Chair a meeting là gì

Từ Điển Anh Việt Oxford, Lạc Việt, Vdict, Laban, La Bàn, Tra Từ Soha - Dịch Trực Tuyến, Online, Từ điển Chuyên Ngành Kinh Tế, Hàng Hải, Tin Học, Ngân Hàng, Cơ Khí, Xây Dựng, Y Học, Y Khoa, Vietnamese Dictionary

a movable seat that has a part for your back to rest against, usually four legs, and sometimes two side parts for your arms

chair noun [C] (PERSON IN CHARGE)

a chairperson


verb [ T ]


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/tʃer, tʃær/

chair verb [T] (BE IN CHARGE)

to be the person in charge of a meeting:

Would you chair tomorrow’s meeting?

(Định nghĩa của chair từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

chair | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại




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a person who is in charge of a meeting:

act as chair John Taylor, who was acting as chair of the meeting, brought it to a close at 4 p.m.

All questions should be addressed to the chair.

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the position of being in charge of a meeting:

take the chair I suggest that Barbara take the chair for this meeting.

[ C ]

a person who is in charge of a committee or organization:

appoint/elect sb (as) chair She was elected chair of the Committee on Energy and Commerce.


a person who is in charge of a company:

serve/act as chair For the past three years he has served as the company's chair, president, and CEO.

appoint/select sb as chair The board of directors recently appointed Ms McCann as the new chair.

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chairman of the board


verb [ I or T ]


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to be in charge of a meeting or a committee:

Stephen will be chairing the meeting in my absence.

A San Francisco assemblyman will chair the legislative hearing in Sacramento on Wednesday.

(Định nghĩa của chair từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của chair


Then the chair leg is no longer visible.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

Even before the episode of the empty chair, most major questions had been decided by consensus.

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The chart consisted of five stimuli repeated eight times, which were line drawings of a tree, a chair, a bird, a pear, and a car.

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It is based on contributions from the presenters, edited by workshop and session chairs.

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Metasemantically, "law" behaves much like simple artifact terms such as "chair" and "hammer," which are not linguistically deferential.

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The subject sat in a chair in front of the robot and monitor, and grasped a handle with his/her right hand.

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Breathing heavily, she sat back in the chair and closed her eyes.

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The scene started as the joker's bell rang, with the four performers standing on chairs turned facing the audience.

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We do not send people to the electric chair for having bad characters.

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The majority of ethics committee chairs were male (70.5%) with an average age of 48 years.

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Now snip off a comparably sized piece from a diffraction image hologram containing the same chair information.

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The majority of early studies were based on questionnaires to key individuals such as chairs and chief executives.

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When shown a chair apparently moving itself (pulled by transparent plastic wire) babies showed surprise and sometimes fear.

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He approached the chair, said he was forced to work, and threatened to complain to the regional headquarters, because no one listened to him.

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Inquiries about chairs and commentators are invited as well.

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chair umpire

The following list shows only those who hold or have held a gold badge as a chair umpire.



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empty chair

Even before the episode of the empty chair, most major questions had been decided by consensus.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus  

folding chair

It is also used to represent a folding chair.



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Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ các nguồn trên web. Tất cả những ý kiến trong các ví dụ không thể hiện ý kiến của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép.