Clutch verb là gì

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Clutch the pearls = giữ chặt viên ngọc -> nghĩa là phản ứng với thái độ khó chịu, ghê tởm tới những thứ từng không phù hợp nhưng bây giờ là điều bình thường.

Ví dụ

One of the things and Rightor and I have talked about is that Bonding is on Netflix. It is not on Pornhub. Is sort of odd [lạ lùng] that we can talk about murder and violence and nobody blinks an eye, but if you say, Oh, but my character had a three-way kiss, all of a sudden, everybody has to clutch the pearls. I love that Bonding is just bringing that conversation to the front. BDSM is fun and, actually, sex is fun.

But since Ben Shapiro needs to placate [xoa dịu] his audience of racist octogenarians [người già từ 80 đến 90 tuổi], he decided to clutch his pearls and read the lyrics out loud. In his little voice. And with pussy replaced by p-word.

He is a very even-keeled person who doesnt clutch his pearls [for reference, he doesnt wear pearls, its a metaphor [phép tu từ]] or faint [ngất xỉu] easily, so I immediately understood something was very wrong. That look is where the memory really starts for me. The look on his face.

Ron isnt as funny or outspoken [thẳng thắn] as his wife, and spends most of his time on Twitter talking politics [hes a staunch anti-Trump supporter]. Occasionally, hell clutch his pearls at things Chrissy posts on social media. According to his daughter, this is how their relationship has always been.

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