tardy là gì - Nghĩa của từ tardy

tardy có nghĩa là

Time And Relative Dimentions In Space.
A time/space machine concieved by the Time Lords. It has infinate rooms inside, including several console rooms, from which the ship can be piloted. Doctor Who stole a mark 40 TARDIS and used it to solve intergalactic wrong-doings.


The TARDIS dematerialised infront of their eyes.

tardy có nghĩa là

Doctor Who travels in a time machine called the TARDIS--- Time And Relative Dimension [Dimensions] In Space.

With the TARDIS The Doctor can travel to any point in time and space.

The inside of the TARDIS is larger then the outside.

The TARDIS used to have the ability to disguise itself according to its environment around it, but in 1963 when it landed in London it became “stuck” in the form of a police box. The Doctor has given up trying to fix it, because he has grown fond of the police box shape.

Also the vessel’s navigation system is old and unreliable, which is why The Doctor explores the universe at random.


"What is it?"

"Its the TARDIS, it's my ship"

tardy có nghĩa là

The TARDIS apart from having the luxury of time travel has an added feature of having an interior of infinate size contained inside a very limited physical space, this is due to the dimentional rift on the boundarys of the TARDIS front doors.
When you enter a TARDIS you are steping out of your reality and into another through the dimentional tear in space.


One disadvanage is, although it has so much space inside theres not much you can fit throught the doors... unless everything is flat-packed [see IKEA]

tardy có nghĩa là

A timey-wimey blue box that's bigger on the inside. Main mode of transportation for the Doctor


"Welcome to the TARDIS, and yes I know, it's bigger on the inside."

tardy có nghĩa là

Reffering to an action or object;
1] To express retardedness.
2] To express lateness.

See tardiness


1] "You can never do anything right! You're just too tardy!"
2] "Explain why you are so tardy today!"

tardy có nghĩa là

A TARDIS is a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords, an extraterrestrial civilisation to which the programme's central character, the Doctor, belongs. A properly maintained and piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and any place in the universe. The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior ["It's bigger on the inside"], which can blend in with its surroundings using the ship's "chameleon circuit". TARDISes also possess a degree of sentience [which has been expressed in a variety of ways ranging from implied machine personality and free will through to the use of a conversant avatar] and provide their users with additional tools and abilities including a telepathically based universal translation system.


Lets go to the TARDIS. The TARDIS, Its bigger on the inside.

tardy có nghĩa là

1. When you arrive to a destination after the time you're supposed to be there. 2. When you act stupid, borderline retarded


1. James was late to class, so he was tardy. 2. James was on time to class, but it was a Sunday and he didn't have school, so he was tardy.

tardy có nghĩa là

The TARDIS[/ˈtɑrdɪs/; Time And Relative Dimension In Space] is a time machine and spacecraft in the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who and its associated spin-offs The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood and more. A TARDIS is a product of the advanced technology of the Time Lords, an extraterrestrial civilisation to which the programme's central character, the Doctor, belongs. A properly maintained and piloted TARDIS can transport its occupants to any point in time and space. The interior of a TARDIS is much larger than its exterior. It can blend in with its surroundings using the ship's "chameleon circuit". TARDISes also possess a degree of sapience [which has been expressed in a variety of ways ranging from implied machine personality and free will through to the use of a conversant avatar] and provide their users with additional tools and abilities including a telepathically based universal translation system. In the series, the Doctor pilots an apparently unreliable, obsolete Type 40, Mark 1 TARDIS. Its chameleon circuit is broken, leaving it stuck in the shape of a 1960s-style London police box after a visit to London in 1963. The Doctor's TARDIS was for most of the series' history said to have been stolen from the Time Lords' home planet, Gallifrey, where it was old, decommissioned and derelict.


River Song: Use the stabilisers! The Doctor: It doesn't have stabilisers! River Song: The blue switches! The Doctor: The blue ones don't do anything, they're just... blue! River Song: Yes they're blue: they're the blue stabilisers! presses the button and the TARDIS indeed stabilises See? The Doctor: Yeah? Well, it's boring now, isn't it? They're boring-ers! They're blue... boring-ers! River Song: Okay, I've mapped the probability vectors, done a foldback on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination and... presses a button, the cloister bell clangs parked us right alongside. The Doctor: Parked us? But we haven't landed! River Song: Of course we've landed; I just landed her. The Doctor: But it didn't make the noise. River Song: What noise? The Doctor: You know, the... does an impression of the TARDIS materialisation sound River Song: It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on.
The Doctor: Yes, well, it's a brilliant noise. I love that noise. “He thought for a second, then spun to Clara. 'Did you say something cruel to the TARDIS while I was getting changed?'
'No! Of course not!'
'Did you call her fat?'
'Because she's not fat. She's just bigger on the inside.

tardy có nghĩa là

A word to describe something or someone that is lame. Originates from the word tardy to describe unpunctual but is now a HIGHLY POPULAR alternative to the somewhat overused 'lame'


George was really tardy today

tardy có nghĩa là

A person usually becomes tardy when they are over-tired, have had too much sugar or are possibly drunk.
They say bonehead things and act like complete fools.


"James please stop acting so friggn tardy. Just calm down or I'll have to make you leave."

"I hate spending time with these tardy people!"

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