iPad Safari autoplay settings

Safari Now Disables Auto-Playing Videos. Heres How to Allow Them for Certain Sites

  • Justin Pot


Youre trying to do some reading when you hear it: a video playing somewhere off-screen. You curse under your breath, scroll down to find the offending media, then try to find back your place in the article.

It doesnt have to be like this, and Safari 11one of the new features in High Sierrathats also available to Sierra and El Capitan userssolves the problem. Safari, which Mac users should be using instead of Chrome anyway, now blocks almost all auto-playing videos with sound by default. You can go a step further and block all auto-playing media on any particular domain.

But what if actually want certain sites to auto-play? Well, by default, YouTube and Facebook do autoplay, so dont worry about those sites. But Vimeo, another prominent video site, does not. To allow auto-playing on other sites, you need to head to that site,then click click Safari > Settings for This Website in the menu bar.


This will bring up a window that allows you to toggle site-specific preferences, including autoplaying videos.

Click the dropdown next to Auto-play and youll have three choices: Allow All Auto-Play, Stop Media with Sound, and Never Auto-Play.

Select the option you want for this particular site, and youre done. Note that you can review all of your configured sites in Safaris preferences, which youll find by clicking Safari > Preferences in the menu bar. Head to the Websites section, then click Auto-Play in the sidebar.

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Justin Pot
Justin Pot has been writing about technology for over a decade, with work appearing in Digital Trends, The Next Web, Lifehacker, MakeUseOf, and the Zapier Blog. He also runs the Hillsboro Signal, a volunteer-driven local news outlet he founded. Read Full Bio »