Im not perfect but im limited edition nghĩa là gì

Được biết đến là người sở hữu IQ cao ngất ngưởng và là bộ óc “thiên tài – sexy” của BTS, Rap Monster luôn khiến mọi người phải kinh ngạc và thán phục trước khả năng ứng biến linh hoạt của mình. Chàng leader thường xuyên cho thấy cách nhìn nhận vấn đề sắc sảo cũng như những suy nghĩ sâu sắc về cuộc sống, con người… mà khó có thể tìm thấy ở một người tuổi đời còn khá trẻ như thế này. Dù không ít lần chia sẻ suy nghĩ về nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau nhưng những câu nói sau sẽ thật sự là “chất xúc tác” mạnh mẽ chạm đến trái tim của bạn đấy!

1] Khi anh mang lại một định nghĩa mới về “tuổi trẻ”

“Although youth can be beautiful, it can be short and wander off; like a shadow, it has a reckless danger to it.”

“Mặc dù tuổi trẻ là một điều gì đó rất đẹp đẽ, thế nhưng nó lại quá ngắn ngủi và có thể khiến bạn dễ dàng đi chệch hướng; tựa như màn đêm, nó lướt qua mọi thứ bất chấp hiểm nguy có thể phải đối mặt.”

2] Khi bàn về các mối quan hệ

“You can be unhappy but still feel happy when with others.”

“Có thể bạn không vui nhưng khi ở cùng mọi người bạn sẽ cảm thấy hạnh phúc hơn.”

3] Khi đưa ra lý giải hàm súc về “hạnh phúc”

“They say people live to be happy. If you actually think about what happiness is, it’s nothing much. When you get to eat ramen after feeling really really hungry, that’s happiness.”

“Mọi người hay nói rằng sống là để được hạnh phúc. Nhưng nếu bạn suy nghĩ về ý nghĩa thực sự của “hạnh phúc” thì sẽ thấy điều đó không có gì là nhiều cả. Đôi khi chỉ đơn giản là bạn có được gói mì để ăn những lúc đói thì đó đã là hạnh phúc rồi.”

4] Khi muốn truyền cảm hứng cho ai đó

“Even if you’re not perfect you’re limited edition”.

“Thậm chí khi bạn không hoàn hảo thì bạn vẫn là một “phiên bản có giới hạn”. [Có thể hiểu là: Dù bạn không hoàn hảo nhưng bạn vẫn là một người khác biệt và đặc biệt theo cách riêng của mình mà khó có thể tim thấy ở bất kì ai khác]."

5] Khi thể hiện triết lý về cuộc sống khiến bạn phải suy nghĩ

“Life is more beautiful knowing that we’ve taken a loan on death. Even light is treasured more when there’s darkness.”

“Cuộc sống sẽ trở nên tốt đẹp hơn nếu biết rằng ai trong chúng ta rồi cũng đều mắc nợ tử thần. Và khi bóng tối bao phủ thì ta sẽ thấy quý trọng ánh sáng biết bao nhiêu.” [Có thể hiểu là: Nếu chúng ta biết được ai rồi cũng sẽ chết tựa như khi bóng tối nuốt chửng mọi thứ thì ta sẽ thấy trân trọng sự sống [“ánh sáng”] hơn rất nhiều].

6] Khi đặt ra câu hỏi về vị trí của bạn trong vũ trụ này

“Too many stars, too many dreams. The reality is that in front of these things, I’m just a speck of dust.”

“Tựa như bầu trời chứa đựng vô vàn những vì tinh tú, mỗi con người đều mang trong mình rất nhiều ước mơ. Nhưng có một sự thật là trước khi suy nghĩ về điều đấy thì chúng ta vẫn chỉ là những hạt cát nhỏ trong “sa mạc” rộng lớn của vũ trụ mà thôi.”

7] Khi Rap Monster mong muốn con người trở nên tốt đẹp hơn

“I hope the tendency to belittle individuality or a person’s unique way of expression will change. I think how people do their hair or what they wear are up to their tastes.”

“Tôi hy vọng xu hướng coi nhẹ tính cách hay sự khác biệt trong việc bày tỏ cảm xúc cá nhân sẽ được thay đổi. Tôi nghĩ rằng kiểu tóc hay gu thời trang mà họ lựa chọn tùy thuộc vào “khẩu vị” của mỗi người.”

8] Khi bày tỏ những suy nghĩ thật sự sâu sắc

“Why is there no opposite word of loneliness? Could it be because people, until they die, have no moments of not being lonely?”

“Tại sao không có nghĩa trái ngược của từ cô độc? Có thể là do cho đến tận lúc chết đi, con người ta không khi nào có lấy những khoảnh khắc chỉ tồn tại một mình trên cõi đời này ?”

I've seen many times "I am not perfect, but I am limited edition" on t-shirts/social network statuses.

Why not "a limited edition"? According to my dictionary "edition" is a countable noun which means that an article is needed.

  • 2

In theory you could use "limited-edition" as an adjective, as in "limited-edition lithograph" etc. The slogan doesn't work very well either well, I'm afraid.

  • 3

"I'm a limited edition". It doesn't make much sense to me either.

  • 4

    "I'm a limited edition". It doesn't make much sense to me either.

I am pretty sure that I can say "I am an extraordinary person", but why can't I say "a limited edition"? ]] I just want to understand why they don't use an article.

  • 5

Greetings all

This obviously reflects the limited intelligence of the person who drafted the motto.

Unusually, he [or she] had the grace to display their limitations in public.


  • 6

    I am pretty sure that I can say "I am an extraordinary person", but why can't I say "a limited edition"? ]] I just want to understand why they don't use an article.

I suspect it's simply to do with how well the letters and characters fit into the available space. It's a bit of a mistake to expect T-Shirt slogans or anything on social networking sites to exhibit correct grammar and syntax.

  • 9

    I suspect it's simply to do with how well the letters and characters fit into the available space.

That's what I thought at first and then decided it could have read, "I'm not perfect, but I'm a limited edition" which would have taken up less space.

  • 10

    "I'm a limited edition". It doesn't make much sense to me either.

I agree. To me this says that you are multiple people. If you want to make this a grammatically correct metaphor you would have to say something like, "I'm from a limited edition."

This still it not a particularly clever metaphor to me because "perfect" and "limited edition" are not two points on a scale. It's an apples-to-oranges comparison.

  • 12

    This still it not a particularly clever metaphor to me because "perfect" and "limited edition" are not two points on a scale. It's an apples-to-oranges comparison.

I think it simply means, 'I'm not perfect but I'm special'.

  • 13

I'd agree with Newt [

2] on the adjectival use of "limited edition."

For what it's worth, I read this as referring to books and book collecting -- this copy isn't in perfect condition, however, it's a limited edition. Maybe one would give such a T-shirt to a bookloving friend.

[But antiquarian booksellers wouldn't say a book was "perfect" -- they'd say "as new."]

  • 15

I have never seen one of these. Strangely when I Googled "I may not be perfect but I'm a limited edition", one of the suggested searches by Google was: "I may not be perfect but I'm a limited edition, meaning Hindi". It seemed strange to me. But I went to that site and found this Hindi to English translation: "i am not perfect but at least i m not fake". A different meaning than I would understand. [Note: I copied the spelling and punctuation.]

For me it means, "Like a limited edition work of art there are imperfections but there are so few like me that I am very valuable."

  • 16

    For me it means, "Like a limited edition work of art there are imperfections but there are so few like me that I am very valuable."

I naturally agree with the last part of the interpretation, "there are not many people like me" meaning, in my own case, "as wonderful as me". "Limited edition" is used of books and art prints. In publishing it means that the number of books published was limited, in other words only a certain number of books was printed in any particular edition. Usually these are highly specialised books which cost a lot to produce and cost a lot to buy. In art. limited prints, the plate from which the print has been made might be destroyed after printing, so there will never ever be more prints made from it.

Every single human is a "limited edition" of 'one': even identical twins are not exactly the same. To compare individuals to 'limited editions' of books or art 'prints' is ridiculous. It's the sort of statement that sounds vaguely amusing but means very little.

My T-shirts would read "I am deeply flawed but uniquely wonderful"

  • 17

    I naturally agree with the last part of the interpretation, "there are not many people like me" meaning, in my own case, "as wonderful as me". "Limited edition" is used of books and art prints. In publishing it means that the number of books published was limited, in other words only a certain number of books was printed in any particular edition. Usually these are highly specialised books which cost a lot to produce and cost a lot to buy. In art. limited prints, the plate from which the print has been made might be destroyed after printing, so there will never ever be more prints made from it.

Every single human is a "limited edition" of 'one': even identical twins are not exactly the same. To compare individuals to 'limited editions' of books or art 'prints' is ridiculous. It's the sort of statement that sounds vaguely amusing but means very little.

My T-shirts would read "I am deeply flawed but uniquely wonderful"

But also "imperfections" are what distinguishes real wood from Formica and real leather from vinyl and so maybe that is what is meant.

My signature on my emails reads:

This email is a hand-crafted natural product. Slight variations in spelling and grammar should not be viewed as flaws or defects, but rather as an integral characteristic of the creative process.

  • 18

    I think it simply means, 'I'm not perfect but I'm special'.

Sure, I agree that's what it means, but I still don't think it's particularly clever.

  • 19

    Sure, I agree that's what it means, but I still don't think it's particularly clever.

I agree, but then most of the slogans you see on Tee shirts are a bit [or a lot] silly.

  • 20

    Sure, I agree that's what it means, but I still don't think it's particularly clever.

The more clever a saying sounds, the more likely it is nonsense. This "sounds" quite clever so it is almost certainly nonsensical.

  • 21

Well, the person already said he/she is not perfect, then why expect perfect grammar/English from him/her?

  • 22

Also, beyond anything else, each person is a limited edition in DNA terms, except in the case of identical twins, and even in that case, those two individuals are not the same person, they stand apart from each other, they are different people

So if you're a book, you may not be the best book in the world, but at least you can say you are the only book of this exact kind.

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