hepatitis là gì - Nghĩa của từ hepatitis

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Hepatitis is a term that means inflammation of the liver.

Inflammation is a natural reaction of the body to injury and often causes swelling and tenderness.

Alcohol, chemicals, drugs and viruses can all cause hepatitis.

There are several different viruses that cause hepatitis, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Each of these viruses may produce similar symptoms and they can all infect and inflame the liver. The main difference between the viruses is how they are transmitted, the way they cause liver damage and the effects they have on a person's health.

Hepatitis is described as either an acute or chronic illness. An acute illness will only last a short time and although it may be severe, most people recover from the illness within a few weeks with no lasting effects. A chronic illness is one that lasts a long time, often for the rest of a person's life.

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Hepatitis A is mostly transmitted through contact with contaminated faeces.

Hepatitis B is found in body fluids including blood, saliva, semen, mucus, vaginal fluid and breast milk. It can be easily transmitted through sexual activity, sharing injecting equipment, sharing toothbrushes or razors, unsterilised tattooing and body piercing equipment and from mother to child at birth.

Hepatitis C is transmitted by blood to blood contact only. This means that blood infected with hepatitis C must come into direct contact with the bloodstream of another person.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

a disease of type A, B, C, D, or E. you can get hepatitis if someone pees in your soup or you dont use a condom, actually, you can get hepatitis from spit, so dont kiss anybody without using a dental dam or else you WILL die.

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Hepatitis A is mostly transmitted through contact with contaminated faeces.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Hepatitis B is found in body fluids including blood, saliva, semen, mucus, vaginal fluid and breast milk. It can be easily transmitted through sexual activity, sharing injecting equipment, sharing toothbrushes or razors, unsterilised tattooing and body piercing equipment and from mother to child at birth.

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Hepatitis A is mostly transmitted through contact with contaminated faeces.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Hepatitis B is found in body fluids including blood, saliva, semen, mucus, vaginal fluid and breast milk. It can be easily transmitted through sexual activity, sharing injecting equipment, sharing toothbrushes or razors, unsterilised tattooing and body piercing equipment and from mother to child at birth.

Hepatitis C is transmitted by blood to blood contact only. This means that blood infected with hepatitis C must come into direct contact with the bloodstream of another person.

a disease of type A, B, C, D, or E. you can get hepatitis if someone pees in your soup or you dont use a condom, actually, you can get hepatitis from spit, so dont kiss anybody without using a dental dam or else you WILL die. want to play hepatitis? first person to get all the letters gets to give a blowjob to all the losers. A rare form of hepatitis hosted by the last girl left in the bar. Symptoms can include but are not limited to:
Itching, swelling, sneezing, being called a dousche, suprise, awkardness, stolen wallet, burning sensation, and fear that sombody took a picture. There is no known cure for Hep Q.

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Hepatitis A is mostly transmitted through contact with contaminated faeces.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Hepatitis B is found in body fluids including blood, saliva, semen, mucus, vaginal fluid and breast milk. It can be easily transmitted through sexual activity, sharing injecting equipment, sharing toothbrushes or razors, unsterilised tattooing and body piercing equipment and from mother to child at birth.

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"Aw man, I got hepatitis A-Z, I've got two months to live."

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Hepatitis C is transmitted by blood to blood contact only. This means that blood infected with hepatitis C must come into direct contact with the bloodstream of another person.

Ví dụ

a disease of type A, B, C, D, or E. you can get hepatitis if someone pees in your soup or you dont use a condom, actually, you can get hepatitis from spit, so dont kiss anybody without using a dental dam or else you WILL die. want to play hepatitis? first person to get all the letters gets to give a blowjob to all the losers.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

A rare form of hepatitis hosted by the last girl left in the bar. Symptoms can include but are not limited to:

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Itching, swelling, sneezing, being called a dousche, suprise, awkardness, stolen wallet, burning sensation, and fear that sombody took a picture. There is no known cure for Hep Q.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Dan picked up a nasty case of hepatitis Q last night from that skank, here, look at this picture! Simple Definition: Hep C comes from the Hep C Virus. You get the Hep C Virus from infected blood. Millions have it and most don’t know it. Treatment works half the time for some and barely for everyone else. Blacks and Hispanics are more affected than everyone else. Leaders and studies from these cultures on a ground level are rare so any change is slow in comin’

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Complicated Definition: A disease caused by the Hepatitis C Virus, which specifically attacks functions of the liver, this is a strain of Hepatitis that does not have a cure or vaccine.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

It’s the purest form of love

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Hepatitis C is contracted from infected blood and blood products that are transferred to the bodily fluid of the uninfected victim. Current “blood bridges” such as a razor, toothbrush, nail files, incorrectly or not sterilized piercing or tattoo tool or the draw from a reused ink cartridge, unclean or not sterilized syringe or the draw from a reused vial are also included infection vessels.

hepatitis có nghĩa là

Nora[ AKA Tahoe]

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Approximately 5 million people in the United States are known to carry the virus more than half do not realize they are infected due to the fact 80% of victims show no sign or symptom until liver functions are disrupted.

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