Is an array the same as a list?

With regard to performance, here are some numbers comparing python lists, arrays and numpy arrays [all with Python 3.7 on a 2017 Macbook Pro]. The end result is that the python list is fastest for these operations.

# Python list with append[] np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="a = []", stmt="a.append[1.0]", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 0.054 +/- 0.025 msec # Python array with append[] np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="import array; a = array.array['f']", stmt="a.append[1.0]", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 0.104 +/- 0.025 msec # Numpy array with append[] np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="import numpy as np; a = np.array[[]]", stmt="np.append[a, [1.0]]", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 5.183 +/- 0.950 msec # Python list using += np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="a = []", stmt="a += [1.0]", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 0.062 +/- 0.021 msec # Python array using += np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="import array; a = array.array['f']", stmt="a += array.array['f', [1.0]] ", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 0.289 +/- 0.043 msec # Python list using extend[] np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="a = []", stmt="a.extend[[1.0]]", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 0.083 +/- 0.020 msec # Python array using extend[] np.mean[timeit.repeat[setup="import array; a = array.array['f']", stmt="a.extend[[1.0]] ", number=1000, repeat=5000]] * 1000 # 0.169 +/- 0.034

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