Maximize Remote Desktop window keyboard shortcut

Keyboard shortcut to minimize Remote Desktop

CTRL + ALT + BREAK will minimize the maximized window to the host PC.

Ctrl + Alt + Home will bring focus to your local machine [at least in Win 8]. Ctrl + Alt + Home then Win will open the windows menu on your local machine.

With virtual machine use, I often have multiple RDP sessions open, and switch by Ctrl + Alt + Home then Win + T then arrow keys to pick the RDP session I want to be in.

This bugged me for the longest time as well.

Initial attempts to solve it with AutoHotkey failed, because the Remote Desktop client installs a keyboard hook and swallows all input.

I finally discovered that the Caps Lock key gets passed through to the local system.

So, this AutoHotkey script will do the trick, making Ctrl+Shift+CapsLock minimize Remote Desktop:

#IfWinActive ahk_class TscShellContainerClass ^+CapsLock:: ; Need a short sleep here for focus to restore properly. Sleep 50 WinMinimize return #IfWinActive

Corrected version that works for me:

#IfWinActive ahk_class TSSHELLWND ^Capslock:: ; Ctrl+Caps Lock [couldn't make Ctrl+Shift+Caps Lock work for some reason ; Need a short sleep here for focus to restore properly. Sleep 50 WinMinimize A ; need A to specify Active window ;MsgBox, Received Remote Desktop minimize hotkey ; uncomment for debugging return #IfWinActive

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