Argumentative essay topics 2022

Updated date:
Dec 9, 2021

100 Argument or Position Essay Topics With Sample Essays

Virginia Kearney

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier.

Learn how to write an argument or position essay and generate the perfect idea for your paper. With 100 possible topics offered, as well as clear examples, you'll write your paper in no time.

What Is an Argument or Position Essay About?

The argument or position essay is a standard type of writing exercise that almost everyone encounters at the high school or college level. This essay has two primary defining components:

  1. It has to be about an issue that people don't agree on.
  2. It focuses on disagreements about facts, definitions, causes, values or solutions.

Choosing Your Topic

Each topic question below is followed by the type of claim statement it makes, which can help you find a topic if your assignment is to write a particular kind of essay. All of the claim types are useful for "Argument," "Position," or "Expository" essays. In addition:

  1. Fact and Definition claims are good for "Definition" or "Description" essays.
  2. Cause claims are useful for "Cause Effect" or "Causal" essays. Policy claims are good for "Problem Solution" or "How to" essays.
  3. Value claims are good for "Comparison and Contrast" essays.
  4. Policy claims are good for "Problem Solution" or "How to" essays.

Topic Categories for Your Essay

  • Social Issues
  • Sample Student Essays
  • Education
  • Social Media Debates
  • Immigration
  • War and Military
  • Race, Culture, and Identity
  • Environment

Social Issues

  1. How important is it for COVID vaccine distribution to be given with equal access? [value]
  2. Is there a way to reduce abortions without legislation? [policy]
  3. Does a police officer's racial background make a difference in how they do their job? [value]
  4. Should the racial make-up of a police department be the same as the community they serve? [definition]
  5. How can pro-life and pro-choice groups work together? [values]
  6. Should Barbie be banned? [value]
  7. Should reality T.V. shows have regulations? [policy]
  8. What is true beauty? [definition]
  9. Is video gaming good or bad? [value]
  10. Are beauty contests a positive thing for young girls? [value]
  11. Are participation trophies in athletics a good idea? [policy]
  12. Are overbearing sports parents helpful or harmful? [definition]
  13. Should young children be pushed to compete at athletics? [policy]
  14. Should children have scheduled activities or be left more time for free play? [value]
  15. What is the cause of the increase in child obesity? [cause]
  16. How can we encourage children to be more active? [policy]
  17. Should people on welfare be required to submit to drug testing? [policy]
  18. Why do so many celebrities have terrible life problems? [cause]
  19. Should media coverage be regulated? [policy]
  20. What is the effect of media coverage on elections? [fact]
  21. What is human trafficking? [definition]
  22. How can human trafficking be stopped? [policy]
  23. How do elected female officials differ from elected males? [fact]
  24. How important is it to have equal representation of genders and races in political office? [value]
  25. How can we support the election of more females to political offices? [policy]
  26. How can we get more minorities to become police officers? [policy]
  27. How can the rights of artists and writers be protected on the Internet? [policy]
  28. Why should you pay for your music? [value]
  29. Does religious persecution exist? [fact]
  30. Should people be allowed to make "designer babies?" [value]
  31. What can be done to reduce unemployment among young African American men? [policy]
  32. Should the minimum wage be raised or lowered? [policy]

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VirginiaLynne, CC-BY via HubPages

Sample Student Essays

  • How Christians Can Believe Evolution
    Can faith and science be compatible?
  • Should You Put Your Parent in a Nursing Home?
    This essay argues that sometimes, a nursing home can be the best choice.


  1. Is virtual schooling as good as in-person classes? [policy]
  2. Should we have a national high school exam? [policy]
  3. Is private school tuition [elementary, high school, or college] really worth it? [value]
  4. Does statewide testing [like the TAKS/STAAR test in Texas] really increase student knowledge? [cause]
  5. Should colleges abolish reliance on SAT and ACT scores in admissions? [policy]
  6. How should the country's school system be reformed? [policy]
  7. Should the U.S. adopt an educational system like Europe's? [policy]
  8. What causes students to graduate from high school without basic skills? [cause]
  9. How do American students compare with students from other countries? [fact]
  10. What role should technology play in education? [value]
  11. What is the value of a liberal arts education? [value]
  12. Should students be required to take foreign language courses [or any other type of specific course]?
  13. Does adding days to the school year really improve learning? [fact]
  14. Should schools continue to spend money on fine arts? [value]
  15. How should students whose first language is not English be taught in public schools? [policy]
  16. Should college athletes be paid? [policy]


  1. Cell phones control our relationships. [definition]
  2. Computers are changing the way humans think. [fact]
  3. Texting and cell phone use has caused young people to be less able to concentrate and focus [or you can do the reversehas caused them to be able to handle multi-tasking more effectively and efficiently]. [cause]
  4. Cell phones have changed the way we relate to each other in positive ways. [value]
  5. Cell phones, texts, and emails are not as good as talking face-to-face. [value]
  6. Textbooks should be replaced by i-Pads and online resources. [policy]
  7. How are online technologies changing the way we live? [policy]
  8. How is technology changing our definition of what it means to be human? [value]
  9. What laws should we have about cell phone use in cars? [policy]
  10. How is social media changing family relationships? [definition]
  11. Should parents limit teenagers' use of social media? [policy]
  12. What privacy policies should be upheld by social media companies? [policy]
  13. What should [and should not] be posted on Facebook by college students? [value]
  14. Should scientists be allowed to experiment on human embryos? [value]
  15. What is nanotechnology? What are its applications and possible uses in the future? [definition]

Is China the Next Superpower? [Fact]


  1. Should there be a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants currently in the U.S.? [policy]
  2. How should we respond to the global problem of illegal immigration? [policy]
  3. Would a border fence solve the immigration problem in the U.S.? [fact]
  4. What is the relationship between immigration and nationality? [definition]
  5. What causes people to immigrate illegally? [cause]
  6. Should the U.S. have a visitor work program? [policy]
  7. How has immigration affected the history of the U.S.? [definition]
  8. Should all states have laws giving policemen the right to require people to prove their legal status? [policy]
  9. How can legal immigration be streamlined? [policy]
  10. Who should be allowed to immigrate? Who should not? [value]
  11. How many illegal immigrants live in the U.S.? Who are they and where do they live? [fact]

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  1. Is war inevitable? How does war become integral to society? [definition]
  2. How do people justify war? [value]
  3. What might help establish peace? [policy]
  4. Should the U.S. continue to act as a policeman for other countries? [value]
  5. How should the United States defend itself against terrorism? [policy]
  6. Is drone warfare ethical? [value]
  7. How is cyber warfare becoming more important? [fact]
  8. Is the U.S. engaging in cyber attacks on other countries? [fact]
  9. How did 9/11 change the way Americans feel about themselves as a world power? [definition]
  10. Should military spending in the U.S. increase or decrease? [policy]

Identity, Race, and Culture

  1. How important is race to American identity? [fact]
  2. To what extent does individual identity depend on ethnic affiliation? [definition]
  3. How does immigration from Latin America affect the culture of America? [fact]
  4. Why do Americans think in terms of a person having one race when so many Americans have a mixed racial, cultural, and/or ethnic background? [value]
  5. Is it a good idea for people to adopt children from another ethnic group? [value]
  6. What is culture? [definition]
  7. What is the value of knowing your racial and cultural heritage? [value]
  8. Should schools be required to teach multiculturalism? [policy]
  9. Should churches work harder to be multi-racial? [value]
  10. How can parents help raise their children to be appreciative of other cultures? [policy]

Hay tractor on road: What is the right way to handle big loads on the highway? What about here? Who should have the right of way? Farmers or drivers? [fact]

VirginiaLynne, CC-BY, via HubPages


  1. Is global warming a problem and if so, what can we do about it? [fact]
  2. How can we resolve the economy versus environment debate? [policy]
  3. How can we be sure to provide clean water for everyone? [policy]
  4. What responsibility do Americans have for providing clean water to other nations? [value]
  5. How will the worldwide population increase affect our planet? [fact]
  6. What can be done to stop the poaching of endangered species? [policy]
  7. Is hunting good for the environment? [definition/fact]
  8. How can citizens be responsible for their local environment? [policy]
  9. What can manufacturers do to help clean up the earth? [fact]
  10. What is the importance of clean water? [fact]
  11. What is the relationship between health and pollution? [fact]
  12. How does the current trend of species extinction compare to the past? [fact]
  13. What can Americans do to stop global pollution? [policy]
  14. How can we encourage people to recycle more? [value]
  15. How does global warming increase the dangers of disease in the U.S.? [fact]

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Other Places to Get Ideas for Your Essay

Below is a list of other places you can find inspiration and ideas for your essay.

Use Your Textbook

Sometimes, it can help to look through your textbook to find essays to spark ideas. In my class, we use a book by Nancy Wood called Perspectives on Argument. In the back of this book is a list of suggested issues and articles related to those issues. Usually, these articles are just a start for looking for a topic. You can take an idea from the article you like and then research it to find out what different people think about that issue.

Use YouTube

Still having trouble finding a topic? Try looking up an issue you are interested in on YouTube. You might get some good ideas just browsing around. Sometimes the title of a video can give you a main idea and title. Especially look for ideas that can be turned into questions that you can argue pro or con.

Look at Magazines and Newspapers

Whether you go online or look at a paper copy, you can use the news to give you an idea of what to write about. Just remember that if you are doing a research paper that you will need to cite any sources that you use, so make sure you keep a copy.

Further Help With Writing

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Questions & Answers

Question: Is "Would you consider an animal as human?" a good argument or position essay topic?

Answer: A better question is: How are humans like animals? However, I don't think that is a particularly strong argument essay topic. Here are some better ones on that subject:

1. Are humans unique in the animal world?

2. Does being the top animal give humans the right to do anything to nature?

3. Do animals have rights?

Question: How would I start an essay about depression?

Answer: I always suggest that essays start with a question which can be answered in more than one way. Your particular answer is your claim. Here are some questions on depression:

1. What causes depression?

2. How can a friend help someone who is depressed?

3. Are drugs the best treatment for depression?

4. What can a person facing depression do for self-help?

Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of abortion?

Answer: 1. How can we help women to avoid getting into a situation where they need to make a choice about abortion?

2. Which side really cares the most about women, those who are pro-choice or those who are pro-life?

3. How do we help women who have had an abortion deal with their feelings about that issue?

4. Do laws that make abortions harder to obtain decrease the abortion rate?

Question: Are there any arguments or position essay topics that have to do with agriculture?

Answer: 1. Do farm subsidies from the government help or hurt farmers?

2. What sort of government support can help subsistence farmers or small farms?

3. What is the most efficient way to get the most food grown in developing nations?

4. How can dairy farmers [or pick a different farmer] be better supported by the government?

Question: What would you title an argumentative essay about fake news?

Answer: Here are some questions you could use to write on this topic:

1. Does "Fake News" really exist?

2. How does the idea that news can be fake influence the way we hear or read news reports?

3. What can we do about "Fake News?"

Question: Im writing a definition argument on feminism. Could you give me some tips or guidelines?

Answer: A definition paper is one kind of argument that is often called an Explaining or Concept essay. I have full instructions on how to write that sort of paper here: //

Question: What would be a good topic on coral reefs for an argumentative essay?

Answer: Here are some topics you could write about on coral reefs:

1. What is causing damage to coral reefs?

2. What can be done to protect our coral reefs?

3. What are some of the most important threats to the Great Barrier Reef?

4. What would happen if all of the coral reefs disappeared?

5. Can artificial reefs work to help restore habitat?

6. How has global climate change affected coral reefs?

7. What is the ecological importance of coral reefs?

8. What are coral reefs and why are people concerned about them?

9. How can individuals help preserve coral reefs?

Question: What could be a good argument or position essay topic about gender equality?

Answer: 1. Why don't women get equal pay for equal work?

2. Is gender equality really something we should fight for?

3. How important is gender equality?

4. Why should men care about gender equality?

Question: How about "Should children be given participation awards, even when they fail?" as an argument or position essay?

Answer: That is a good question. You can also do:

1. How important are awards for children's sports competitions?

2. Should children be involved in competitive sports?

3. Do awards for participation help or hurt chlildren?

Question: Where are the position paper samples?

Answer: If you look at the section which has "Sample Student Essays" you will see some links to example essays.

Question: What about depression as an essay topic?

Answer: Depression is a good and current topic for an argument essay. Questions on depression include:

1. Why is depression such a widespread mental illness in developed nations?

2. What are the best non-drug ways for people to deal with depression?

3. How effective are the widely-prescribed anti-depression medications Prozac and Zoloft?

4. How can you best help a family member or friend who is depressed?

5. How to know someone is suffering from depression.

6. What is depression?

7. What causes postpartum depression?

8. Why do more women than men suffer from depression?

9. How do physical disorders like thyroid disease, or chronic pain interact with mental diseases like depression?

10. How can depression in one family member affect the whole family?

11. How does depression affect the workplace?

12. Does transcranial magnetic stimulation really help people with depression?

Question: My argument essay's topic is, "We should support tuition fee increase in private academic tuitions."

How can I make an introduction to that?

Answer: Start with either a description of the problem which necessitates a tuition fee increase, or else a story which describes the controversy about this problem. Another way to do this is to start with all the reasons that the opposition would say you should not have a tuition fee increase. Then you can answer those reasons in the body of your essay.

Question: What do you think of "Is our society too dependent on social media?" as an essay topic?

Answer: I think your topic is a very popular one and you should find a lot of research on it. However, rather than saying "society," I would specify a group of people like teenagers, college students, young adults, Americans, or just "people today." Using "society" is not really correct because "society" can't really be dependent; people are dependent.

Question: What do you think of the topic, "Do immigrants steal jobs in America?" for an argument or position essay?

Answer: I'm not sure "stealing" is quite the right way to frame this question. Here are some alternative ideas:

1. Do illegal immigrants take jobs away from American citizens?

2. Do American citizens lose work and income because of illegal immigration?

Question: What is a good argument or position essay on the topic of 'sex slaves and human trafficking'?

Answer: Unless this is the instructor's question, you probably should reword it because this particular question is rather narrow. For the most part, people would just say "I'm against it and I think it should stop." That doesn't make for much to say in an essay. Better questions would be:

1. How should we solve the problem of sex slaves and human trafficking?

2. How big a problem is human trafficking?

3. What causes human trafficking?

4. What is the definition of human trafficking?

5. What can the average person do to help in the problem of sex slavery and human trafficking?

Question: What do you think of the essay topic "A rapist having parental rights of a child born from his crime?"

Answer: You will need to make sure this is written as a clearly arguable question. Here are some possibilities:

"Should a rapist have parental rights to a child born from the rape?"

"Is there a situation when a rapist deserves to have parental rights to a child born from the crime?"

When I first read your question, I assumed most people would argue that no rapist has any right to demand anything. However, I thought about some instances where a prior relationship between the two people involved which might make this a question that could be argued. One situation is a rape of a wife by her husband, or a rape between a couple living together or two people in a long-term relationship.

Question: I am stuck on an essay that I have to write for Liberty is Freedom [fact claim]. Can you help me get it started?

Answer: Sometimes when you are stuck on starting an essay, it helps to think of the opposite. What does it mean not to have liberty? Or to think of an example of the topic. What examples can you think of for Liberty or Freedom? A good start is a personal or historical story which illustrates the idea. Or a story that illustrates the opposite. You can also use a quote, but that is often less interesting.

Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of fast food?

Answer: 1. What is the best burger restaurant?

2. Which fast food restaurant has the best fries?

3. Is service important in choosing a fast food restaurant?

Question: Could you please help me find an argument or position on minimum wage increase?

Answer: 1. Should there be a national minimum wage increase?

2. Would an increase in the minimum wage really help lower class or entry-level workers?

3. Does government regulation of wages really work to help people?

Question: Is this a workable topic as a follow up to watching a 9-11 commission video?"How has 9-11 affected Americans' faith in their government?"

Answer: Your question seems to fit the situation. Here are a couple of alternatives:

1. How did 9/11 change Americans for the better?

2. Did Americans become more patriotic after 9/11?

Question: Could you please help me come up with a position paper topic that is easy and relevant for high school?

Answer: I've written an article which is all about high school topics. These are called "argument topics" but that is just another way of saying "position paper." See it here: //

Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of cosmetology?

Answer: What is the best type of cosmetology training?

Can a person learn cosmetology effectively online?

Are free-from products creating healthier cosmetology or do they cause harm?

How are customized looks changing the cosmetology industry?

Question: What would be a good topic about women minister on the media for an argumentative essay?

Answer: 1. How are women ministers effective communicators of truth?

2. Should women ministers address only women or a broader audience on the media?

3. What is the benefit to having women ministers in the media?

Question: What do you think of "Should daycare be so expensive?"

Answer: That topic is fine, but you might want to consider one of the following:

1. How can daycare be more affordable?

2. Why is daycare so expensive?

Question: Could you please provide health-related topics for a position paper?

Answer: You can find many health topics on my other lists. One way to find them is to Google "Health essay topics owlcation." One of the articles you will find is :// That has topics on mental health as well as health.

Question: What do you think is a good argument or position essay on the topic "Business Essentials?"

Answer: What Business Essentials do all new graduates need to know?

What are the 5 most important Business Essentials?

What are the Business Essentials?

Question: What do you think of "Should reality T.V. shows have regulations?" as an essay topic?

Answer: That is a good question and you could use a lot of interesting situations from the show to argue your position. The overall topic that this falls under is the idea of censorship. Therefore, you can use articles about censorship and T.V. content in research for this paper. Additionally, you might want to use qualifiers in stating your opinion. That means using statements like:



Whenever...happens, then...

Only in the case of... should...

Question: What do you think of," should healthcare professionals be forced to get the flu shot?"

Answer: That is a simple question which should have a clear and specific answer. However, I'm not sure that many people would disagree with this topic. It is important that your essay topic is something that people have at least two opinions about. Otherwise, there isn't anything to argue.

Question: Could you please help me on my position paper about the effects of media coverage on an election?

Answer: Here are some questions that can help formulate your topic idea:

1. Does media coverage actually affect the outcome of an election?

2. How important is media coverage on an election?

3. What type of media coverage most influences an election?

4. Should we have laws to make media coverage of an election fairer?

5. How can people avoid being influenced by media coverage when deciding their vote?

Question: Could you please help me think of an issue about health for an argument or position essay?

Answer: See these articles for a variety of health and medical topics for essays.

Scroll down the list for the health topics:

Argument ideas: //

Science Essay Topic ideas: //

Question: How can I develop "What could be some possible solutions to nuclear war between the U.S and North Korea?" as an argument or position essay topic?

Answer: Since nuclear war between these two countries seems to have been avoided at present, I think a better topic would be:

1. How can the U.S. be sure that North Korea will keep promises?

2. What needs to be done to make sure that the possibility of nuclear war with Korea never happens?

Question: Could you please help me think of an essay topic related to production design?

Answer: How about these:

1. What is the best way to deal with a design failure?

2. What is the value of a national design policy?

3. How important is creativity to production design?

4. What role does culture play in production design?

5. How can production design help make an impact on global problems?

Question: What do you think about "How can we improve public transportation?" as a topic for a letter to my congresswoman?

Answer: Improving public transportation is a good topic if you have some good ideas to suggest. The best topic for a letter to a government official is one that you have some good ideas about. You might want to research the ideas that other people have had to solve the transportation problem. That will give you facts and evidence to make your paper stronger.

Question: Can you give me some topics about whether textbooks should be replaced by i-pads and online games?

Answer: 1. Can iPads and online games replace textbooks in the classroom?

2. How important are traditional textbooks in the classroom?

3. Should schools replace textbooks and traditional worksheets with iPads and online games?

Question: Could you please help me on my position paper about inflation in the Philippines? I really don't know how to write my topic.

Answer: Here are some topic question ideas. Your answer would be the thesis of your paper. For more help in developing that thesis see: //

1. What is causing the rapid inflation in the Philippines?

2. How can we prevent inflation in the Philippines?

3. What can the average person do to cope with inflation in the Philipines?

4. Why is inflation in the Philippines a problem for politicians?

Question: Should public transportation be free for higher education students?

Answer: That is a good question. Here are some other possibilities:

1. How can public transportation be made free for higher education students?

2. What causes higher education students economic stress?

3. How could we be sure higher education students are able to come to class regularly?

Question: Could you help me come up with an argument topic on the subject of military spending in the US?

Answer: 1. Does military spending in the US encourage or discourage war?

2. Should the US increase military spending?

3. Should the US continue to be the main military spender for NATO and the UN?

4. Does military spending help the US economy?

Question: How could I write an argumentive essay about why women and girls should not define their beauty with makeup and filters?

Answer: You can start with one of these questions:

1. How should women define their beauty?

2. Should women use makeup?

3. What makes a woman beautiful?

Then the answer to the question you choose will be your thesis. To make an answer that outlines your whole essay, include the reasons for why you choose that answer. To do that see my article on writing a thesis question://

Additionally, you can get good information about how to write your essay in my article on Argument Essay Writing: //

Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for the subject of trade war?

Answer: 1. Does a trade war help or hurt the economies of the nations involved?

2. Will the U.S. "win" in the trade war with China?

3. How do economic strategies like a "trade war" affect global stability?

Question: How can I further develop this into an argumentative or position essay topic: "What is wrong in wanting to improve recidivism?"

Answer: Better questions could be:

1. Should we try to decrease recidivism?

2. Why is recidivism harmful?

3. How can we decrease recidivism?

Question: How can I develop an essay topic about being appreciative of other cultures?

Answer: Here are some possible topic questions:

1. Does being taught about other cultures in a school setting help children to be appreciative of other cultures?

2. Is participating in holiday celebrations of other cultures a way to learn to appreciate those cultures better?

3. How important is it to appreciate other cultures?

4. What does it mean to be appreciative of other cultures?

5. Can we solve the problem of divisiveness and racism by helping people understand and appreciate other cultures?

To write your essay, you would need to choose one of the above topics and then write an answer to that question, which would become your thesis. The reasons for the answer would be the body of your essay, and what you thought your reader should think, do, or believe after reading your essay would be the conclusion.

Question: How would "What is the solution to the problem of sexual assault" work as an essay topic?

Answer: This is a very current topic and you might want to narrow this a bit:

What is the best way to fight sexual assault on college campuses?

How can the entertainment industry [or any other industry you want to name] fight sexual assault and harassment?

How can an individual woman best protect herself against sexual assault?

What laws can be changed to better protect people against sexual harassment?

How can parents [or teachers or some other authority] best prevent sexual assault?

Question: What do you think of " What ages should be allowed to watch Disney Movies?"

Answer: I think you might want to narrow it down to certain kinds of Disney movies or ask: "Should parents ever censor Disney movies?" That question would let you talk about different ages, types of film, and reasons for not allowing children to watch all Disney movies, or just certain kinds. For example, my husband was very concerned because our young preschool daughters do not think that all women had to look a certain way to be beautiful, so he worried that some of the Disney princess movies projected an unrealistic image of female beauty. Not everyone would agree with that, but I give you that example as a type of argument which would say that children should not watch some kinds of Disney movies, or to be cautious about Disney.

Question: Could you please help me come up with an argument or position essay topic for organ transplants?

Answer: Check out the health and medicine section of this article: //

Question: How can I elaborate on this essay topic: "The plea bargaining system is flawed. How do we fix it?"

Answer: Your question is clear but you will have to answer the objection to the fact that if we don't have plea bargaining, we will have an even more crowded court calendar and cause a long time for people waiting for trial.

Question: Could you please help me come up with a persuasive essay topic for the subject of water pollution?

Answer: Here are some water pollution topics:

1. What is the best way to clean up a dirty river [or lake]?

2. What is the best method of cleaning the ocean of plastic?

3. Will banning straws really help water pollution?

Question: Could you please give me some position paper topics about politics?

Answer: See my Current Events topics: //

Question: Can you help me come up with a position paper topic on the foster system?

Answer: 1. How can the foster system be made better for children?

2. How can we encourage more people to be willing to take foster children?

3. What kind of training and supervision works best to create healthy foster care families?

Question: Could you help me come up with an argument of position topic for the subject of "the day of the dead?"

Answer: What is the benefit of people celebrating "Day of the Dead?"

Should more cultures celebrate the "Day of the Dead?"

What is the best way to celebrate "Day of the Dead?"

Question: Could you please help me find an argument or position on technology, besides social media, networking and the Internet?

Answer: I have many more articles giving topic questions. Here are a couple you can look at to find a good topic on technology: // and //


eviepugs on October 22, 2019:

great topics. thanks for always posting. i want to be a writer just like you someday.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on October 05, 2019:

Hi Charlalimlim, Start with a story or news article about this topic.

Charlalimlim on October 05, 2019:

Hi! I don't know how to start my position paper about the economy versus environment, can i ask for a little help please?

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on December 05, 2018:


How is the cultural changes we are having right now affecting the relationships in families?

What can we do about the cultural changes that we don't like?

Teresa on December 05, 2018:

Could you please help with a argument essay topic on culture change.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on October 07, 2018:

Hi Zahirah--I have many different articles to help you in your writing. Here is the article which tells you how to write an outline and gives a template: //

Zahirah on October 06, 2018:

Can you give me outline sample for argumentative essay?

Mayra on July 18, 2018:

I have to write a policy claim essay but i dont seem to get my fact, value and policy right. I want it to talk about obesity. But neither of the fact value policy i have propose my professor seems to accept. Please help.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on April 21, 2018:

Alyssa, you probably want to stick to one main idea in your argument essay. Here are some topic ideas:

1. What is the best way to help immigrants assimilate into a country's culture?

2. How important is it for a minority group to become acculturated to the dominant group?

3. How can Sweeden help prevent gang violence and help their refugee population assimilate more effectively?

4. Should European countries work harder to acculturate their refugee residents rather than having them live separately?

5. How effective are churches in America at helping refugees and immigrants acculturate to American life?

Alyssa on April 20, 2018:

I have to write an essay pertaining to culture. It must be an argumentative essay... not sure what to make my these statement? Wanted to speak about different types of cultures like topics including assimilation, acculturation

Alexa Rain from egypt on November 21, 2017:

A lot of inspired topics and issues,

you always help in finding ways by arrange your reader thinking and informative things.

i am big fan of you.

Great Hub!

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on October 24, 2017:

Hi Christina--My articles on how to write can help you! Find them by looking to the side or on my profile page. Or just use Google and type what you need with my name.

Christinaaa on October 24, 2017:

I'm trying to write an argument research paper on social media and mental illness or social media and relationships but I'm having trouble narrowing my topic and creating the key points for my paper.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on September 15, 2017:

Hi Rosie--You have a good topic and an interesting personal connection. I'd suggest that you do a frame story introduction and conclusion. Start with your situation and then stop part-way through and ask the question: should you call CPS? Then do your answer and tell why or why not. Finish with telling the end of your story. See my articles on "How to write an argument paper" and "How to write a position paper" for full instructions.

rosie on September 15, 2017:

Wondering how to write a position essay. Topic should you call Child Protective Services. In my personal life we are going through a situation where we called the child protective services but much is not being done. Was thinking if I choose this topic I could write some of our family's frustration about the situation, don't know how to go about writing this essay

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on August 30, 2017:

Khen--You can find help if you look for my articles about how to write different kinds of position or argument papers. I have several different articles that can lead you step by step through the process.

Khen on August 30, 2017:

Can you please help me in my position paper?

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on July 24, 2017:

Roami, You have an interesting idea. I think one way for you to get some good information to start your paper is to research why local languages are not included in the instruction first. Next, you might want to interview some people to find out their positions and to get some quotes on this topic. Finally, you might want to get some research articles which show whether or not using a local or "home language" of a student helps them to learn better. In the United States, research has shown that students who receive some instruction in their own language at least at first often do better in the long run than a child who is "fully immersed" in English. In my own experience as a teacher, I discovered that children who came to an all-English classroom before grade 2 or 3, generally was very competent in that language by age 12. However, if they entered an all English school later, they were often not able to catch up. However, that only works if the child is in a school where no one else speaks their native language [as is often true in the U.S. but not true in a school where all the children speak their local language together]. You have a wonderful topic and one that is very important for your country to consider. I wish you great success in your paper.

roami on July 23, 2017:

pls, i need u to look into this position topic for me. Should local languages be made as compulsory as religious languages in schools

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on May 26, 2017:

Hi Sam, you might want to try my article about Funny Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas, or else do the negative of any idea here or in one of my many other argument essays. In a "devil's advocate" paper, you want to go against what most people think. Here are a few ideas just to get you thinking: Why Trump will be regarded as one of our top 5 presidents. Why we should leave ISIS alone. Why race is less a problem in America than Europe. Why the leader of North Korea isn't really crazy.

Sam on May 26, 2017:


I have this assignment of playing the role of devil's advocate and I can't think of a good topic!


[ I personally prefer a political related topic].

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on March 17, 2017:

Aidyn-You add a very interesting position topic. I had not thought about schools making rules against fasting but it certainly could hurt a child's performance in school if they were fasting for a longer period than a day or two. That could cause a school to be concerned. Thanks for your comment and idea.

Aidyn Krikorian on March 17, 2017:

I greatly appreciate your website, and I have a suggestion for a topic. "Should we allow fasting or other religious acts in schools?" This topic facsinates me and I do hope you will consider it. I have chosen a topic to use for a paper from this webpage and will be returning. Thank you, Aidyn.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on March 15, 2017:

Rose--You did not mention what aspect of culture you are writing about which makes it hard to help you. However, for example, if you are writing a paper arguing to people that only like modern music that classical music is worth listening to, you could start by talking about what you agree with about modern music and acknowledge why people of your generation might prefer to listen to it. Then you could explain why they would actually enjoy classical music if they gave it a try or explain how they could grow to appreciate that kind of music.

rose lasu on March 15, 2017:

I need help on my regerian Argument eassy on culture. I dont now how to start it, Does anyone knows how.thanks

Preston Heard on January 12, 2017:

These are great topics for the upcoming research essays. I will definitely be using one of them. Thank you for this resource!

Aaron Gibson on January 11, 2017:

Excited for your class this semester!

Matt Hartman on January 10, 2017:

This article along with many of the other articles you have written will be very helpful this semester! I'm looking forward to your class!

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on October 25, 2016:

Look for my articles about how to write argument or position essays for lots of ideas on how to introduce essays and find sources. Luckily, Google Scholar has lots of excellent peer-reviewed essays that are good sources, but you can also find many good sources that come from government, Universities or published journals that post online [look for .gov, .edu or a journal that also appears in print]. One easy way to start your introduction is to tell a story about a student who is generally shy [or maybe bullied] but gets excited [and more included by others] when they are able to share about their own culture during a multiculturalism unit.

jenn on October 24, 2016:

I am doing an Apa essay on "should schools be required to teach multiculturalism" any idea on how I should start my intro and what sources I should use?

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on October 16, 2016:

Bebe--You don't tell me whether your paper is a research paper or not, but I've written many articles on how to write different sorts of essays. You can use the search engine on HubPages to find them, or look at the links that usually appear when you pull up one of my articles. Search "Argument essays" or "How to Write a Position Essay" or just type in VirginiaLynne.

To start a paper on your topic, I think I would use a story in the introduction showing a miscommunication when people don't talk face to face.

bebe on October 15, 2016:

Hey . Can you please help me in my position paper . I dont how to start . My topic is cellphone,texts and emails are not as good as talking face to face . It is from yours sample :] thank you

B-RAD on March 21, 2016:

I think that is video gaming good or bad is a great topic to choose.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on March 13, 2016:

Yes Alsaifl, I think that "What is beauty?" could be a topic. You are right that your answer would be a definition claim.

Jumanah Alsaif on March 13, 2016:

Is the topics What is true beauty? [definition] a good topic for a position paper? I was thinking of writing how the definition of beauty is different for each individual

Brittany Adams 14 on August 25, 2015:

Thank you so much for posting! This helps a lot with my writing!

Tariq Ali Khan on May 29, 2015:

Excellent work buddy! Thank you so much !

Kristen Howe from Northeast Ohio on May 06, 2015:

Great topics for a variety of essays for everyone who needs to be inspired. Voted up for useful!

A Fonté on February 19, 2015:

That Tom Hanks video is hilarious. These ideas are very thought-provoking and inspiring!

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on February 12, 2015:

Cindy A. So glad I was able to give you some good information!

Cindy A. on February 12, 2015:

Unbelievable. You have helped me enormously. Thank you so much

Bluerider on December 15, 2014:

Thank you for these great topics.

VJG from Texas on October 08, 2014:

This would be an interesting article for school students. They always seem to struggle for essay ideas.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on May 27, 2014:

Hi Safa--Here are the main steps:

1. Choose a question you are going to write about. Then think about what your answer to the question is going to be.

2. Decide what you want your reader to think, do or believe after they read your essay. That is your thesis [the answer to your question].

3. Decide who you want to persuade to believe this [that is your reader or audience]. Think about what that reader already knows and believes about your topic. That will help you develop your arguments. The reader should not be someone who already believes what you do. If they do, you aren't really arguing are you?

4. Think of at least 3 reasons why your reader should believe your thesis. Those reasons will be the main body part of your essay.

5. Think of examples or evidence which supports each of those reasons. That is what you will use to support those three reasons.

6. What objections will your reader have? Write those out and also your answers to those objections. This will be a paragraph after your reasons.

7. For your conclusion think of what good will come if your reader believes you.

I've written more in detail about this in my article: //

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on January 04, 2014:

Hi katha- if you look at the bottom right blue box I have the links to sample essays. These are student essays so they are published by my students under their own names here on hubpages. Maybe I should move these up on the page so you can find them more easily.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on November 20, 2013:

Samarah--Yes I think that vaccinating children is a very good topic. You can also narrow that to particular types of vaccinations that are new like the chickenpox vaccine or the HPV. Another possible argument on this topic is whether or not it is true that vaccines are the main reason for better health in people today than in the past.

samarah25 on November 20, 2013:

Is the right to vaccinate children a good topic?

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on November 03, 2013:

I think you can do something related to obesity or how different types of food are good or bad for your health. Or you can talk about GMO foods or organic or locally grown produce.

Virginia Kearney [author] from United States on March 22, 2012:

Xstatic--I love the fact that you do have a position on everything--I like to look at all sides of things and that is great as an instructor teaching positions, because I can play the devils advocate, but sometimes I do need to just nail down my own point of view!

Jim Higgins from Eugene, Oregon on March 22, 2012:

A great "how to" for position papers. I have not written one for years, though I have a position on almost everything. Useful Hub and well done as usual.

Virginia Kearney

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