The primary difference between absorption and variable costing is that variable costing treats

Difference Between Variable and Absorption Costing

Variable cost is the accounting method in which all the variable production costs are only included in product cost. In contrast, Absorption costing is where all the absorbed costs are taken into account. Under this method, all the fixed and variable production costs are deducted, and then fixed and variable selling expenses are deducted.

Variable costing is an accounting method for production expenses where only variable costs are included in the product cost. In contrast, Absorption costingAbsorption costing is one of approach which is used for the purpose of valuation of inventory or calculation of the cost of the product in the company where all the expenses incurred by the company are taken into the consideration i.e., it includes all the direct and indirect expenses incurred by the company during the specific more includes all costs associated with a production process assigned to the units produced.

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  • Variable costing consists of direct material costs, direct labor costs, and variable manufacturing overheadsManufacturing Overhead is the total of all the indirect costs involved in manufacturing a product like Property Tax on the production premise, Remunerations of maintenance personnel, Rent of the manufacturing building, etc. read more, whereas, Absorption costing consists of direct material costs, direct labor costs, variable manufacturing overheads, and fixed manufacturing overheads.
  • Under variable costing, there is no concept of over and under absorption of overheads. Under absorption costing, fixed costs are absorbed on an actual basis, or on the basis of the predetermined ratePredetermined overhead rate is the distribution of expected manufacturing cost to the presumed units of machine-hours, direct labour hours, direct material, etc., for acquiring the per-unit expense before every accounting more based on normal capacity.

Variable vs Absorption Costing Infographics

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Key Differences

It is important to gauge the key differences between these costing. This will give us additional clarity on the subject matter.

  • The key difference will be clear through an example. Let us assume that an organization makes 1000 units of a product. It incurs Rs.2 for direct material, Rs.1 for direct labor, and Rs.2 for variable factory overheadFactory Overhead, also called Factory Burden, is the total of all the indirect expenses related to the production of goods such as Quality Assurance Salaries, Factory Rent, & Factory Building Insurance etc. read more.  It additionally incurs a fixed factory overhead of Rs.1000. Here, the product cost under variable costing will be Rs.5 [2+1+2]. Under absorption costing, fixed factory overhead of Rs.1000 will also be allocated over 1000 units, increasing to Rs.1 per unit. Thus, the product cost under absorption costing will be Rs.6 [5+1].
  • Now let us see how variable costing helps in making managerial decisions. Suppose the organization gets an order of 50 additional units of a product at Rs.5.50 per unit selling price. No additional cost would be incurred on orders. Should the company accept the order? The company might reject the order based on absorption costing as a loss of Rs.0.50 [5.50-6] per unit is made. But, fixed factory overhead won’t increase for producing additional units. Hence, the decision to reject the order is flawed. The profit would be Rs.0.5 [5.50-5] based on variable costing. Hence, the organization should accept the order based on variable costing, which is the right decision.
  • Variable costing is used to make managerial decisions such as which product to discontinue, determine product mix, make or buy decisionsA Make or Buy Decision is a decision to either manufacture a product/ service in house or buy it from outside suppliers [outsourcing] based on cost-benefit analysis. A planned decision can be made using quantitative or qualitative more, and how to price a product. In addition, variable costing is used for finding a margin of safety, optimal capacity utilization rate, and the degree of operating leverage. Variable costing is used for calculating the break-even point based on the cost-volume-profit analysis. The break-even point is the level where there are no profits/losses. Variable costing helps in determining the contribution margin of a productThe contribution margin is a metric that shows how much a company's net sales contribute to fixed expenses and net profit after covering the variable expenses. As a result, we deduct the total variable expenses from the net sales when computing the more. Absorption costing does not help in making these managerial decisions. But, the pricing policy determined following absorption costing ensures that all costs are covered.
  • Since absorption costing is to be utilized for external reporting, it may be used as the sole method of accountingAccounting methods define the set of rules and procedure that an organization must adhere to while recording the business revenue and expenditure. Cash accounting and accrual accounting are the two significant accounting more. Thus, an organization can completely do away with variable costing. This will help reduce the burden of accounting. But if it does so, it will miss out on certain key insights available from variable costing. Variable costing is not recognized for external reporting as it does not uphold the matching principleThe Matching Principle of Accounting provides accounting guidance, stating that all expenses should be recognized in the income statement of the period in which the revenue related to that expense is earned. This means that, regardless of when the actual transaction is made, the expenses that are entered into the debit side of the accounts should have a corresponding credit entry in the same more about inventory. Undermatching principle, related expenses should be recognized in the same period as related revenue. The supporters of variable costing argue that no fictitious profit can arise due to the fixed cost being absorbed in unsold stock. This leads to a realistic valuation of a stock.
  • In absorption costing, since a considerable amount of overhead costsOverhead cost are those cost that is not related directly on the production activity and are therefore considered as indirect costs that have to be paid even if there is no production. Examples include rent payable, utilities payable, insurance payable, salaries payable to office staff, office supplies, more are allocated to the product, a significant proportion of the product’s cost may not be directly traceable to the product. The management can also push forward costs to the subsequent period when the products are sold. Under absorption costing, managers can improve their profit performance by building up inventory. This does not reveal an accurate picture. One of the limitations of variable costing is that it becomes very difficult and cumbersome to apply in cases where there are large stocks of work-in-progress inventory.

Variable vs Absorption Costing Comparative Table

BasisVariable CostingAbsorption Costing
Costs Variable costing includes only variable costs directly incurred in production. Absorption costing includes both variable costs and fixed costsFixed Cost refers to the cost or expense that is not affected by any decrease or increase in the number of units produced or sold over a short-term horizon. It is the type of cost which is not dependent on the business more related to production.
Alternative Names Variable costing is also known as marginal costing or direct costing. Absorption costing is also known as full costing.
Internal / External Use Variable costing is generally used for internal reporting purposes. Managerial decisions are taken on the basis of variable costing. Absorption costing is used for reporting to the external stakeholders as well as for the purpose of filing taxes. It is in line with GAAPGAAP [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] are standardized guidelines for accounting and financial more [Generally Accepted Accounting Principles] and IFRS [International Financial Reporting Standards].
Relevance Variable costing is used for comparing the profitability of different product linesProduct Line refers to the collection of related products that are marketed under a single brand, which may be the flagship brand for the concerned company. Typically, companies extend their product offerings by adding new variants to the existing products with the expectation that the existing consumers will buy products from the brands that they are already more. The organization can carry out an analysis based on costs, volumes, and profits. Absorption costing is used for calculating per unit cost based on all costs including fixed overhead costs.
Reporting Variable costing is based on internal specifications of reporting and presentation. Absorption costing is based on external reporting standards given by external agencies.
Inventory Variable costing involves only variable production costs to be assigned to inventory, work-in-progress, and cost of goods sold. Absorption costing involves considering all production costs and including them in inventory and work-in-progress.
Contribution Variable costing calculates contribution which is the difference between sales and variable cost of sales. Absorption costing is used to calculate the net profit.
Profit Profit is much easier to predict as it is a function of sales. It is much more difficult to predict the effect of change in sales on profit.


Though variable costing aids in managerial decisions, it should not be the sole basis. The management should look at different perspectives, including absorption costing data. The management should look at consumer insights, relation with buyers, the effect on brand-building, and other factors while making decisions. While calculating net profit, a manager should look at both costing techniques.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to Variable Costing vs. Absorption Costing. Here we discuss the top differences between them and infographics and a comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles –

  • What is Semi Variable Cost?
  • Cost Product Examples
  • Indirect Costs Meaning
  • Job Costing vs Process Costing

What is the primary difference between variable costing and absorption costing?

Absorption costing entails allocating fixed overhead costs to all units produced for an accounting period. Variable costing includes all of the variable direct costs in COGS but excludes direct, fixed overhead costs.

Why is there a difference between absorption and variable costing?

Absorption costing differs from variable costing because it allocates fixed overhead costs to each unit of a product produced in the period. Absorption costing allocates fixed overhead costs to a product whether or not it was sold in the period.

What is the difference between absorption costing and variable costing quizlet?

What is the difference between full absorption costing and variable costing? In full absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is included in the cost of the product. In variable costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is expensed.

Why is absorption costing higher than variable costing?

When units produced are greater than units sold, i.e., units in inventory increase, absorption income is greater than variable costing income because absorption costing defers a portion of fixed manufacturing costs in finished goods inventory.

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