Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

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Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

The Fujifilm X100VI is the sixth iteration of Fujifilm's classically-styled large sensor compact. A 40MP X-Trans sensor, in-body stabilization and 6.2K video are among the updates.

Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

The Nikon Zf is a 24MP full-frame mirrorless camera with classic looks that brings significant improvements to Nikon's mid-price cameras. We just shot a sample reel to get a better feel for its video features and have added our impressions to the review.

Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

This $250 electronic lens adapter is perfect for Nikon Z-mount curious Sony shooters — shhh, we won’t tell anyone.

Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

Sony updates the ZV-1, giving the vlog-centric compact camera a 18-50mm equivalent F1.8-4.0 lens that's now wide enough for less cramped selfie mode videos.

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Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

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Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

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Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

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Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

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Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

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Did just find it in a closet, searching for painting materials. I did totally forget i did have it. Have not seen it for about 25 years.

The lens seems based on a British anastigmatic lens designed by Taylor & Hobson of Leicester (England), which was sold under the name of Cooke. The Cooke was a big success and copied in a high degree it seems."the Domiplan was redesigned to squeeze more light and manufactured in millions as the cheapest kit lens for cheap cameras by unhappy workers in East German factories."

So the reputation of the Domiplan is at best 'questionable' It was sold as the intro level lens for the cheaper Praktica's. For the sake of the East German working class. aka the DDR kinda plastic fantastic. The more expensive had a Pentacon 55 f/1.8 or a CZJ 50 mm tessar. On this one the manufacturer did not even take the effort to put his name on. It says only Domiplan 2.8 / 50 automatic lens. So no manufacturer nor country of production was mentioned.

The mechanics. All does work nice and fine. Everything runs smooth as it should be. No funcus, no scratches, all just fine, feels brand new and ok. The apenture ring is very small an positioned at the end of lens. The focus ring is also very small and more or less postioned at the center of the lens. It really looks decent and solid though no metal and the blades, sure look cheap. So a 3.5.

The lens As said it is an anastigmatic lens of 3 elements in 3 groups. For more info about anastigmatic lenses see: and (nice article and blog)

The front lens is nice deep in the lens. So a hood seems not mandatory.The material used to build the lens does to me not to seem metal as we are used to have on old manual lenses. I still have to find out what was used. If some kind of plastic, it sure is much better then what Canon does use on its cheaper lenses. The lens feels solid and reliable.

The rumours:

This will be a whole different challange then the Yash 50 mm f/ 1.7 .

When i read the reviews all, but one, say it is crap or when they are friendly it is not bad considered its price, 6 euro or so (...) f.i: "The Pentaflex was a kind of cheap plasticky Praktica Nova, speeds 30 - 500, and it came with the cheap Domiplan, but it was all I could afford. When I got a Nova I body, I moved the Domiplan to that. The strange thing is, looking back over my negative files from that time, the images are sharper and of better contrast than the lens's reputation suggests. I know this because I'm in the process of scanning my entire film collection, and have been a meticulous note-taker, having exposure and lens details against every frame.

I'm convinced that this is because that particular lens was atypically good, not because the Domiplan was a generally good lens. The quality control must have been poor. If it costs you little more than postage, give it a try. If it's as dreadful as its reputation, you still have a missile you can throw at small yapping dogs.


Prices are often below € 10.

I did say all do say it is crap but one. Yes one guy did test it and does come to the conclusion that it is a good lens, of which the image quality can be compared to CJZ tessars and biotars (...)

" I think same level of Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 50mm f/2.8 or Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 50mm f/2.8. See pictures in gallery this lens is a very good performer and sharp enough for close-up works" See:

All other reviews are rather boring as they have only one conclusion. Crap, crap, crap. f.i only useable above f 11. Yeah right (...) M42 @ 50 mm? mount a Tak or a Yash forget that Domi thing

I did shoot a few fast pics with it and was surprised it really did make images i could look at. So i did decide to mount it few days instead of the Yash and then try to make up my mind as usbiased as possible.

Actual field test shooting with it Are we all to often mislead by names, and common oppions? Is it decent, is it crap, or is it even a keeper?

update1: Well just had my first outside walk with it. Was i unbiased? nope i wasn't I had my verdict ready i did notice. I was expecting a trabant like quality. It brings you where need to go for next to nothing be happy with it and just don't even think of any quality. A lens for the East German masses back then. A Domiplan. A Domestic planned lens in planned society for the working class to shoot their kidds, their day out, their visit to granny and that is all.

Well it sure does that and i am pleasantly surprised. A f 2.8 is for sure not the hot sexy one. It is not fast. The two rings are small, not rubberised and very close to each other. So i did have had a few times while focusing i did also move the apenture ring and the same the other way around. Though when used to it. It focusses very nice and easy. That was the first surprise. It focusses way more easy then my Yash 28 f/2.8 I know it should still it did and that was a surprise. It really focusses easy. Also it is faster then one does think at first hand. As perhaps you know i have all shit on camera out and i use dcraw in very basic settings for raw conversion. So my raw'w tend to be a bit flat and a bit underexposed. This lens conpensates my settings on lighting so indeed the designers did succeed to let it eat light. I had use all the times -EV 3 stops or so. Setting my camera as i am used to do with my Yash. The snow sure did help though for a walk around 50 mm f 2.8 it is a not a biggy though it does 'sucks 'light.

First shot F 11. (let a lens shine innit?)

No PP at all. a straight as pos. Only did rotate a bit and small crop. as raw a jpg can be.

Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024
Note, as said i have all shit my camera off. So it is 'normal' my raw's are flat.

here after a basic 3 clicks PP (as most camera's do)

Meyer optik gorlitz domiplan 50mm f2.8 đánh giá năm 2024

Nothing fancy or special. just 3 click pp on contrast and sharpening. perhaps i did even over do (as shooting with a domi feels like it must be shit. so please overdo. done that noticing i do the same as those other guys. bringing it down as it name is bad while it is not to bad after all.

So my verdict on F11 with a lot of light. The lens is ok and can be used for sure. It sure needs some PP though, much less then i did expect, and i did tend to overdo. It ain't a hotty. I am not in love. I do not get exited. It still does perform way better then i thought and also (i go under cover now) i feel does better then my tak or fuji. Note i feel. (...) If i have the urge i might take shots on a tripod with the domi and the tak / fuji to have some more or less unbiased compare.

Soon i post images at other f's . Wide open aka f 2.8 f 5.6 f 16 and f 22. Hope to get some 'bokeh' if i look at the blades i fear worst though will see.

Pre thingy on end conclusion aka draft.


Yes for sure if one does start with manual lenses and shoots out doors.

It cost next to noting. Average price about 10 euro..... IQ is ok though it needs PP. It is a lens that makes you see and think about the whole process. while it smiles at you after every shot. That kinda lens it is. A typical M42 1960, very friendly. very forgiving. not hot and spicy. though sure no crap. A DDR slow plastic fantastic. a 60 's lens in the range of a tak imo. a bit less sharp though more easy to handle . A lens to walk with a lens to learn with. A Domiplan. A Domestic outdoor starter lens. easy to handle, and good enough to get you on for a better shot. It sure does shoot.

Not at all if one is lookig for high performer.

It is not. It is slow it is not sexy. This is a British / East German family lens of the 60's

pro's: how it falls in to focus. Really easy for a manual.!!! Exceptional! it is not hot. aka you look turn and you have focus. it is ´sharp' Not like a Zeiss. that is hot like hell. gives you all or nothing. Kinda you have to have been in hell to focus a Zeiss, or at least did win an olympic medal. or it gives you nothing but deletes and hardly keepers. I over do, though: On this one: if you pay attention it will give you a nice shot. and will motivate you to get a better one. The feeling : wow did i do that? Nice i take an another one. If you got that. It will surprise you shot after shot. When looking back i looks way better then you thought i would and it did. Really. that kinda lens it is. it is a 'family' lens and i do think very underestimated. I did love to shoot my walk to mall with it. When i did mount my yash 28 mm on the walk back. i did notice at home, shit. that domi did make me lasy. On the Yash i need to be hot or it will give me back what i did give , Nothing. the domi will give me a nice shot. though never will get me off.

It is a family lens . with the cons and the pro's a good lens is what does suit one at the time of the shot. This one is sure imo overlooked and to consider.