Frankly speaking là gì

Nói thẳng nè, tui hoàn toàn phản đối ý kiến của anh!! Photo by:
Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

"Speaking quite frankly" = nói thẳng -> ý chỉ một ai đó sẽ đưa ra ý kiến của mình bằng một cách rất bộc trực, thẳng thắn.

Ví dụ
It's been 17 long months since the world of Westeros graced [làm vẻ vang] our screens, and speaking quite frankly, it's been way too long.

Speaking quite frankly, the avid poet says that certain segments [từng phân khúc nhất định] of the Malaysia has fallen into into a yes-man culture over the years, culminating in [đỉnh điểm là] a society lacking in nerve to question things.

The instinctive [do bản năng, theo bản năng] non-confrontational style [phong cách không đối đầu] of Swedish managers means they have to learn to communicate more clearly outside of their home culture. Communication therefore tends to be direct, speaking quite frankly in a straightforward yet diplomatic [khôn khéo] and polite manner [thái độ lịch sự]. Swedes tend to avoid boasting [khoe khoang] or exaggerating [phóng đại]. In turn, if a Swedish person says they are good at something, it usually means they are an expert or at an advanced level.

Speaking quite frankly on the subjectthere is no doubt [không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa] that we are, both you & I equally thoughtlessspendthrift [người ăn tiêu hoang phí, người tiêu tiền như rác] and extravagant [ngông cuồng]. We both know what is goodand we like to have it. . . . It seems just as suicidal [mang tính tự sát] to me when you spend £200 on a ball dress as it does to you when I purchase a new polo pony for £100. And yet I feel that you ought to have the dress & I the polo pony. The pinch of the whole matter is that we are damned poor.

Ngọc Lân

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