What are the 4 functions of attitude?

The Functions

In order for marketers to properly develop more successful promotional messages, they
must understand the functions of their consumers’ attitudes. The functional theory of attitudes suggests that attitudes perform four basic functions. These four functions of consumer attitudes are utilitarian, knowledge, value-expressive, and ego-defensive.

MediaBuzz, “The Changing Attitude of Consumers”


There are four functions of attitudes. The first function is utilitarian. This type of attitude is based on rewards and punishments, meaning we develop attitudes based on how much pleasure or pain a certain thing will bring us. For instance, when people buy products, they buy it because it is beneficial to them or they like it. Individuals tend to make decisions that will bring them the greatest amount of happiness. Another example is the clothes kids wear to school. People are more inclined to buy clothes they feel will help them fit in.

“Mean Girls,” the movie

Another way to look at it is that our attitude will change based on the belief that by doing something we will either be punished or rewarded. An example of this is people praying for something believing that it will increase the chances of receiving whatever they prayed for.


Knowledge function of attitude helps with the decision making process. Knowledge helps customers make a buying decision based off of what they know about the products and brands they are buying. For example, as a consumer I am an exclusive apple product user. If apple comes out with a product, I trust their quality based off the other products I already own. Because I have the knowledge of my apple products, I can make a simple decision on any future apple products I would want.

Apple Inc.

Value Expressive

The value function of attitude allows consumers to express their core values, self-concept, and their beliefs to others. The things in which consumers value, are important in the decision making for them when looking to purchase products. These products will serve as an outward expression of what the consumer values. For example, a customer who values the protection of the environment [member of the EPA], may not be so interested in purchasing a vehicle like a Hummer, or may not elect to choose plastic bags at the grocery store because these things contradict their core values and display of negative self-image of themselves to others based on what they personally  believe is valuable.


An ego defensive function of attitude helps consumers justify what they know is threatening but choose to ignore. Another way is to help them boost their self esteem. So essentially it is exactly what it’s named [“ego”]. This defensive attitude defends the consumers from things they know are wrong, or from things they are insecure about. A couple examples are collegiate males, wear a lot of clothing that enhance certain body parts. the “premium” fit shits, are shorter sleeved, showing a little more muscle than the basic tee. Or another prime example are smokers, they know smoking is bad but continue to buy cigarettes anyway. I have actually spoken to someone who smokes and started telling me benefits of smoking and working out. According to her it helps you lose weight because it cuts cravings. Little does she know that working out and smoking is worse than not working out and smoking because when you work out and inhale the chemicals, all your organs are more likely to ingest all the bad chemicals because your lungs reach maximum capacity when you work out.


What are the 4 components of attitude?

Definition. An attitude may be defined as an internal affective orientation explaining an individual's action [Reber 1995]. They comprise four components: cognitive, affective, evaluative, and conative.

What is the main function of attitude?

What are the Functions of Attitude? Knowledge Function: Attitudes have a knowledge function, which enables individuals to understand their environment and to be consistent in their ideas and thinking. Most attitudes serve this basic function in some measure.

What are attitudes and what 3 functions do they serve?

Attitudes serve four major functions for the individual: [1] the adjustments function, [2] the ego defensive function, [3] the value expressive function [4] the knowledge function. Ultimately these functions serve people's need to protect and enhance the image they hold of themselves.

What function attitude helps consumers?

As we, all know that an individual with a positive attitude is more likely to buy a product and this results in the possibility of liking or disliking a product. Consumer attitude basically comprises of beliefs towards, feelings towards and behavioral intentions towards some objects.

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