anthonys là gì - Nghĩa của từ anthonys

anthonys có nghĩa là

A boy that cares about you more than himself. He will text you constantly and its cute because it makes you feel like someone is actually interested in you and your life. He gets uncomfortable talking about things that have hurt you in the past like family problems, past relationships, etc.. He likes to kiss you on the cheek when his mother isnt looking, and he definately is the cuddling type. You can lay with him on a couch for hours talking literally about nothing. You can never watch a movie with him because you end up kissing or talking the whole time! Hes a weird person. He likes to make jokes around his friends, but he will always come by you and spend time with you and your friends, but you can tell he gets bored. He has such a great smile. Great eyes too. Great everything. You will fall in love with Anthony. I promise you that, but this one certain Anthony, is mine.


"I really like that Anthony, hes so perfect."
"Yeah, too bad he has a girlfriend."

anthonys có nghĩa là

the type that rejects L's handed to them.


Anthony is a Savage!

anthonys có nghĩa là

My name is Anthony, and for the most part the other definitions are true. Although if I'm supposed to be a hunk then why am I still single? I've only had one girlfriend, so I'm not sure how accurate that part of the definition is. It is true though that I am devoted to any girlfriend I get, and yes I love to act stupid. I'm very intelligent, but unfortunately only 25% italian. I hve a very complex mind that no one has ever completely figured out. I'm very good at hiding emotions with other emotions, and I am extremely trustworthy. I'm determined, persistent and yes at times stubborn. I could never hurt anyone, so yes, I was the one to get dumped. I'm very passionate about most things, and I would do anything for a friend. Making people laugh is my favorite thing to do, but sometimes I just like to relax. I wouldn't call myself a good kisser, but I have been told other wise. I'm addicted to kissing and hugging my girlffriend when I get one. Once is never enough. I let the girl decide the boundries for the most part, but I have boundries of my own. I underestimate myself, but if someone else underestimates me I'm sure to prove them wrong. I'm a patient caring guy, but if I do get pushed too far it is best to stand clear. I'm shy especially around girls, and around friends I tend to be a little perverted. I could continue on all night talking about me, but I'd rather hear about someone else. People mise well accept that they will never fully understand me.


I'm Anthony, and I'm the world's biggest puzzle.
My name is Anthony, not Tony. Please don't call me Tony.

anthonys có nghĩa là

the second you meet him you will love his attitude and he will always bright up your day. You know you have feelings, even if they're small, but your too scared to admit it to him or anyone.


everyone will want to be with anthony.

anthonys có nghĩa là

Anthony means an amazingly smart and funny guy who knows how to make you laugh all the time . Sometimes he can be a jerk but he always makes up for it . He's good at sports , like basketball , and is amazing at the guitar . He doesn't jump right into relationships .. he likes o get to know you first . That doesn't mean that he won't make a move on you .. maybe he'll walk you to class or just talk to you 24/7 . He's all around catch and you'd want to be wrapped p in his arms at all times , you'll never want to let him go ..


Girl 1 : Isn't that Anthony ?? Girl 2 : Yeah he's so amazing .. just look at him ! Girl 1 : Oh my god I know right .. too bad he's taken . Girl 2 : Seriously ! I would love too be wrapped up in his arms .

anthonys có nghĩa là

You need an Anthony in you're life. A strong man that has a desire to Never Quit and always does things for the benefit of seing others smile. When it comes to girls he can be shy but it was outgoing and if you get to know him is a blessing


I wish I had an Anthony in my life

anthonys có nghĩa là

A cool guy that has a lot of close friends. Usually calm and collected, but when pissed off, he'll wreck shit up. Likes to joke around, and has many talents like drawing, singing, doing the Jenkins, and so on. When with a group of friends, he will do a lot to keep the conversation on going. He is not a fighter, but if he were provoked enough, he will hurt you. He does not get bothered easily, but if he were to he would write some poetry, or draw and listen to music. He does not really care about what you think of him because karma will hurt those who judge with misfortune. When it comes to his girlfriend, he will give her abundant amounts of love. He likes attention in the relationship, and he deserves as much affection as he gives out. In saying that he will treat her as a queen and will do pretty much do anything to please her. When he is single and finds a girl he likes/loves he will persistently try to get that girl no matter what the effects are. Very charming, very smooth with words, and accidentally flirtatious. He is very puzzling. Very friendly and kind of heart. He is a great help to his friends in any situation. He is great to hangout with and talk to if you have something on your mind and will be your best friend. He is shy at times but that's just who he is.


girl 1: hey, is that Anthony.
girl 2: Yeah, it is he's so amazing i swear, cute and cunning,and helped me that one time in math.
girl 1: that was sweet of him -------------------------------------------------------------------- Girl: Anthony, hey it's been awhile
Anthony: yeah it has been awhile want to catch up over a dinner or something
Girl: Sure [I can't believe that just happened EEEK!! :$]

anthonys có nghĩa là

A cunt. Simply a cunt and as a Anthony I can confirm


Person 1:Who is that cunt Person 2:I think his name is Anthony

anthonys có nghĩa là

The most bad ass person in the world, about to conquer. Can choke hold a bear, jumps off mountains without parachute, puts the "laughter" in manslaughter.


Dude Anthony is so bad ass

anthonys có nghĩa là

An Italian stallion who has named his arms thunder and lightning


Look it's anthony

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