Douchebag la gì

1. một thiết bị dùng để rửa, vệ sinh vùng âm đạo của phụ nữ

2. còn gọi là douche, douchebag chỉ một người có cách hành xử ngạo mạn, lố bịch, khiến người khác thấy dễ ghét, khó chịu
VD: Justin Bieber is a total douchebag

douchebag là gì?, douchebag được viết tắt của từ nào và định nghĩa như thế nào?, Ở đây bạn tìm thấy douchebag có 1 định nghĩa, . Bạn cũng có thể thêm một định nghĩa khác của mình

  Xem tất cả chuyên mục D là một từ điển được viết bởi những người như bạn và tôi với chuyên mục D có bài viết và những chuyên mục khác đang chờ định nghĩa.
Bạn có thể đăng ký tài khoản và thêm định nghĩa cá nhân của mình.
Bằng kiến thức của bạn, hoặc tổng hợp trên internet, bạn hãy giúp chúng tôi thêm định nghĩa cho douchebag cũng như các từ khác. Mọi đóng của bạn đều được nhiệt tình ghi nhận. xin chân thành cảm ơn!

Liên Quan 

Aren't you tired of listening to that old racist douchebag?

Người tây ban nha -idiota

Người pháp -crétin

Tiếng đức -idiot

Thụy điển -skitstövel

Na uy -drittsekk

Hà lan -flapdrol

Tiếng ả rập -الأحمق

Tiếng slovenian -kreten

Séc -kretén

Tiếng indonesia -berengsek

Tiếng croatia -kreten

Tiếng phần lan -ääliö

Người ý -coglione

Bồ đào nha -idiota

Đánh bóng -palant

Thổ nhĩ kỳ -pislik

Thái -เส็งเคร็ง

Tiếng rumani -cretin

Người ăn chay trường -задник

Tiếng slovak -debil

Người hungary -köcsög

Người hy lạp -μαλάκας

Tiếng nga -придурок

Người đan mạch -nar

Hàn quốc -더치백

Tiếng do thái -מגעיל

Người serbian -kreten

Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker. Not to be confuzed with douche.


Rob:He kept hitting on my girlfriend at the party, he just wouldnt leave her alone!!
Sam: God, what a douchebag.

douchebag có nghĩa là

An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.


Your boss is a real douchebag!

douchebag có nghĩa là

The term "douchebag" generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation. Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most of his peers dislike him. He has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. He behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others. He often talks about how cool, successful, and popular he is, yet never catches on to the fact that he comes across as a total loser. Nevertheless, he firmly believes that he is the smartest, most desirable, and most charming person in the room... and will try to bad-rep anyone who would threaten to expose this facade. He fancies himself a ladies’ man, yet tends to be a joke to all but the most naive of women. He tries to portray himself as part of the in-crowd [a fashionista, an upwardly mobile professional, the life of the party, etc.] but only succeeds in his own mind. To everyone else, he is an annoying and arrogant phony who comes across as a wannabe overcompensating for his insecurities. He tries to appear like the center of whatever group will tolerate him, but in reality, he is just a tag-along who mooches drinks, women, contacts, social standing, and other benefits from the group... while contributing nothing. A-list ego; D-list status.


A douchebag will often try to make a name for himself on the nightlife scene by attending exclusive parties, fashion events, and grand openings of new clubs, but usually has to kiss up to someone to get the invite. To that end, he will often target people in certain positions and try to befriend them to advance his social status and gain access [e.g. bar owners, party promoters, social network administrators, wealthy socialites, etc]. A douchebag will often bring his SLR to bars to take pictures of good looking girls [with or without their permission], perhaps pretending to be a professional photographer. He will try to be in as many photos as possible [often posing with his arms around total strangers or his friends’ girlfriends] and post them on his personal websites in an effort to convince his online community that he is a bigtime bar-star. He is also likely to boast about his "conquests" [usually exaggerated or fabricated], failing to realize that this only serves to impress fellow douchebags. Who invited this douchebag... and why is he drinking from my bottle?

douchebag có nghĩa là

The term "douchbag" generally refers to a male with any number of characteristics not associated with one particular region or age demographic. Douchebag is a combination of attitude qualities, social ability, and attire.

In terms of geography douchebags can be found nearly anywhere. For instance, douchebags can be seen in New Jersey where fake diamond earrings, frosted spiked hair, Razor phones, half a can of Axe, unbuttoned collared shirts, Fossil watches, overly groomed chinstraps, backwards colored Yankee hats with the sticker still attached and 2002 Mustangs are considered "tight." At the same time douchebags are also plentiful in the Southwest where on any given Wednesday night on frat row in Tempe you can find males who find it "sweet shit" to wear pink collared shirts, while donning the following attire: pukka-shelled necklaces, fake skater shoes, have some variation of an Asian symbol tattoo on their shoulder or back, wear a Hurley hat that sits cockeyed on their head, throw various fake gang signs during pictures and drive their dad's old white 1997 convertible M3 BMW. They also generally find the length of time one drinks while doing a "keg-stand" directly correlates with the amount of pussy one can get.

As mentioned douchebags transcend not only various geographical locations, but age demographics as well. For instance, douchebags are quite often seen just south of Sarasota, FL as evidenced by 45 year old men who still wear Oakley's, shave their chests, wear shirts that read "ride" on the front and "me" on the back, and think its cool to wear white K-Swiss'. They are usually on first name basis with the girls at Hooters, and think white T-shirt contests with 1/2 half-off Margaritas are better than a baseball game with $1 beers. At the same time, we can see young 21 year old douchebags in West L.A. who still think that Dolce Gabana belt buckles, and fo-hawks are "pimp shit."

In terms of behavior douchebags have an over-inflated sense of self worth, lack the social ability to interact with non-douchebags, and have tricked their minds into thinking that they "get mad pussy." The irony is that they very rarely get pussy, but amazingly have the amazing propensity to talk quite often about allegedly getting it.


Example 1:

Person One: Yo--did you see that guy wearing the Abercrombie hat and leather jacket park his crotch rocket right in front of the bar, and rev his engine for 15 seconds?

Person Two: You mean the guy who ordered 25 "Jag-bombs"? Yea, that guy was a fucking douchebag

Real life doucebags: Keven Federline, Nick Lachey, any dude on The Hills, most of New Jersey,

douchebag có nghĩa là

That annoying guy that always talks about how cool he is, how tough he is, and acts like he is better than everyone. He tries to start shit with people and be a complete dick - usually unknowingly since he doesn't catch the fact that he's making a fool out of himself.

Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most people dislike him. He loves to appear in many places, such as parties where he seeks attention by, again, making a fool out of himself. A douchebag is also considered a little bitch.

To cure douchebag-iness, apply fist to face of douchebag every once in a while [usually when he tries to act tough]. After a while it may or may not disappear. If symptoms continue, resort to more violent and dramatic measures.


That douchebag is a fake, somebody should beat him up.

douchebag có nghĩa là

A person almost completely lacking in social awareness, yet thinks they are actually some sort of casanova. Usually has an extremely inflated sense of self worth, which is puzzling to others because in reality they are seen as quite irritating or pathetic. A more extreme version of a "douche" in the sense that they are more in your face about displaying their douchiness.


Wow he thinks those girls are really into him and keeps forcing awkward conversation with them when its obvious to everybody else that they think he's repulsive. He's a total douchebag

douchebag có nghĩa là

["DB"] Someone who goes around acting as if they know everything, when in reality, they don't know anything. A bullshit artist that fakes their way through life by sucking up to anyone who the DB believes can advance them socially or economically. As the DB is extremely annoying to anyone around him, he has no real friends.

Has several catch phrases that get him through life so that he can avoid having to come up with any original thoughts. This includes "really???" as a response to most any comment, as to indicate interest in the subject when in reality, the DB does not understand or care to any degree. Another favorite is "oh, piss", as a response to a mistake made by the DB due to incompetency. Another favorite is "fair enough", as a response to anything the DB does not understand, but does not wish to admit not understanding and thus the delivery of this vague phrase in an effort to confuse the other party and hope the subject is changed.

Typically, they'll have nasty curly hair [with lots of gel added], a big goofy smile, and walk around all pompous-like. Often can be seen wearing bright colored shirts, gay shoes, vests, capri pants, and on certain occasions, a NICE suit. Has long, girlish fingernails with which he taps on tabletops in an annoying fashion.

The DB is quick to dodge blame for failures and inadequacies and make up excuses on the spot. When possible, they will blame coworkers for mistakes, and will push off work on others by citing the fact that they are "very busy" that week.

Extreme cases warrant special preceding titles, including "Captain" or "Chief" douchebag, among others.


CDB: "I think this product was good and fun. The firm's managers were nice guys with NICE suits."

Everyone else: "Uh, no it's terrible and is probably doomed to failure. Anyone recommending it would have to be an idiot."

CDB: "Really?!?!?!"

Everyone else: "Uhhh, yeah really. It's no good"

CDB: "Fair enough."

Everyone else: "Yeah and the questions you asked during the meeting made no sense and made you sound retarded."

CDB: "No worries."

Everyone else: "We're not worried about anything. Except that we all think you're a total douchebag."

CDB: "Interesting."

douchebag có nghĩa là

You know you've found one when you would rather rub Purell in your eyes than speak to him/her.


"My ex called off our engagement after I told him I would not agree to an 'open relationship'. He is such a douchebag."

douchebag có nghĩa là

A person with a really shitty personality and a oversized ego who thinks he's smarter than he actually is and makes a jack-ass of himself in public. They normally assume the form of a pompas [usually rich] over gelled haired pretty boy, with a retardly deep voice. Normally wears pink polo shirts with the collar turned up, pants hanging below his lack of ass, backwards white baseball cap with green lettering, and puka shells. Is often seen watching downloaded simpsons episodes on his video iPod while talking on his razor cell phone in the middle of the hall way at a local highschool.
2] The offspring of assholes and will develop into fully mature assholes when they get a job in a office.


1] all the kids in 90210

Christ what a douchebag

douchebag có nghĩa là

1] A guy who is full of themselves. An egotist. 2]A party crasher or anyoune else who comes along to spoil a mood.

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