Hada labo gokujyun lotion review malaysia năm 2024

So this toner is basically more hydrating than the hydrating toner, that is why the name is premium kot haha. Although dia cakap 'lotion', it is not a lotion yang macam moisturizer tu. Japanese products memang panggil toner as "lotion" so this is toner tau.

What it claims?

1. High water retention capability to immense skin with intense moisture 2. Essence-like texture 3. Extra moisturizing lotion that keeps skin continuously hydrated

Packaging and design

It comes in a 170 ml transparent squeezable bottle which is easy to dispense the product. Senang nak guna, tak selekeh and tak tumpah kalau bawa travel. Really convenient.

Texture and finishing

Colourless, quite thick but it is not sticky. Absorbs quite quick and skin becomes soft and supple. Not greasy at all.


No noticeable scent since it's fragrance free


My experience

I bought this during the Guardian sale for 40% off. Normal price is around RM69.90, I got it for only RM40++. So tips dia, survey dulu and beli masa sale sebab dapat jimat banyak. Normal price is quite expensive. Tapi biasanya Guardian/Watsons memang selalu ada je sale 20-30%.

I've tried the hydrating lotion before and I suka. And then I dapat sample size of this premium lotion, I lagi sukaa. Beza premium lotion dengan hydrating lotion tu, yang premium ni lagi thick, macam essence. Hydrating lotion tu watery sikit macam air. So depends lah whats your preference.

I like this premium lotion more sebab texture dia lagi thick and it really hydrating. Normally I pakai toner biasa, then pakai yang ni pulak for double hydration gituu. Lepastu pakai any serum yang I rasa perlu, depends on my skin condition and lock it with my moisturizer. Perfect enough for my dry dehydrated skin.

I use this pagi petang siang malam. Ha gituuu. For hydration, this is so good!

Pros: No alcohol, no fragrance, really hydrating, absorbs beautifully

Cons: None... Okay la, it contains paraben so if you're allergic with paraben, this is not for you

Recommended for?

Everyone! Especially dry and dehydrated skin.

Who will not love this?

Orang yang allergic with any ingredients

Will I repurchase?


That's all, thanks for reading!

[Disclaimer: This is not a paid/sponsored review. I bought this with my own money. Every skin is different. What works for me, might not work for you. This is just my personal experience]

Quick refresher: hyaluronic acid is a humectant, an ingredient added to skincare products in order to bind water and deliver it to the skin. It hydrates. Hyaluronic acid is also one of the Natural Moisturizing Factors [NMFs] that occur in our skin and that, of freaking course, diminish with age.

Well hydrated skin looks plumper and firmer, with shallower wrinkles and fewer fine lines, than dehydrated skin. Hydration also gives skin a special radiance due to the refraction of light from the water in the skin. When people talk about “dewy skin,” especially in the context of the K-beauty glow, the ideal is hydrated skin with that inner radiance. Not the oil slick of highlighter on the surface of skin that tends to represent dewiness in the makeup world. Hydrating products like Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion aim to fill skin with the hydration it needs for true dewy radiance.


Purpose: Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion is a lightweight hydrating product.

Best suited for: All skin types, but especially dehydrated and/or aging skin.

Do not use if: You are sensitive to hyaluronic acid in any form or have problems with anything else in the ingredients list.

When and how to use: Use after cleansing and before any serum/ampoule/moisturizer steps in your skincare routine. Dispense product onto hands and spread over skin. Pat in if desired or let dry down a little, then continue with the rest of your routine.

Bonus uses: Since it’s unfragranced and doesn’t really taste like anything, Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion [and the OG Moist Lotion] makes a great lip treatment! Exfoliate lips, then dab a drop on and seal in with lip balm. This helps keep my lips soft and happy on dry days! Hada Labo Gokujyun lotions are also great carriers for other skincare products like facial oils [check out Beauty and the Cat’s tips], propolis ampoules, and pretty much any serum, letting you use less of the more concentrated [or more expensive] stuff without sacrificing your glow.

Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion ingredients [translated by Reddit user imnikky]: Water, butylene glycol, glycerin, PPG-10 methyl glucose ether, hydroxyethyl urea, sodium acetylated hyaluronate [super hyaluronic acid], sodium hyaluronate, hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid [nano hyaluronic acid], hydroxypropyltrimonium hyaluronate [skin absorbent type hyaluronic acid], sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer [3D hyaluronic acid], aphanothece sacrum polysaccharide [sacrum], hydrogenated starch hydrolysate, glycosyl trehalose, diglycerin, sorbitol, pentylene glycol, triethyl citrate, carbomer, polyquaternium-51, PEG-32, PEG-75, ammonium acrylates crosspolymer, disodium EDTA, potassium hydroxide, diethoxyethyl succinate, disodium succinate, succinic acid, phenoxyethanol, methylparaben

CosDNA analysis

I couldn’t get a good picture of the ingredients for translation until I cut them off of the label. So here they are.

Notable ingredients: In CosDNA terms, the Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion has an exceptionally clean ingredients list. Butylene glycol scores a 1 as a potential acne trigger, but that ingredient is in nearly everything and not something most people need to worry about. Same goes for carbomer, which scores a 1 as a potential irritant. Nothing else in the ingredients raises any CosDNA eyebrows. Which is not to say that you shouldn’t patch test and pay attention to your skin’s response to this product, but it does allow us to turn our attention to the star ingredients of the product: those FIVE DIFFERENT MOLECULAR WEIGHTS OF HYALURONIC ACID OMGGGGG!!!!

Having a variety of molecular weights of hyaluronic acid is beneficial because different molecular weights of HA can penetrate to different depths of skin. Theoretically, this should enable the product to plump up skin more thoroughly and from deeper within than competing products with less HA or fewer variants of it. The lower the molecular weight, the deeper it can absorb and therefore the deeper it can carry water into your skin.

With that said, there are disadvantages to lower molecular weights of HA. The biggie is that the lower the molecular weight, the shorter the amount of time the HA will remain in skin. There are also some concerns around lower molecular weight HAs being potential inflammation triggers for some people. This might explain why some people cannot handle hyaluronic acid in skincare products.

For some context, the classic contains three different molecular weights of HA: hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid [nano hyaluronic acid], sodium acetylated hyaluronate [super hyaluronic acid], and sodium hyaluronate. What’s new in the Premium Lotion are the “skin absorbent type hyaluronic acid” hydroxypropyltrimonium hyaluronate and the “3D hyaluronic acid” sodium hyaluronate crosspolymer. Yay. All of these molecular weights of hyaluronic acid hold extra water against your skin or within the extracellular matrix within your skin, allowing your skin to absorb it from there.

[Many thanks to Chel, the blogger behind Holy Snails and part of the Snailcast‘s Snail Unit, for looking over my explanation to make sure it makes sense and is correct, and then talking to me about HA because I find it so interesting. Hey Chel? Fiddy luhhhh you.]


OG Hada Labo lotion is beloved by both Western AB enthusiasts and actual Asian consumers. The eternally beautiful and perfect Jun Ji Hyun shilled the brand in adorably comical CFs that I can watch over and over because she’s so pretty and sassy and has such amazing skin and I love her very much.

What I’m saying is that many people are familiar with the original lotion, and those people might be in for a slight surprise when it comes to the consistency of the newer, PREMIUM variety. Here’s a visual comparison of the two “lotions” side by side. In both pictures, the original lotion is on the left, the Premium on the right.

Where the classic Hada Labo Gokujyun Lotion is a runny liquid, the Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion is thick. It’s a light gel, hardly runny at all.

As you might expect for a product substantially thicker than the original, the Hada Labo Premium Lotion takes a bit longer to absorb, even when used on skin in the same quantity as the original. Interestingly, the Premium Lotion doesn’t leave quite as sticky a finish as the original. My cheeks don’t stick to my palms when I pat this stuff in the way they did when I [and Jun Ji Hyun] used the original version. It doesn’t particularly matter to me either way, but I did find the difference notable. I’d expected the Premium to be stickier.

The difference in effects is notable too, and that matters.

In my opinion, one of the key differences between Asian skincare products and practices and Western ones is that East Asian skincare heavily emphasizes hydration and humectants. That leads to product categories like these hydrating “lotions,” which don’t have many equivalents on mass-market drugstore shelves in the West. [God, I’ve seen products here that present hyaluronic acid as a prestige active ingredient. Ha.] The classic Hada Labo Gokujyun lotion was one of my first forays into hydrating toner lotion things, and even though it bored me to death after a while, I did understand the appeal. The formulation constraints of typical moisturizers don’t allow for as much pure hydration and plumpage.

Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion takes that plumpage to the next level on my skin, which it suffuses with a good 5% more hydration than the original lotion does, according to a week’s worth of tests using my digital skin analyzer,. The extra hydration shows in the way my skin looks after using it. This stuff has plumping effects almost equivalent to a high-quality sheet mask. My Areas of Decreased Firmness look firmer, my Fine Line Problem Regions look smoother, and my skin gets that dewy glow overall. Locking the hydration in with a moisturizer appropriate to my skin’s needs of the day retains the glow and all that juiciness all day long.

Double-dipping hydration by using this stuff right before an ultra-hydrating sheet mask and then layering a good occlusive moisturizing cream on top is one of my favorite things to do to my face.

In my time with this product so far, I’ve only noticed two real drawbacks. The first is that this product lacks the power to help skin rapidly suck subsequent products in. It works well under a sheet mask, but as a prepping toner used immediately after cleansing, it’s not as effective as the original lotion or my favorite skin-softening, absorption-accelerating Dear by Enprani Moistfull Booskin. As a result, I generally don’t rely on this as a first-step toner. Instead, I use it as a hyaluronic acid serum, as I mentioned earlier in this review.

The second drawback may be more my fault than the product’s. Because of the thicker consistency of it and the fact that it’s less slippy than the original, I find myself using much more product at a time than I did with the OG Gokujyun Lotion. My bottle of Premium is running out much faster.

I’ve only had the Premium lotion for a month. I used the Gokujyun fairly regularly for over six. See the difference?

Conclusion: Despite those little weaknesses, Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion has earned the solid spot in my skincare routine that the original did not. Its superior hydrating abilities really show up on my skin, which makes it particularly useful when I’m short on time and can’t pat in lots of layers. I haven’t been tempted to drop it the way I constantly thought about dropping the original, and I see no reason not to repurchase after I finish this bottle. Good stuff.

Rating: 4/5

Rating scale:

1 – This should be taken off the market, or this failed at its one primary job.

2 – Caused me some problems or doesn’t work very well; would not buy again.

3 – Meh. Neither great nor bad.

4 – Pretty good. Would buy again unless I find something better.

5 – I’ll never be in the market for a replacement unless this one is discontinued.

Where can I buy Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion?

So here’s the thing. Although it was released last fall in Japan, Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion hasn’t yet become as widely available as many other Hada Labo products. In fact, I’ve heard it’s still pretty challenging to find even in some Asian countries! We can only hope that will change soon. I purchased my bottle for $16.79 on Amazon*.

What is Hada Labo gokujyun premium lotion?

The Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion promises to provide “mask-like hydration” using 5 different types of hyaluronic acid and anew ingredient to me called sacran. Derived from algae, sacran has anti-inflammatory effects and improves skin barrier function, therefore improving hydration of the skin.

What is gokujyun premium hyaluronic Milky lotion?

If you're looking to pack in some extra hydration and fight off dryness all while gaining a glowy complexion, Gokujyun Premium Hyaluronic Milky Lotion will become your skin's new BFF. POPSUGAR is a global lifestyle media brand with content encompassing entertainment, style, beauty, wellness, family, lifestyle, and identity.

Is Hada Labo a good brand?

This reputable skincare brand was launched in 2004 and ever since then, they have been known and recognized. Beauty lovers very quickly embraced the brand, and Hada Labo has proven to be a success with its Super Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Lotion becoming the No. 1 Face Lotion in Japan, in which more than 30 million bottles were sold.

Are gokujyun products good for dry skin?

Me and my roommate have very dry skin and she has told me that a lot of Japanese have really dry skin and that’s why the products tend to be really moisturizing. But as long as you tailor it to your skin it will be fine! Also for the gokujyun if you are concerned with overwhelming your skin with moisture they have 2 versions!

Is Hada Labo Gokujyun premium lotion a moisturizer?

Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion instantly hydrates your skin and helps to preserve the optimum moisture balance. This moisturizing Japanese lotion features an ultra -concentrated blend of 7 types of hyaluronic acid to help replenish skin and lock-in moisture.

What are the benefits of Gokujyun?

The key benefits of Hada Labo's Premium Hyaluronic Cream is moisture, moisture and more moisture. It can also help plump out fine lines, thanks to the feature ingredient hyaluronic acid coming in various molecular weights.

Why is Hada Labo so good?

Super Hyaluronic Acid™ is Hada Labo's patented hero ingredient that combines three types of hyaluronic acid molecules with different molecular weights. The larger molecules seal in moisture in the skin's surface for that instant plumping, smoothing effect, while the smaller ones penetrate into the deeper layers.

Is Hada Labo Gokujyun hyaluronic acid lotion a toner?

The cult-favourite Hada Labo Goku-jyun Hyaluronic Acid Lotion is a hydrating toner that instantly plumps skin and helps it better absorb other products in your skincare routine. Featuring four types of Hyaluronic Acids to penetrate deep into the various layers of the skin and prevent moisture loss.

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