prep là gì - Nghĩa của từ prep

prep có nghĩa là

Noun [Prep]: Comes from identifiying one who goes to a prepratory or "prep" school [typically on the East Coast], or a school with the intent of preparing its students for college [often Ivy League].
Has come to be an label for those who conform to typical teenage behavior, in areas like clothing, school behavior, and sports participation, because preps usually are more ambitious and/or image-conscious than others.
Popular belief is that preps hate nerds/goths/punks/etc, however, generally, preps pay little attention to other "types," and those who hate preps with the most passion are those who were once preps and have recently gone away from their previous behavior, and often people who are posers intent on protecting their alternative-ness.
Prep has become to be nearly synonymous with conformist, to the point where most preps have been in denial of their typecast, and it is seen as an insult in the eyes of many.
Preppy is the adjective form, Preppily is the adverb.


The prep dreamed of going to a school that wasn't too far from where her quarterback boyfriend got a scholarship.
Bob wouldn't talk to Annie; He thought her interest in MTV and popular culture made her too preppy.
Tiffany started dressing very preppily over the summer, shedding her all-black dress code for the latest styles.

prep có nghĩa là

A common misconception is that a prep is someone who shops at American Eagle, Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister and pariticpates in school sports and activites. A prep is actually one who attends a prepatory school, usually on the east coast, comes from an old rich family and dresses in labels like Ralph Lauren and Lacoste. A prep wears sweater vests, plays tennis, is a country club member and is destined for a top Ivy League school.


Person 1: Did you see that preppy girl?
Person 2: Yeah. I'll bet she's really rich.

prep có nghĩa là

The most importent part of the definition of a "prep" is where they go to school. "Preps" go to College Prepetory schools; hence the word "prep." These schools are always private, and often [but not always] boarding schools. The best sports teams are generally lacrosse and field hockey, but everyone has alot of school spirit. Therefore, people who do not go to Prep schools, but dress in the stereotypical clothing of preps [Polos, kakais, loafers, etc.] are not preps, but rather they are "preppy." Essentially these people want to seem like they have ties to old money, or are rich, or are blue bloods, etc, etc.

Now the real preps are generally smart, privilaged, and [very often] white. Their parents are usually doctors, lawyers, or buisnessmen, and all went to college. All preps will go to college, often Ivy Legue schools, or small liberal arts colleges in New England [Middlebury, Trinity, Colby, Etc.], though some will go to the elite west coast schools. Preps will generally fill their college resumes with multiple AP classes and will have SAT tutors or courses to assue their entry into these small, elite, and expensive private colleges.

In the end, these real "preps" are the new aristocracy of the United States. They live their lives sheltered from the hardships that the average citizen must deal with, going on about their way in refined luxury. Their lives are set up before they are born, most will go on to similarly professional, affluent, and prestigious careers as their parents, and they will soon give birth to the next generation of preps.


The real preps don't simply dress "preppy." They live it.

prep có nghĩa là

[1] A real prep is a person, male or female who is normally a White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant, or WASP. Preps can be any religion, however. A prep is rich because of old money inherited and passed down to other generations. Preps live in Colonial style houses in New England. Preps shop at places like IZOD, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren, Orvis, Lily Pulitzer and other boutiques. Preppy people wear pastels, polo shirts, khakis, sweaters, sun dresses, birkenstocks, TEVAs, Docksiders, belts and ribbons. Materials of choice are wool, cotton, corduroy, silk and occasionally denim.Preps play tennis, golf, squash, raquet ball and field hockey. You will see a prep driving a stereotypical car like a BMW, a flashy Mercedes, a classy Jaguar, a boxy Volvo or any convertible [Volkswagen Beetle convertible] or SUV [Isuzu Trooper]. A true prep is not spoiled and gets all good things in moderation. Preps belong to country clubs [inland] or yacht clubs for those lucky enough to live on the coast or near a large body of water. Preps go to Beer Blasts and can be stuffy. Contrary to popular beliefs, true preps do not make fun of punks, goths or any other group. Preps are not brought up mean, and do not have time to make fun of people.
[2]A person, male or female, who shops at AE, Aeropostale, A&F and other "preppy stores." Acts ditzy to get friends or seem easy. Plays soccer or lacrosse, normally. They have some money. These fake preppy bitches have no problem making fun of people/ making others feel bad and out of place This is not a true "prep" however.


[1] Bif: Well good afternoon, Martha, how are you?
Martha: I am well, thank you for asking, and you?
Bif: I picked my BMW up from the shop and went to the Yacht Club.
Martha: Oh, peachy!
Bif: Indeed.

[2] Kathy: Like oma-gah. I like broke an effin' nail. Son of a bee!
Don: Will you give me some behind the bleachers?
Kathy: Haha, duh!
Don: I'm cool because I pretend to be a prep but end up being a poseur instead.
Kathy: I am soooo dumb.. L O L!

prep có nghĩa là

A person who is from an upper middle class family and typically went to private or PREP school [boarding or day]. They wear clothes from Brooks Brothers, Polo Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, J. Crew, J. Press, and L.L. Bean [to name a few] because they will never go out of style. They dress this way because they have acquired good taste from their parents and peers. Preps do NOT, as many non-preps seem to believe, wear Abercrombie, Hollister, or American Eagle. These people are merely poor[bad] imitators. However, being preppy is a lifestyle not a fashion. There is more to being a prep than just dressing tastefully. Being a prep means that you most likely attended Cotillion once a month as you grew up, spent summers at the cape or somewhere similar, play tennis, like to watch crew, and love horseback riding. Being a prep means that you have a certain way of speaking wether it be locust valley lockjaw or Boston Brahmin. All preps have read The Official Preppy Handbook [1980] and all non-preps who think they know what a prep is should read it.


Biff: "When do you think people will stop refering to average public school kids as preps just because they pop their collars?"

Skip: "I guess the same time they realize that true preps don't shop at Abercrombie and Fitch."

prep có nghĩa là

Typically, this word has become a derogatory name for a guy or a girl who takes pride in the way they approach, and appear, in life. Common misconceptions about "preps" are that we are a bunch of cocky, New England elitist types who have more money than God, himself, and an inherent desire to flaunt it in the form of clothing, cars, housing, education and social standing.

First off: You don't have to be from the north to be a prep. Let me make this very clear. What prep initially implies is that you went to preparatory school, hence the word "prep" [I'll discuss later how it's a cultural identity]. However, a deeper look into the history of the word will expose that its true origins come from the word "preposterous" [i.e. those madras shorts/yellow pants/pink and green combination are preposterous]. There are plenty of good southern preparatory schools, which include Woodberry Forest, Virginia Episcopal get the idea. There are good preparatory schools in every corner of this country, but it's the New England boarding schools that have assisted in establishing this stereotyped location.

Let's get on with true prep culture:

A prep's wardrobe consists of some expensive clothing, but they've had it for the better part of a decade--excluding the two Vineyard Vines polos they got for their birthday and the 50% off sale at Brooks Brothers--indicating the true preppy trait of valuing "classic" over "trendy". We don't buy into the Lacoste trend of now, but we will gladly wear a "handed down from dad" Lacoste polo shirt from the era when it still maintained an association with Izod, which was well before it became the token icon of a sold out, soulless and materialistic world.

And as far as the true prep's garage is concerned, you're more likely to find a boxy Volvo station wagon or sedan [ski rack clutching to the roof for dear life] than you are the Ferrari or Hummer that everybody seems to associate with a prep. You find cars like those in the garages of those obnoxious yuppies who liken themselves to human beings because of the sole reason that they have a body with blood [no matter how cocaine-laced] flowing through it.

Another typical misconception about preps is that we live in gigantic mansions on the 8th fairway of some country club to prove a point. Hell no. People who buy a big house with the sole intention of demonstrating that they have a lot of money are NOT preps. They are assholes or yuppies. The only time a prep will ever move into a big house [and even then, it will never be one that is likened to a McMansion]is if A] they have a large family or B] it was passed down for generations [refer to the "classic" versus "trendy" juxtaposition, because trust me, it applies right here]. When it comes to housing, for a true prep, less is definitely more. A true prep will rent a studio apartment somewhere on the Upper East Side in lieu of purchasing a behemoth piece of architectural vomit on the links, even though both probably wind up costing the same.

This brings me to education. Preps spend money on an education for the sole reason of having the proper tools to become successfully established with relative ease upon graduation. It's not for bragging rights, because anybody who brags about going to Harvard because it's "Haaaarvard" and not "the groundwork for their future success" usually winds up the victim of some form of brutal sodomy. A prep's tendency with regard to education is to go to a top college or university [generally on the east coast, but there's always Stanford and UCLA should a prep choose to make a respectable deviation from the norm]. Private institutions frequented by preps include, but are certainly not limited to: Middlebury, Bowdoin, Duke, Tufts, Davidson, Lehigh, LaFayette, Colby, Bates, and every single Ivy League institution ever established, save Brown...a prep wouldn't be caught dead there]. If for high school, a prep found Choate, Kent or Andover to be too small, they might choose to attend any of the following public universities: UVA, UNC, Michigan, UCLA, etc.

Finally, to put an end to an abhorrent misconception that everybody seems to maintain: NO, true preps do not buy their social status. Maybe we'll hang out at a ritzy bar if a friend is getting married, but normally, we avoid those scenes until we're at least 45 years old and drink scotch. The young people who frequent those places are just plain trying too hard. A true prep knows where to find a classy joint that won't break the bank or the heart. An amazing night on the town for a prep consists of dinner at J.G. Melon [11$] followed by an evening of wasting away on well-bourbon at T.J.'s [25$], which is an incredibly fun and inexpensive joint, considering it's in Manhattan. If that were my night, which it has been before, I would have just spent less in six hours than the pretentious bastard across the street did in the thirty seconds that it took him to order the Escargot.

A true prep is a classy individual. We know where to go, who to know and we seriously believe in class, and the true ones of us refuse to buy into pop culture. We do the right things, whether it's holding the door for a lady, mixing our Gin and Tonic with the right proportions, or double-spacing after every period when we write our essays. Truly, "prep" is not a trend, it is a classic way of life.


The young man who graduated cum laude from middlebury college with dual bachelor's degrees went on to earn his law degree from the University of Virginia and is now working at O'Melveny and Myers, LLP. Note that even though he makes well over $400,000 in a year, his car of choice is a volvo wagon and he lives in a studio apartment in the upper east side. He is a true example of a prep.

prep có nghĩa là

A person who has a lifestyle of understated elegance, generally using good manners and who strives to achieve academic success. A true prep often buys well-made clothing that doesn't go out of fashion quickly, such as Burberry, Lacoste, better quality Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers, J. Crew, and classic high-end clothing from companies such as Prada or Gucci. Preps DO NOT shop at Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle Outfitters, or Hollister. True preps go to college preparatory schools for high school, then to Ivy League schools for college. A prep often strives to stay in good physical shape. Preps do not try to be ostentatious or overly conspicuous in spending habits, but they have such cars as BMWs or Mercedes Benz. It is a stereotype that all preps are sluts and whores, this is not true, and preps are usually not from new money, but from established families around the US especially the Northeastern states such as Massachusetts. There is no one type of music preps listen to. True preps are polite, and try to get along with others. Unlike goths, emos, and other sad social groups, preps try to stay happy and wear bright colors to show it.


Jealous person "Look at that prep, he's such a snob"
Friend "No, he just has class..."

prep có nghĩa là

A prep can take on several forms, but it is most certainly not someone who shops at american eagle, hollister, areo, or abercrombie since 1970. Its a person who comes from a upper class, established family who dresses and lives in a conservative american style. I like to break the prep genre down into three classes:

1] Coastal Sea-farer: A person from an upper class family usually from the New England coast who enjoys boating [sailboats and yachts]. Typically has attended a NE boarding school and private college, this education needed to handle their parents' fortune. Can be seen wearing vineyard vines, polo, lacoste, brooks brothers, and anything associated with sailing. When not on the water drives a Land Rover or Mercades. Lives on the coast but does not associate with beach bums or the surfing types, only with other sea-farer families. Family may be established in business, politics, or medicine. See the Kennedy family or the Cleary family from "Wedding Crashers"

2. Country Clubber: Person who can be found at the high end country clubs in most major american cities, though I believe they may be stronger in the south. Grow up at the local private school and wear polo, brooks brothers, lacoste, and other country club attire, drives a BMW. Lives in the high society of their community where the deb ball is more important than the prom and appearance is high on the list of priorities. Plays mostly golf and tennis, though they might suck at both.

3. Outdoorsy Prep: Someone who spends a lot of time outdoors engaging in outdoorsy activities. May draw more from the middle class than the other catagories of prep. Wear Patagonia, Mountain Hardwear, Northface, and other high quality outdoor gear, drive chevy tahoes with DU stickers. Will NEVER be confused with tree hugging hippies, with whom they share only a love for chacos sandles. Outdoorsy Preps support groups like Ducks Unlimited, not Green Peace. Big into hiking, camping, skiing, hunting, and fishing. Theodore Roosevelt is the god-father of outdoorsy prepdom.


Teenager: Look at that prep coming out of Abercrombie.

Biff: [bitch slapping teenager] Wrong! Look at that prep coming off his fathers yacht, or coming off the TPC golf course, or hunting moose on his family ranch in Idaho.

prep có nghĩa là

In the past, the word prep was used to define those individuals priviledged enough to attend East Coast prepatory schools. However, more recently, the word prep has evolved to describe any individual who seems like they would be the type to attend a prep school. In most cases, today's preps had relatives who attended prep schools-- their families are legacies at these institutions. Contrary to popular belief, preps do not wear Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, or similar clothing companies. In many cases, shopping at these stores would be seen as a waste of money [and a lack of good judgement]. Instead, many preps choose to sport Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, J. Crew, Burberry, Lilly Pulitzer, and anything from Nordstrom, Saks, and Neiman Marcus. Loafers, boating shoes, designer sunglasses, and designer purses are also important. Casually, preps can be spotted wearing designer tees [Michael Stars/ C & C California], Uggs, Juicy Couture, Hard Tail, North Face, Rainbow, and jeans by True Religion, 7 for All Mankind, Rock & Republic, etc. Pearls are a must, along with jewelry by Tiffany & Company and David Yurman. Many preps enjoy sailing, golfing, playing tennis-- stereotypical prep activites. They are often members of a country club and use their time there to associate with other preps. Families of preps generally know each other. Many prep families will remain friends through the generations as they gather for charity benefits, dinner parties, and other social events. Preps usually will attend prepatory schools and attend the universities of their choice. Most preps will go on to attend the Ivies, Duke, or one of many east coast private liberal arts colleges. Other acceptable colleges include Michigan, UCLA, Stanford, and UNC. In short, the word prep signifies the "classic" classy individual-- the type of person who embodies the word "class."


I think that my roommate might be a prep. Earlier today, she was talking about summering on the Cape.

My parents love my boyfriend Nate. His father and my father were on the lacrosse team together at Exeter, so our families have known each other forever. When Nate and I finally get married, we're going to have the perfect prep family.

prep có nghĩa là

Preps are generally from a WASP family who tend to be from upper middle class to upper class. They attend preparatory schools on the east coast and are very involved in various activities, including: sailing, rowing, tennis, badminton, lacrosse, field hockey, golf, football and rugby.

Their families usually come from a line of prep families, however new money families are sometimes the exception. Prep families are never flamboyant about their wealth and would much rather buy a very classic architecturally stunning home than an unattractive monster home. Their parents tend to drive cars of good quality such as BMW's and Mercedes Benz but not cars such as Hummers which are very conspicuous.

Their parents either have inherited old money or have very respectable jobs, such as: lawyers, real estate developers, business entrepreneurs, doctors and various different investors.

Their upbringing is very important to the prep lifestyle, they are taught to treat people kindly and with respect unlike common the common prep stereotype which is portrayed in movies such as movies Mean Girls and although it is a very big hit amongst young preps it does not at all represent the true prep lifestyle. Their parents want the best education for their children which is why they end up sending them to prestigious private schools and universities. They tend to belong to various country clubs and/or yacht clubs. Prep families vacation quite a bit to places such as Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard or other exclusives places.

Preps have a very defined style and their clothes are usually in the pastel pallet of colors. They wear brands such as Polo Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Lilly Pulitzer, The North Face and Vineyard Vines. A girls wardrobe consists of polos [which are worn with the collar popped up], Lilly skirts, cardigans and oxfords. A guys wardrobe consists of polos [which are worn with the collar popped up as well]seersucker shorts and khakis.

Overall a real prep is not what most people consider one to be [slutty, mean and backstabbing bitches] but more so people that are born into the preppy lifestyle.


Winchester and Richard looked very preppy golfing in their Lacoste and Ralph Lauren polos.

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