Top generals of the world tran quoc tuan năm 2024

Alexander III, commonly known as Alexander the Great [July 20, 356 BC - June 11, 323 BC], was the 14th basileus [king] of the Argead dynasty of ancient Macedonia. Throughout his military career, Alexander conquered nearly the entire known world of his time before his death, making him one of the most successful and greatest military strategists in human history. After the ancient Greek city-states were united under the rule of his father, King Philip II, Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, including Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria, and the Punjab region of India. His victory over the Persian army at the Battle of Gaugamela, the third decisive battle against Persian King Darius III, is considered one of the greatest military achievements of the ancient world; he also defeated the Scythians, a formidable nomadic people of that time.

The legacy of Alexander includes the spread of Hellenistic culture and the fusion of cultures resulting from his conquests, most notably Hellenistic Buddhism. He founded approximately seventy cities, the most prominent of which is Alexandria in Egypt. These new cities, populated by Greek settlers, along with the widespread dissemination of Greek culture in the East, created a new Hellenistic civilization, the aspects of which remained evident in the customs and traditions of the Eastern Roman Empire, lasting nearly 2000 years. Alexander himself lived on in history and in the myths of both Greek and non-Greek cultures. Even during his lifetime, and especially after his death, his conquests inspired a literary tradition in which he appeared as a legendary hero in the tradition of Achilles of ancient times. He was undefeated in battle and became the benchmark for military commanders. To this day, military academies worldwide still teach his tactics. Alexander the Great is often ranked as one of the most influential figures of all time.

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great

2. Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar [July 12, 100 BC - March 15, 44 BC] was a Roman general and statesman who played a crucial role in the events leading to the downfall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Born into the Julia family, one of the prominent noble families in Rome, Caesar was exposed to and began participating in political life from an early age. In 60 BC, he, along with Crassus and Pompey, formed the First Triumvirate, a political alliance that dominated Rome for many years. Caesar's power-building methods, based on populist measures, clashed and led to opposition from the aristocratic leadership in Rome, led by Cato the Younger with frequent support from Cicero. Caesar's successful military campaigns in Gaul opened up a pathway for Rome to access the Atlantic Ocean. Julius Caesar is noted as the first Roman general to successfully build a bridge across the Rhine River in 55 BC and the first Roman general to cross the English Channel and launch an invasion into Britannia.

Caesar's significant military successes brought him supreme military power, threatening the position of Pompey, who had leaned towards the Senate's side after Crassus's death at the Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC. After concluding the Gallic Wars, Caesar was ordered to relinquish his military command and return to Rome. Caesar defied this order and instead left his jurisdictional area, crossing the Rubicon River into Rome with a Roman legion in 49 BC. The result was a civil war in Rome, with eventual victory falling to Caesar. Upon seizing power in Rome, Caesar began implementing a series of social and governmental reforms, including the creation and implementation of the Julian calendar. Additionally, he centralized power for the republican government and became a Dictator perpetuo [Dictator in perpetuity] with unprecedented powers. However, political conflicts remained unresolved, and on the Ides of March [March 15] in 44 BC, a group of conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus successfully assassinated Caesar. This led to a series of subsequent civil wars in Rome, culminating in the republican government never being restored and Gaius Octavius Octavianus, Caesar's designated heir and grandnephew, assuming absolute power with the title Augustus after defeating all other contenders. Augustus's consolidation of power marked the beginning of the Roman Empire.

Portrait of the Military General Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar

3. Hannibal Barca

Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca born in 247 BC - died 183 BC, was a Carthaginian general and military strategist. The name 'Hannibal' means 'joy of Baal' [the Carthaginian god], while the surname 'Barca' means 'thunderbolt'. The name Barca can also be written as 'Barak' or 'Barcas'. His father, Hamilcar Barca, commanded Carthaginian forces in the First and Second Punic Wars, and his two younger brothers were Mago and Hasdrubal, with his brother-in-law also named Hasdrubal. Hannibal lived during a tumultuous period in the Mediterranean, as the Roman Republic asserted supremacy over major powers such as Carthage, the Kingdom of Macedonia, Syracuse, and the Seleucid Empire. Hannibal is the most renowned Carthaginian general. His greatest achievement came during the Second Punic War when he led an army, including war elephants, from Iberia across the Pyrenees and Alps into northern Italy. Throughout his invasion of Italy, Hannibal defeated Roman forces in a series of battles, including those at Trebia, Trasimene, and Cannae. After the Battle of Cannae, many allies of the Roman Republic joined Hannibal, as he promised them independence and self-rule.

According to some historians, Hannibal lacked the siege craft necessary to assault Rome's fortified cities, but as J.F. Lazenby points out, it was not a lack of essential siege weaponry but rather a lack of supply lines and political will. He maintained a presence in Italy for over a decade and never suffered a major defeat but also couldn't force the Romans to accept terms for peace. A Roman counter-invasion into Spain and later Africa forced Hannibal to return to Carthage, where he was defeated at the Battle of Zama. After the war, he became a successful political leader in Carthage. He enacted political and economic reforms to rebuild Carthage after paying war reparations to the Roman Republic. His reforms faced opposition from Carthage's aristocracy. Feared by members of the Roman Senate for his military prowess, Hannibal was eventually forced into exile by Rome. During his exile, he resided at the court of the Seleucid Empire, where he served as a military advisor to King Antiochus III in the war against Rome. After Antiochus III's defeat and acceptance of Roman terms, Hannibal sought refuge in Armenia, where he worked as a planner for establishing a new capital.

Portrait of the Military Strategist Hannibal Barca

Hannibal Barca

4. Tran Hung Dao, the Great King Tran Quoc Tuan

Tran Hung Dao [1228 - 1300], born Tran Quoc Tuan, with the title Hung Dao Dai Vuong, was a politician, military strategist, and royal dignitary of Dai Viet during the Tran dynasty. He is known in Vietnamese history for leading the military to defeat two invasions by the Yuan-Mongol army in 1285 and 1288. Most historical records and folklore refer to him as 'Tran Hung Dao' instead of his full title 'Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan,' which includes the honorific bestowed upon him. He is one of the 14 exemplary heroes of the Vietnamese nation. As the son of Prince An Sinh Tran Lieu and the grandson of Tran Thai Tong, Tran Hung Dao had a close relationship with the Tran dynasty and was referred to as an uncle by King Tran Nhan Tong. In 1257, he was appointed by King Tran Thai Tong as the Grand General to command border forces against Mongol invasions. He later retired to Van Kiep hamlet. In October of the lunar year 1283, following a renewed threat from the Yuan dynasty [after the Mongols unified China], Hung Dao Vuong was appointed by Emperor Tran Thanh Tong and King Tran Nhan Tong [who were his cousin and nephew, respectively] as the Supreme Commander, leading the national army. In this capacity, in 1285, he led the troops to stop the invasion led by the ninth prince, Thoat Hoan.

After initial setbacks, the Vietnamese people under the leadership of the two Tran kings, the Supreme General Tran Quang Khai, and Hung Dao Vuong launched a strong counterattack, defeating the Yuan army in battles such as Ham Tu, Chuong Duong, Truong Yen, and Van Kiep, completely driving the Yuan forces out of the border. In 1288, the Yuan army returned to invade Dai Viet for the third time. Again appointed as the Supreme Commander, Hung Dao Vuong affirmed to King Tran Nhan Tong, 'This year, we will defeat the enemy effortlessly.' He successfully applied the tactics of Ngo Quyen, completely defeating the Yuan navy commanded by the generals Phan Tiep and O Ma Ni in the naval battle on the Bach Dang River, forcing the Yuan army to retreat and permanently abandon their ambitions of conquering the southern territories. In April of the lunar year 1289, Tran Nhan Tong officially appointed him as the 'Great King', although the administrative power still belonged to the Supreme General Chieu Minh Dai Vuong Tran Quang Khai. He then retired to Van Kiep until his death in 1300. Before passing away, he advised King Tran Anh Tong: 'Be benevolent to the people to establish a strong and enduring foundation.' Additionally, he left behind classic works such as Treatise on Generalship, Summary of Military Strategies, and Van Kiep's Secret Legacy, laying the foundation for Vietnamese military art from the Tran dynasty to the present day.

Portrait of Tran Quoc Tuan - Great King Hung Dao

Hung Dao King Tran Quoc Tuan

5. Thanh Cat Tu Han

Genghis Khan [1162 - 1227] was a Khagan of the Mongol Empire and the founder of the Mongol Empire after unifying independent tribes in Northeast Asia in 1206. He is one of the most successful and influential military leaders in world history, revered by the Mongols as the leader who brought unity to Mongolia. His grandson and successor, Kublai Khan, established the Yuan dynasty of China. In the third month of the third year of the Chi Nguyên era [1266], Kublai Khan posthumously honored Genghis Khan as the Supreme Ancestor, hence he is also referred to as Yuan Supreme Ancestor. His posthumous title was Saint Emperor of Celestial Grace. In the second month of the second year of the Chi Dai era [1309], Yuan Wu Zong posthumously honored him as Celestial Emissary of Saint Emperor of Celestial Grace.

The conquests of Genghis Khan across Asia and Europe to expand the territory brought unity and facilitated trade and cultural exchanges, while he also implemented policies of religious freedom. However, Genghis Khan was also notorious for his brutality towards dissenters. He is regarded by many ethnic groups as the embodiment of cruelty, especially from Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East [places that had been subjected to mass massacres by Mongol armies]. According to estimates, Genghis Khan's army killed more than 40 million people in the territories they invaded. Many famous figures are believed to be descendants of Genghis Khan, such as Timur the Lame, who conquered Turkey; Babur, who founded the Mughal Empire in Indian history. Other descendants of Genghis Khan continued to rule Mongolia until the 17th century when they were overthrown by the Qing Empire of the Manchu people.

Portrait of Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan

6. Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte, born Napoleone [August 15, 1769 - May 5, 1821], was a French politician and military leader, who led successful campaigns during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. He was the Emperor of the French with the title Napoleon I from 1804 to 1814 and again in 1815 for nearly 100 days. Napoleon ruled almost all of Europe for over a decade, leading France against a series of coalitions in the Napoleonic Wars. He won most battles, creating a vast empire that ruled almost the entire European continent before collapsing in 1815. He is considered one of the greatest military leaders in world history, with his campaigns studied by military academies worldwide. Additionally, Napoleon is also regarded by many scholars as one of the most controversial figures in human history.

Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica into a noble Italian family. He served as an artillery officer in the French army when the French Revolution broke out in 1789. He quickly rose through the ranks of the military, seizing opportunities created by the French Revolution, and became a high-ranking general at the age of 24. The French Directory eventually allowed Napoleon to lead a French army to invade Italy after he suppressed a royalist uprising in the 13 Vendémiaire affair against the Government. At the age of 26, he began his first military campaigns against Austria and the Italian monarch who supported the Habsburgs and won almost all battles, conquering the Italian peninsula in just one year and establishing sister republics with support from local authorities, becoming a war hero of France. In 1798, he led an expeditionary force to Egypt, which became a major highlight for his future political power. Napoleon led a coup in November 1799 and became the First Consul of the French Republic.

Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon Bonaparte

7. Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell [April 25, 1599 - September 3, 1658] was a British political and military leader, playing a crucial role in establishing the republic in England and later serving as Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. He was one of the commanders of the new army that defeated the royalists in the English Civil War. After the execution of King Charles I of England in 1649, Cromwell conquered Ireland and Scotland, ruling as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death in 1658. Cromwell was born into a minor noble family, and his early life was relatively obscure until his early 40s. At times he lived as a minor landowner, later becoming more prosperous through an inheritance from an uncle. Also in his 40s, Cromwell converted to Puritanism. He was elected to the Parliament of Cambridge and joined the English Civil War on the side of the parliamentarians.

As a brave warrior [nicknamed 'Ironside'], he became known after leading a cavalry regiment against the entire royal army. Cromwell was the third signatory to the order for the execution of King Charles I in 1649 and was a member of the Rump Parliament from 1649 to 1653. He was tasked with leading the campaign against Scotland from 1650 to 1651. On April 20, 1653, Cromwell forcibly dissolved the Rump Parliament and established the Barebone's Parliament before becoming Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland on December 16, 1653, until his death. When the royalists returned to power in 1660, his body was exhumed, hanged, and decapitated. Cromwell is a figure of much controversy in English history. To historians like David Hume or Christopher Hill, he is a tyrant who committed regicide, but to others like Thomas Carlyle or Samuel Rawson Gardiner, he is a hero of freedom and democracy. In England, Cromwell was voted one of the top 10 greatest Britons of all time in a BBC poll in 2002.

Portrait of Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell's Image

8. Georgy Zhukov

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was a Soviet military commander and Marshal of the Soviet Union. He also served as the Chief of the General Staff, Minister of Defence, and a member of the Presidium of the Communist Party [later the Politburo]. Throughout World War II, Zhukov led several decisive campaigns of the Red Army. Born into a poor peasant family in central Russia, Zhukov joined the Imperial Russian Army and fought in World War I. He served with the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. Rising through the ranks, by 1939, Zhukov was given command of an army group and won a decisive battle against the Japanese at Khalkhin Gol, the first of four Soviet Hero Awards. In February 1941, Zhukov was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army.

Following Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union, Zhukov lost his position as Chief of the General Staff. He then organized the defense of Leningrad, Moscow, and Stalingrad. He participated in planning several major offensives, including the Battle of Kursk and Operation Bagration. In 1945, Zhukov commanded the 1st Belorussian Front, taking part in the Vistula-Oder Offensive and the Battle of Berlin, leading to the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of the war in Europe. In recognition of his wartime achievements, he was chosen to accept Germany's surrender and reviewed the Victory Parade in Moscow in 1945. After the war, Zhukov's success and popularity made Joseph Stalin see him as a potential threat. Stalin stripped him of his offices and demoted him to less strategically significant positions. Following Stalin's death in 1953, Zhukov supported Nikita Khrushchev's rise to power. In 1955, he was appointed Minister of Defence and a member of the Presidium. In 1957, Zhukov fell out of favor again and was forced into retirement. He never returned to politics and passed away in 1974.

Soviet General - Georgy Zhukov

Georgy Zhukov

9. Mikhail Cutudop

Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov [September 16, 1745 - April 28, 1813] was a Russian military commander, statesman, and diplomat of the Russian Empire. With a keen intellect, a foundation from a family background, and a special passion for the military, Kutuzov quickly distinguished himself as a standout student in school. Additionally, Mikhail also studied French, Latin, Turkish, English, Swedish, and Polish. He also showed an affinity for subjects such as mathematics, history, philosophy, and literature; this helped him get selected for a special class for exceptional students, where they learned additional subjects like military history and European diplomacy. By December 1759, headmaster Pyotr Shuvalov appointed Kutuzov as an assistant instructor in mathematics and geometry, when he was just 14 years old. Kutuzov held various military and diplomatic positions under Queen Ekaterina II [1762 - 1797], Kings Pavel I [1797 - 1801] and Aleksandr I [1801 - 1825], notably commanding the Russian army during the French-Russian War [1812].

Mikhail Kutuzov was born into a noble military family with a long-standing tradition; in his youth, he participated in battles against Poland [1768], Turkey [1768-1774; 1787-1792], earning military distinctions but losing sight in his right eye due to multiple injuries, leading to permanent blindness. Later, Kutuzov performed diplomatic missions to the Ottoman Empire, Prussia, and Sweden. In 1805, he served as the overall commander of the Russo-Austrian allied forces against the French army of Emperor Napoleon I at the Battle of Austerlitz. From 1806-1812, Kutuzov commanded the Russian army in the war against the Ottomans in the Danube River basin. In the French-Russian War of 1812, Kutuzov was chosen by Russian Emperor Aleksandr I as the overall commander of the army, replacing Barclay de Tolly. Under his leadership, the Russian people pushed back the French army, marking a turning point in Napoleon's war across Europe. Subsequently, Kutuzov was granted the title of Duke of Smolensk to honor his service; however, shortly after [1813], he passed away. In 1973, the Soviet government erected a memorial plaque for Kutuzov in Moscow. His name was also given to a combat medal of the Soviet Red Army during the Soviet-German War [1941-1945].

Portrait of Mikhail Kutuzov

Mikhail Cutudop

10. General Vo Nguyen Giap

General Vo Nguyen Giap was born on August 25, 1911, in An Xa village, Loc Thuy commune, Le Thuy district, Quang Binh province, into a Confucian family, the son of Mr. Vo Quang Nghiem [Vo Nguyen Than], a devout Confucian scholar, and his mother, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kien. The Nghiem family was impoverished, often borrowing heavily from wealthy families like the Uy Locks, a wealthy Chinese family in nearby Tuy Loc village. Vo Nguyen Giap once accompanied his mother rowing a boat to deliver rice as payment for debts. Though still young, the nightly stories his mother told him about General Ton That Thuyet advising King Ham Nghi to issue the Can Vuong decree, calling on scholars and people to rise up against the French to protect the homeland, and his father's tales of the anti-French movement through the poem 'Capital Lost' filled the young boy with indelible impressions, contributing to nurturing his revolutionary aspirations. General Vo Nguyen Giap is a prominent figure of the Communist Party and the State of Vietnam, a brilliant military commander, and military theorist of Vietnam. He participated in revolutionary activities from a very young age: in 1925, he joined the leadership of the Hue student movement. In 1929, he joined the reform of the Revolutionary Party of Vietnam into the Indochina Communist League. In 1930, he was arrested by the French colonialists. From 1936 to 1939, he participated in the Democratic Front Movement in Indochina, participated in founding newspapers such as 'Lao Dong,' 'Tieng Noi Chung Ta'; edited newspapers like 'Tin Tuc,' 'Dan Chung.' He was the Chairman of the Northern Press Committee during the Indochinese Congress movement.

In 1940, General Vo Nguyen Giap joined the Indochinese Communist Party. After May 1941, he built revolutionary bases, organized the Viet Minh in Cao Bang; participated in armed uprisings in the Cao - Bac - Lang stronghold. In 1942, he was in charge of the Southern Advancement Vanguard Committee, using armed propaganda activities to establish communication links between the mountainous region and the Red River Delta. General Vo Nguyen Giap has many military works of high research value such as: 'Liberated Zone' [1946], 'Liberation Army' [1947], 'Liberation War and People's Army, three strategic stages' [1950], 'Dien Bien Phu' [1964], 'Some Military Strategic Lines of the Party' [1970], 'Revolutionary People's Armed Forces, building the People's Army' [1972], 'National Liberation War and Homeland Defense War' [1979], 'Ho Chi Minh's Thought and Vietnam's Revolutionary Path' [2000]… With enormous contributions to the Vietnamese revolution, the General was awarded many prestigious awards by the Party and the State, such as: Gold Star Medal, two Ho Chi Minh Medals, two First-Class Military Exploits Medals, 70-Year Party Badge, and many other prestigious medals and awards…

General Vo Nguyen Giap - The Hero of the Vietnamese People.

General Vo Nguyen Giap

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