Top 0.1 of listeners on Spotify


LOL, People Can't Handle How Much They Listened To Their Fave Artists On Spotify This Year

By Cianna Garrison
Dec. 2, 2020
Courtesy of Spotify
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Spotify Wrapped is a fan-fave tradition for dedicated users of the music streaming service. At the close of each year, Spotify gives you a personalized look at what you've been listening to throughout the months in a story-like format. If you look forward to seeing your top bops, you may have noticed that Spotify has new features for 2020, and one of them has Twitter buzzing. These tweets and memes of Spotify 2020 Wrapped's "top percent of listeners" are full of relatable feels on ranking high-up on the list of fans.

Spotify's 2020 Wrapped dropped on Tuesday, Dec. 1, and aside from the usual breakdown of your fave tracks and artists, there are several new features for Wrapped 2020, like quizzes and new playlists. But there's one new feature that eagle-eyed fans noticed that wasnt officially announced, and its basically proof youre the ultimate fan.

If you've tapped through most of your Wrapped results, youll get to your artist of the year. After you guess your Top Artist, youll see your Top Percent of Listeners" below the artist, a new feature for 2020. For example, if you listened to Taylor Swift on repeat, you may have been in her Top 1% of listeners on Spotify. It's unclear how Spotify analyzes its listener data to calculate the percentages, but a lot of fans are finding themselves in their favorite artist's top 1%, or even more elite tiers, like Top 0.5% and Top 0.1%. Elite Daily reached out to Spotify for more information about how the rankings are calculated, but did not hear back at the time of publication.

Nevertheless, people on Twitter are so hype about falling in the top 1%:

Some people ranked in the top 0.5% or 0.1%, and they're losing it over the stat:

Some people are in disbelief the percentage is true:

For some users it's a strange revelation:

Others can't help but deal with the news by creating LOL-worthy memes about the new feature and the impact a high-ranking is having on them:

Whether you internally yelled, "Again!" after spinning through Beyoncé's "Black Parade" or Ariana Grande's "Positions," [or other equally cool bangers] you'll be able to see what top percent of listeners you rank in on your Top Artist results page in your Spotify 2020 Wrapped results.

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