new york rangers là gì - Nghĩa của từ new york rangers

new york rangers có nghĩa là

One of the shittiest NHL teams around. They win 1 cup in how many years? Their fans are dicks and are jealous that the New Jersey Devils have won 3 Cups in 10 years.


The New York Rangers Suck.

new york rangers có nghĩa là

The worst Fucking hockey team in the NHL. They think they are the best their not. The win cups every 80 yrs. Their fans suck and are fags. And the whole Organztion and fans are a joke


hockey dude1: rember when the devils swept the new york rangers in 2006
hockey dude2: yeah lol they suck the make new york look bad

new york rangers có nghĩa là

Probably the worst team in New York and will be for a long time. People that are ranger fans are usually stupid fucks with no class and are often guidos. Yea sure they beat the islanders 6 times but hey look who had the better record and made the playoffs, besides thats the past and thats what ranger fans in the past.


Bill: rangers won the cup in 94 ! the islanders won it like 23 years ago.
Tim: yea so what that will be the last one they will win for a while i dont live in the past.

new york rangers có nghĩa là

One of the most decent hockey teams in the country.


the new york rangers is a very good hockey team at some points. they play in madison square garden.

new york rangers có nghĩa là

really "the shittiest" hockey team in new york. they have a good goaltender, and two new players (gaborik, and yokinen). both 1 year players!!!!!!!!!!!.... their fans usually think their hott shit. but really they are all talk. and they all know well kick their ass. the islanders will rape them when they recover their players from injury. islanders fans get more ass
ranger fans are usually of jewish religion.


Hey look at that New York Rangers fan over their. look at his curls girl: Yeah, hes probably jewish. boy: ***punches him in face***

new york rangers có nghĩa là

A BOSS team that although lost to the devils, are still great. king henrik and captain cally and richards and gaborik lead the way. they haven't lost to the shit flyers since 2011 and can and will beat the caps and islanders any day.


Yo the New York Rangers are boss.

new york rangers có nghĩa là

The shittiest team in the NHL. Have won just 1 stanley cup in the last 79 years. had a 54 year cup drought, and only have 4 stanley cups in 90 years. Their fans think they will win the cup every year but they always fuck it up.


Dumbass ranger fan: THIS IS THE YEAR!!!! WE'RE WINNING THE CUP!
Anyone with a brain: lol the new york rangers suck dumbass.

new york rangers có nghĩa là

One of the "Original-Six" NHL teams, founded by boxing promoter Tex Rickard. In fact, their name, "Rangers," comes from a pun on his name, making them Tex's Rangers. Despite limited success in the years after their most recent Stanley Cup win in 1994, Devils and Islanders fans still hate the Rangers because Ranger fans actually give a shit about the team, show up to their games, and frequently make Rangers games on Long Island and in New Jersey sound like they're being played in Manhattan. It is because of this indisputable fact that Islanders and Devils fans have a little brother complex regarding the Rangers, always spouting their mouths about their glory days of the 1980s and 1990s while forgetting that the Rangers have won more playoff series than the two of them combined since the lockout. It seems that Devils and Islanders fans hate the Rangers more than they actually like their own team, even though these feelings are often unrequited by Ranger fans who simply laugh at the idiocy perpetuated by their NHL brethren in Suffolk and Newark. You know you're doing something wrong when you the two of you have seven Stanley Cups since 1980 and the entire town still likes the Rangers.


Devils Fan: Dude, I fucking hate the New York Rangers. I can't believe people actually like that team. We've won three cups in the last 30 years! Islanders Fan: Yeah! We were so good in the 80's and 90's, I wonder why no one likes us! It's gotta be those goddamn Ranger fans ruining everything Rangers Fan: Meet you in the playoffs, guys... oh wait, you'll be golfing by April 10th!

new york rangers có nghĩa là

An idiot.


The New York Ranger fan ran into a pole to see if it would hurt.

new york rangers có nghĩa là

The most embarrassing NHL team. Many of their fans also root for the Yankees, so naturally they have the same elitist attitude, despite having a quarter of their success. Seriously. They've been around for nearly 100 years, and have only won 4 Stanley Cups, and only one of those has come since World War II. They play in the soulless void known as Madison Square Garden, which is filled almost entirely by corporate suits and celebrities, because tickets are too expensive for regular people to afford. Yet, because they play in Manhattan, they are the NHL's darlings, getting an absurd amount of national TV broadcasts, and being gifted the easiest rebuild in NHL history. Their Stanley Cup win in 1994 is constantly replayed as if it's the greatest moment in NHL history, and Mark Messier is treated as if he's on the same level as Gretzky. The only one of New York's "older brother" teams that has been less successful than their local rivals.


The New York Rangers are a disgrace compared to the Devils and Islanders