Calculate the direct cost of labor for a project team member using the following data

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Assignment 5 [Cost] 10 pts.

Individual Assignment [Pinto, Ch.8], Problems 1-7 = 1 pt. each, Problem 8 = 3 pts.

Submit your answers for the problems below to Quizzes > Assignments > Assign5 Cost.

1. Calculate the fully loaded cost of labor for a project team member using the following data:

Hourly rate: $35/hr.

Hours needed: 150

Overhead rate: 55%

A] $5250

B] $8138

C] $5269

D] $2325

2. Calculate the direct cost of labor for the project team using the following data. What is the fully

loaded cost of labor?

Total Fully Loaded Labor Cost =

A] $9818

B] $8870

C] $5480

D] $6052

3. Assume that overhead is charged on a flat-rate basis. Each member of the project is assigned an

overhead charge of $100/week. What would the fully loaded cost of labor be for an employee, given

that she is assigned to the project for 280 hours at $15/hour?

Hint: The hours that the employee works [280 hours] would equate to 7 weeks

A] $2100

B] $3350

C] $4250

D] $4900

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4. What is the total project budget in this time-phased budget?

A] $210,000

B] $193,000

C] $184,500

D] $178,300

5. What is the cumulative project budget as of September 30 in this time-phased budget?

A] $210,000

B] $152,000

C] $137,800

D] $80,000

6. What is the total project budget for design in this time-phased budget?

A] $152,000

B] $106,000

C] $57,000

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SONYA BARTHEL Assignment 5 [Cost] – 10 pts. Individual Assignment [Pinto, Ch.8], Problems 1-7 = 1 pt. each, Problem 8 = 3 pts. Submit your answers for the problems below to Quizzes > Assignments > Assign5 Cost. 1. Calculate the fully loaded cost of labor for a project team member using the following data: Hourly rate: $35/hr. Hours needed: 150 Overhead rate: 55% A] B] C] D] $5250 $8138 $5269 $2325 2. Calculate the direct cost of labor for the project team using the following data. What is the fully loaded cost of labor? Name Sandy Hours Needed 60 Overhead Charge 1.35 Personal Time Rate 1.12 Hourly Rate $18/hr. Fully Loaded Labor Cost $1632.96 Chuck 80 1.75 1.12 $31/hr. $4860.8 Bob 80 1.35 -0- $9/hr. $972.0 Penny 40 1.75 1.12 $30/hr. $2353.0 Total Fully Loaded Labor Cost = $9817.76 A] B] C] D] $9818 $8870 $5480 $6052 3. Assume that overhead is charged on a fl ...
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