$ 250 USD₫ 5,862,500 VND250 US Dollar = 5,862,500 Viet Nam Dong8$ 500 USD₫ 11,725,000 VND500 US Dollar = 11,725,000 Viet Nam Dong9$ 1,000 USD₫ 23,450,000 VND1000 US Dollar = 23,450,000 Viet Nam Dong10$ 5,000 USD₫ 117,250,000 VND5000 US Dollar = 117,250,000 Viet Nam Dong11$ 10,000 USD₫ 234,500,000 VND10000 US Dollar = 234,500,000 Viet Nam Dong12$ 50,000 USD₫ 1,172,500,000 VND50000 US Dollar = 1,172,500,000 Viet Nam Dong13$ 100,000 USD₫ 2,345,000,000 VND100000 US Dollar = 2,345,000,000 Viet Nam Dong14$ 500,000 USD₫ 11,725,000,000 VND500000 US Dollar = 11,725,000,000 Viet Nam Dong15$ 1,000,000 USD₫ 23,450,000,000 VND1000000 US Dollar = 23,450,000,000 Viet Nam Dong

Khi chuyển đổi 32 đơn vị tiền US DOLLAR sang tiền VIETNAM DONG bạn sẽ được 748,480.0

Đổi tiền

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Bảng chuyển đổi US DOLLAR sang VIETNAM DONG thông dụng

#Số lượng US DOLLARGiá trị VIETNAM DONG15116,950210233,900320467,8004501,169,50051002,339,00062004,678,000750011,695,00081,00023,390,00091,000,00023,390,000,000
Factors of 32 are the integers that can divide 32, completely. If we say, x is a factor of 32, then 32 is evenly divisible by x. Since 32 is a composite number, therefore it will have more than two factors.

Factor pairs of the number 32 are the whole numbers which could be either positive or negative but not a fraction or decimal number. We can use the factorization method to find the factors of a number.

Pair Factors of 32

To find the factor pairs of 32, multiply the two numbers in a pair to get the original number as 32, such numbers are as follows:

Positive Pair FactorsNegative Pair Factors1 × 32 = 32 ⇒ [1, 32]-1 × -32 = 32 ⇒ [-1, -32]2 × 16 = 32 ⇒ [2, 16]-2 × -16 = 32 ⇒ [-2, -16]4 × 8 = 32 ⇒ [4, 8]-4 × -8 = 32 ⇒ [-4, -8]

How to calculate the Factors of 32?

To find the factors of 32 we need to divide the integer 32 by all the natural numbers from 1 to 32. The numbers that can divide 32 evenly or completely are the factors. 

First of all, we know, any natural number is also a factor of itself.

32 ÷ 1 = 32

Now, we can see 32 is an even number, thus, it is divisible by 2 but not by any odd number [in this case]. Therefore,

32 ÷ 2 = 16

Let us check with other even numbers.

32 ÷ 4 = 8

32 ÷ 8 = 4

32 ÷ 16 = 2

32 ÷ 32 = 1

Therefore, there are total six factors of the whole number 32.

Factors of 321, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32

Prime Factors of 32

The number 32 is a composite and it should have prime factors. Now let us know how to calculate the prime factors of 32.

Step 1: The first step is to divide the number 32 with the smallest prime factor, say 2.

32 ÷ 2 = 16

Step 2: Again divide 16 by 2 and the process goes on.

16 ÷ 2 = 8

8 ÷ 2 = 4

4 ÷ 2 = 2

2 ÷ 2 = 1

Finally, we received the number 1 at the end of the division process. So that we cannot proceed further. So, the prime factors of 32 are written as 2 × 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 or 25, where 2 is a prime numbers.

It is possible to find the exact number of factors of a number with the help of prime factorisation. The prime factor of the 32 is 25. The exponent in the prime factorisation is 5. When you add the number 1 with the exponent, we get 6. i.e.,5 +1 = 6. Therefore, the number 32 has 6 factors.

Video Lesson on Prime Factors

Solved Examples

Q.1: If there are 32 toffees to be distributed among 4 students in a class. How many toffees does each student get?

Solution: Given, 

Number of toffees = 32

Number of students = 4

Each student will get = 32/4 = 8 toffees

Q.2: If there are 16 apples in one box and the number of boxes is 2, then how many total apples are there in the boxes?

Answer: Given, each box has 16 apples

Number of boxes = 2

Therefore, total number of apples = 16 x 2 = 32

Q.3: What are the common factors of 32 and 64?

Answer: The factors of 32 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and of 64 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Therefore, leaving 64, all the factors are common factors of 32 and 64.

Stay tuned with BYJU’S to know about factor 32 and the factors and prime factors of other numbers. Download BYJU’S – The Learning App for better experience and clarification and also watch interactive videos.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What are the total factors of 32?

The factors of 32 are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32

Are multiples and factors of 32, same?

Multiples and factors of 32 are different and not the same. Factors of 32 are finite integers but multiples of 32 can be determined indefinitely.

What are the multiples of 32 in Maths?

The first 10 multiples of 32 are 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288 and 320

What are the prime factors of 32?

The prime factorisation of 32 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2.

What are common factors of 32, 36 and 42?

First we will write the factors of all the numbers.
Factors of 32 = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32
Factors of 36 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36
Factors of 42 = 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42
Now find the common factors. They are 1 and 2 only.

Links Related to FactorsFactors of 8Factor of 36Factors of 48Factors of 18Factors of 24Factors of 25Factors of 42Factors of 60Factors of 35Factors of 81Factors of 75Factors of 56

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