internet troll là gì - Nghĩa của từ internet troll

internet troll có nghĩa là

A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.
The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.


"God, Jeromy won't stop posting about Larry's bad spelling in that conversation." "Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll."

internet troll có nghĩa là

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.


To be a good Internet Troll you must copy and paste this definition all over the internet.

internet troll có nghĩa là

A person who feeds off the anger of others as he enrages them over the internet.


Player 1:Ahh man i can't believe this they must be hackers!
Internet Troll:YOUMADBRO?
Player 1: Crys to himself
Troll: GROWS

internet troll có nghĩa là

A mythological internet being that lives under an internet bridge. Loves to hunt for innocent netizens. Common tactics: antagonizing other netizens by posting racist or offensive comments
Weakness: being outwitted or unable to antagonize others


All internet trolls troll.

internet troll có nghĩa là

Freaking assholes who try to piss you off on places like YouTube vids and such, they're really annoying and will keep you going back and forth for HOURS!


[On Soulja Boy Tell 'Em - Bird Walk via YouTube]

SoggyNapkin: "Fucking Niggers!"
KwlKat: "Coming from someone named SoggyNapkin."
SoggyNapkin: "What does that have to do with anything, Nigger!"

internet troll có nghĩa là

A person who posts remarks or comments onto internet forums or message boards in an attempt to get someone to comment negatively to it and to redirect attention onto himself. Usually, these remarks are controversial, stupid, off-topic, inflaming, illogical, or childish. Sometimes, the comments are enough to enrage the people in the forum to want to respond back with their own negative remarks which starts a flame war and changes the topic and attention of the discussion. Since, internet trolls are attention whores, this is exactly what they want since they probably don't get enough attention in real life and needs someone else to acknowledge their self-worth and existence. Nowadays, they are commonly found infesting internet forums and websites such as the GameFAQS Message Boards, youtube [most notably in the comments section], moviecodec, rpgcodex and many others. It is best to ignore them unless you want flame wars to engulf the forum.


An internet troll is an attention whore who posts stupid comments onto websites in an attempt to get a reaction towards him [usually negative] and in an attempt to get someone else to acknowledge their pathetic, insignificant lives since they don't receive that sort of attention in real life.

internet troll có nghĩa là

Someone who causes dismay to someone on the internet that they don't even know, much less befrended on a site. They are most likely known to put lame or hurtful comments on someone's facebook, YouTube video [mainly videos in which the user is attempting something new like animation or clay mation], or anywhere you can openly post comments. Internet Trolls are known to also have nver contributed to the site they terrorize on and have a lame username. The best way to control the troll is to post a hurtful comment back or just delete, mark as spam, or report the comment.


Example of an Internet Troll #1
Puckerupbabii120: You need to drop dead. You guys look so retarded in this piece of shit you call a video. Example of an Internet Troll #2
JesusSUX101: Do you really think that anyone cares about you? You gay dickhead.

internet troll có nghĩa là

Someone who takes pleasure in causing drama by arguing with people without wanting or accepting anyone's response, also known as a "Justin"


"Man, this Justin guy is such an internet troll."

internet troll có nghĩa là

Internet douchebag that whines and moans about everything you do on comment boards, chat rooms or bulletin boards. Biased and angry because of envious or unreasonable emotions these trolls will degrade you for even speaking or making any statement at all. Chat trolls usually fight in groups because of cowardice and because they are afraid of your intelligence and strength. Trolls usually attack or pounce on users for silly reasons and excuses most notably grammar or punctuation even though they can't spell worth a shit.


You: Hey guys!
Internet Troll: Hey look it's this asshole!
You: Oh. I uh..
Internet Troll: Why don't you jump off a bridge and die, you cry baby go cry.
You: But I...
Internet Troll: Your so stupid why cant you even use the proper grammmar.
You: Ugh.

internet troll có nghĩa là

"a bitch" in the words of Daquan wiltshire


what is a internet troll let see ahhh a bitch

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