Escapehtml phản ứng

It says clearly that by default React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX unless it is explicitly written in code. So what that basically mean is if we try to render user input[this could be response data] it will be escaped[an escape is a fancy word for remove or replace]. But as i understood this will not escape elements such as new lines[new line is technically not a tag which brings us to another topic
vs \n]. But the new line will not take affect unless we specify it with CSS.

// 1: Note - This will NOT create a new line since it is escaped and // tag 

will be just output as a string// response data string could look something like this
// '

First line\nSecond line

'const myString = responseDataString{myString}// output looks something like

First line Second line

// i know it's weird but there will be a space replacing \n but
// that't not what we wanted right?

Nhưng bạn có thể xử lý các loại ký tự dòng mới này bằng cách sử dụng thuộc tính css trên phần tử nhắm mục tiêu

white-space: pre-line;
// pre-wrap also could be used where it will preserve all the
// multiple white spaces where pre-line will remove excess but both
// will break into new lines when a new line is present.

There may be instances where we may need to set HTML strings in React. An example would be your app receives a string in a response where the data is a HTML formatted string and we want to render it according to that structure.[this could be some CMS sending an input of a text area where

, ,

  • etc tags could exist]. In such cases we cannot just render it in react as a string. Technically we could but it will be shown just as a string. If we want to render it as the pure HTML objects we need to use the dangerosulySetInnerHTML prop in react. This hideous name is given because this has an underlying serious issue. We could receive the HTML formatted string that could harm the app.For an example if you receive something like this as the HTML string it will show an alert which is not fun anymore.

    { this.setState[{ journal: }]; }] .catch[error => { console.error[error]; }]; } modules = { toolbar: [ [{ header: [1, 2, false] }], ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike", "blockquote"], [ { list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }, { indent: "-1" }, { indent: "+1" } ], ["link", "image"], ["clean"] ] }; formats = [ "header", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strike", "blockquote", "list", "bullet", "indent", "link", "image" ]; onChange = e => { const state = this.state.journal; state[] =; this.setState[{ journal: state }]; }; handleQuillChange = value => { this.setState[{ content: value }]; }; onSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault[]; const journalId =; const { title, content } = this.state.journal; let config = { headers: { Authorization: "bearer " + Auth.getToken[] } }; let body = { title, content }; axios .put["/api/journals/" + journalId, body, config] .then[result => { swal[{ title: "Success", text: `You have edited the journal ${title}`, icon: "success", button: "OK" }]; this.props.history.push["/journals/" + journalId]; }] .catch[error => { swal[{ title: "Error", text: `${error}`, icon: "error", button: "Try again" }]; }]; }; render[] { return [

    Edit a journal




    ]; } } export default withAuth[withRouter[Edit]];

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