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Travellers monitored each day
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Daily flights monitored
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Booking transactions a day

Global Covid-19 Recovery Monitoring

Chart the travel industrys recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic by monitoring market reactivation by subcontinent, country and region.


ForwardKeys Nexus

View the full 360-degree perspective on key traveller journeys from start to finish, including stop-overs. Understand who is travelling where, when and for how long.


Traveller Statistics

Understand which traveller nationality is departing when and for how long.


The global reference for travel intelligence

ForwardKeys establishes travel trends and provides insight into who is travelling where and when, helping travel-dependendent companies to understand their future business.

With the most comprehensive air travel database in the industry including tickets booked both via travel agencies and directly from airlines we keep our clients informed about travel patterns, demand, the impact of events on travel, the preferences of various travel audiences, and more.

ForwardKeys data is accessible via our online platforms Destination Gateway, Traveller Statistics and Nexus as well as via API connection, which allows users to ingest our data into their own dashboards, or in the form of Licensed Datasets.

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  • Forward meeting là gì
  • Forward meeting là gì
  • Forward meeting là gì
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What sets us apart

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Work in a highly responsive way, quickly adapting to ever-changing traveller behaviour.

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Decide your next step based on past and future travel trends rooted in real historical data.

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Anticipate the impact of travellers on your business based on who will be travelling when and where.

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Benefit from our analysts data-science and analysis skills to obtain the most detailed insights and meet your KPIs.

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Flight Search is the right tool to support and underline the potential Memmingen Airport has. It is very important for regional airports, like Memmingen Airport, to strengthen our full potential with reliable and actual flight figures. Big data is a great way to underline demand, which is exactly what Flight Search delivers to us.

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ForwardKeys has been a game changer for us. We are suddenly able to pitch for routes with small indirect market sizes (Transavia will start RTM-EDI in S20) and will be able to suggest to airline itineraries for the optimum day of the week and optimum time of the day based on actual customer demand. This allowed us to secure an additional Bergen rotation.

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Through provision of robust information on booking patterns and behaviours by specific source-market, ForwardKeys plays a vital role in informing and optimizing our planning for advertising campaigns. Assisting us in enhanced targeting and maximum impact.

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ForwardKeys data is widely used within VisitBritain. It provides us with a timely and valuable picture of Britains inbound tourism performance and prospects, including insights on some of our key markets and regions.

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ForwardKeys has proven to be a reliable partner for us. Their reports and analytics add a level of data granularity that previously was not available within the industry and helps us to better understand the near future. Working with their team is refreshing.

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As one of Europes busiest hubs, it is essential that we understand the precise details of each passenger journey for planning and commercial purposes ForwardKeys provides us with this information.

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Through their insights, ForwardKeys analysts helped us to better understand the profile of our visitors. Giving us the tools to predict their behaviour, and the overall performance of our key long-haul source markets.

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ForwardKeys provides us with fresh, comprehensive and forward-looking data and insights which allows us to make critical business decisions.

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ForwardKeys provides me with the freshest and most detailed air travel insights I have ever seen. I now know when my key performing source markets are booking for future travel, and can plan campaigns around them even before they book accommodation.

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The full market information delivered by ForwardKeys has proven useful to have a fast and reliable statistics of Chinese visitors in Los Angeles and benchmark vs country level information.

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ForwardKeys interface is almost real-time access to data flows on both direct and indirect flight connections. A powerful tool for economic traffic and tourism intelligence. Extensive, sharp and transparent, easy to select the data segment desired. Both over historic and future periods of time.

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ForwardKeys insights are key to understanding the opportunities ahead of us. We can monitor how our villages are performing and give our own customers clues to possible changes in key markets so as to quickly adapt.

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Despite the recent water security challenge we faced, the temporary nature of this event was successfully averted through collaboration and common goodwill between citizens, government, business and tourists. Our refreshed focus on retaining our reputation as a world-class destination meant the need to do things differently and asking the right questions in order to find the right solutions. Data, insights and analytics from ForwardKeys have proven a valuable resource in reshaping our strategies in making up for lost tourism numbers. This study has proved essential in looking at the impact of natural disasters from a different perspective.

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ForwardKeys data complements our reports and communications perfectly, and they offer useful insight into many of our key priority areas.

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As the world global tourism industry works towards recovery, and looks towards markets with opportunities; Forward Keys will be critical to not only providing the data but also analysing the findings and driving destinations towards viable source markets.

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Now more than ever industry stakeholders need the latest up-to-date data and insights in order to build a more resilient, responsible, and sustainable travel and tourism industry. Organisations like ForwardKeys provide an important tool that can assist in restarting travel and tourism.

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Undoubtedly, we faced one of the most challenging periods in our history of tourism in the last year. The data provided by ForwardKeys provided essential insights that helped us navigate and persevere through the pandemic. Backed by real-time data, statistics and science, we were confident in the key decisions we undertook at any moment. We are deeply grateful for the insights, expertise and knowledge offered by ForwardKeys. We look forward to working closely with ForwardKeys in the future to come.

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The capacity to anticipate future arrivals has become key to tackle the effects of this pandemic in the tourism sector. Forwardkeys has provided the Dominican Republic with the proper tools to construct a realistic and efficient action plan. In these rapidly changing times, our marketing and international cooperation strategies rely deeply on the upcoming future.

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UNWTO and ForwardKeys have a strong partnership since March 2020 when monitoring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide became crucial. ForwardKeys provides the UNWTO with regular insights to help the team at UNWTO understand specific trends in the market and key regions as changes unfold. These are included in the UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker.

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Feedback we often hear is how important data has become for travel and tour operators. By merging all the data partners we are fortunate to have access to so that we can support the full travel ecosystem in Valencia, from the ground up, has been rewarding and strategic.


  • Forward meeting là gì

    La recuperación en España continúa como se esperaba, pero el futuro está en el aire.

La recuperación en España continúa como se esperaba, pero el futuro está en el aire.

2021-12-20T15:13:55+01:0020/12/2021|All, DMO|

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  • Forward meeting là gì

    ETRC relaunch their Performance Index

ETRC relaunch their Performance Index

2021-12-16T16:06:02+01:0016/12/2021|All, Company updates, Travel Retail|

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  • Forward meeting là gì

    2021 in Review The Top 8 Travel Trends

2021-12-13T15:32:24+01:0007/12/2021|All, In the News|

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