gingerer là gì - Nghĩa của từ gingerer

gingerer có nghĩa là

A legendary race believed to have descended from Prometheus himself, the bringer of fire. Some believe that the first Ginger was in fact the flame that Prometheus handed down to the human race that fateful day. Regardless, since that day, all Gingers have had the fire of Prometheus coursing through their veins, scorching their hair bright red, charring their skin into what are commonly mistaken for freckles when the fire strays too close to the surface. While most myths surrounding the mysterious Ginger people are fabricated, some come quite close to the truth. While it is true that Gingers lack what can be considered a truly human soul, what most people don't realize is that all Gingers have been graced with the infinitely more powerful spirit of the gods. It is for this reason that the human race has so discriminated against the Ginger people. Somewhere buried deep in their subconscious is the knowledge that they will never live up to the glory and power of their Ginger counterparts and thus, like everything that threatens the ego of the human race, they beat down and attempt to humiliate them into submission. But there will come a time when all those blessed with the fire of the gods in their veins will rise up and right all wrongs in the world and bring peace and harmony to all.


Guy 1: Dude, check out that ginger!
Guy 2: Whoa, don't you know what its capable of? We should get the hell out of here. Or better yet, bow down at its feet and thank it for its mercy and grace for letting us live.

gingerer có nghĩa là

A fantastic breed of humans. Gingers typically have lovely luscious red locks. They are often made fun of by non-gingers, but everyone knows that it's because they're just jealous of our gingerosity.


Brunette: "You have no soul!"
Ginger: "You're an envious poopyhead."

gingerer có nghĩa là

A form of discrimination that is considered racism by some. This form of racism is still acceptable by societies standards and is just as wrong as discrimination against Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Middle easterners. Unfortunatley not much is done to stop this. Red headed children are harrassed at school and even the work place is hostile for red heads. If anybody has a problem with red hair you can come to my house and we will settle it in my front yard.


Racist bully-Hey carrot top! you running from the sun?
Red haired individual-thats gingerism you fucking racist cunt.
*red haired individual proceeds to kick the the shit out of the racist bully cunt*

gingerer có nghĩa là

1] One who has coloured hair ranging in shades from Red to Strawberry blonde.Usually pale with freckles,less susceptible to electrical pain,more susceptible to sunlight. Although these r not a wholly 'ginger' traits & may not apply. Loved, mocked & feared by those of different hair colours. Prejudice towards redheads is formally known as Gingerism& fear of them is Gingerphobia. Usually associated with such insults as carrot top, ginger nut, Duracell and gingivitis - entirely unrelated, its gum disease. Famous people e.g queen Elizabeth, Boadicea, celebrities -Nicole Kidman, Gerri Halliwell, Catherine Tate, Mich Hucknall- associated with this hair colour - on the increase this year as it has been hallmarked as the 'new blonde'. Between 1& 2% of people in the UK have red hair Red hair has more pheomelanin than other hair colours, but less of the dark pigment eumelanin thus causing the colouring Redhead day is the name of a Dutch festival that takes place each first weekend of September in the city of Breda, the Netherlands. It is said that Gingers have a higher sex drive, are better in bed, are generally more mischievous and known as 'kinky' 2] A type of spice used for cooking and also consumed whole as a delicacy or medicine 3] Earliest known ancient Egyptian mummified body dating back to pre 3000 bc 4] Various bands artists and groups


1] That person has ginger hair Its a ginger... Don't make them angry, they're ginger... They must be good in bed... have you heard the rumours about fiery red head's? 2] Shall we add some flavour? How, about some ginger...? Would you like a gingerbread man? 3]Its a mummy :O 4] Wikipedia!!

gingerer có nghĩa là

d; Descriptive word. Gingerism is a derogatory word used to describe someone who has ginger hair. If you call someone a ginger to slag them off for their hair colour, you are guilty of Gingerism.
Be kind to gingers.


Tam stopped Jo in the high street to point out a red head & said "look at that ginger guy, gingers have no soul." Tam was guilty of Gingerism. Tam is a gingerphobe, hes guilty of gingerism.

gingerer có nghĩa là

The aftereffects of a sex act involving at least one female participant on her period. The act begins with the woman's partner lowering their head until the top of their head is in close proximity to the vulva [the women is generally standing]. The woman proceeds to hump/ride their partners head to climax, in the process of which their bloody secretions end up in their partner's hair. This turns their partner's hair red, making them a de facto ginger.


"Did you dye your hair?" "Nah, my girlfriend gingered me last night and I forgot to take a shower."

gingerer có nghĩa là

Individuals that have red hair, very pale skin, and noticeable freckle and secretly run the world. The only gingers who do not have souls are the ones who are secretly Tom Riddle. They are like any other person; some are the type of people you want to settle down with and some may be type you despise. Either way, most gingers are pretty cool people.


If you have a ginger in your life, be grateful. Some people don't understand how flipping awesome gingers are.

gingerer có nghĩa là

It’s just like racism but instead of it being blacks it being Gingers


Damn that was real gingerism

gingerer có nghĩa là

The Ginger planet of mars [previously colonised by Matt Damon] gave birth to the greatest being of all time: Your mum.
Who later partnered up with Michael Jackson and hehe’d to the moon. It was here where they met with the mighty Vector who influenced them to chemically create a baby based off of their home planet - Ginger Mars. They quickly had the urge to do this on earth and infiltrate the society by over throwing the generic haired people. With the help of the infamous Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, they were able to chemically and biologically form the first ever ginger. Thus blessing the earth with Ed Sheeran - the nations designated ginger


Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth: meet my ginger accomplice Ed: My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space

gingerer có nghĩa là

Someone who finds ginger men attractive. They want to ravage them until they die.


Sheesh, that girl is a gingerer

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