What are the advantages of the radio over television for Class 7?

At the expense of the benefits of radio, I thought as soon as I began to learn foreign languages. When I tried to learn Japanese, I attempted to listen to Japanese radio. Most radio stations had a minimum of conversations and mainly played music.

Since I have not been watching TV for about 5 years, now I get most of the information from the radio and partly from the Internet. I thought about the advantages of radio over television and realized that nowadays the radio is much more practical than television in many aspects.

Photo by Naadir Shahul on Unsplash

I must say right away that in the first part of this article there is a rather general argument regarding the conceptual features of these messages. Although, as we understand, radio can be different. Although TV is probably something better than radio.

Source: Nielsen Total Audience Report Q4 2018. TV = Live + DVR/Timeshifted TV. TV Connected Devices = DVD, Game console, Multimedia Device, VCR

Firstly, the stories about the fact that the radio is much more mobile is talk about nothing in general. In itself, it doesn’t mean anything. But the mobility of the audience, this is the main advantage of the radio over the TV. Here is an example: We usually watch TV at home, when we are in a stable condition. Everyone watches television, including pensioners, the unemployed, and the poor. That is, audiences that are not interesting to most advertised products. Radio people listen in the car, in the store, in the office. Motorists, buyers, workers are listening to the radio. That is, a more solvent, socially, and financially active audience. At home, of course, they also listen to the radio, but this is only 25.3% of the audience. Therefore, when various radio operators tell you that the rich and active listen to their station, they don’t lie. But we are not talking about all the radio stations. Of course, each radio station has its audience, sometimes different from other radio stations. For example, according to statistics, approximately 80 percent of Germans regularly listen to the radio. Among the listening places, the home and the car lead, with 32 million people prefer to listen to the radio on the Internet [for example, using a mobile phone].

Source: Nielsen Total Audience Insights powered by the National Regional Database, Fall 2018

The second advantage comes from the first. By its mobility again, the radio has a maximum audience in the morning and afternoon compared to other communications. So, if you need an audience at this time — go to the radio. At this time, the person is at the maximum stage of activity. These people are more likely to buy a product, since they are active, they move around, make decisions, and consult.

The third advantage is the most unobvious. This advantage is that there is no picture on the radio. I’ll explain now. For example, for advertising, this is quite a big plus, because music and sound can achieve much better visualization. Each person has their own ideals, but there is only one picture on TV. When something is advertised on the radio, our brains are more likely to represent what we like the most. However, in the realities of regional advertising, this advantage is not often used. After all, our specificity is that we more often solve such business problems as attendance, calls, addresses, rather than positioning…

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

We talked about radio in terms of advertising and business. Now I’ll try to explain why the radio is better for the audience. The arguments in this part will be quite obvious and subjective.

The most significant plus is multitasking when listening to the radio. We can work, drive, do something other than listening to the radio and this will not distract us much from the process, while the TV requires almost full attention from you, otherwise, the thread of the story will be lost.

Media research showed that people who regularly listened to the radio were happier and had more energy than those who did not. It was found that the radio has a greater effect on mood. I can believe it because there are no broadcasts on the radio that can negatively affect your mood [except for the news, but there are fewer of them on the radio than on TV]. Mostly music is on the radio, and music makes your brain throw dopamine into the bloodstream, a chemical that plays a role in motivation and dependence. Therefore, we experience happiness while listening to music.

There is less news on the radio, therefore you will receive more reliable information than on TV, because on TV news goes almost every hour. Here is an example: you get information 5 times a day, while with each new news broadcast some news becomes more detailed, and some are refuted. If you receive information 3–2 times a day:
1. Your brain will not be loaded with unnecessary information [that will become obsolete at best in three days].
2. You will receive news that already argues.

Let’s Recap

  • The composition of the audience is more active.
  • Maximum audience in the morning and afternoon.
  • More emotional perception of advertising.
  • Multitasking while listening to the radio.
  • More positive emotions.
  • Less unnecessary information.

Perhaps these are the main, really significant advantages. Of course, we can detail more and more. To reach a more youthful audience, the low cost of producing radio advertising, or something else… But this will most likely be material for some lecture, and not for the article. But we are already clear. Yes?

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What are the advantages of the radio or over the television?

Advantages of radio Low cost: Radio advertisements are typically cheaper than television ads. Flexibility: Advertisers can target listeners based on time, geographic location, channel and program. Vast coverage: Radio programming has millions of listeners nationwide.

What are the 5 advantages of radio?

Chapter 1: Broadcasters.
#1: Low start-up costs. ... .
#2: Automation has made running a radio simpler. ... .
#3: Low running costs. ... .
#4: Access to an international audience. ... .
#5: Easy to transition into podcasts. ... .
#6: Internet radio directories for promotion. ... .
#7: Better audience insight. ... .

What are 5 Advantages of television?

The 13 Benefits of Watching TV.
Educational. TV has many educational benefits for children and adults. ... .
Stay Current. TV is a source of news. ... .
Get Cultured. TV can provide a cheap escape instead of travelling. ... .
Crazy Fandoms are Fun. ... .
Feel the Connection. ... .
Family Bonding. ... .
Learn a Language. ... .
Mental Health..

What are advantages and disadvantages of radio?

Before you commit your budget to radio, you'll need to carefully consider its pros and cons..
Advantage: Affordability. ... .
Advantage: Wide Reach and Audience Targeting. ... .
Advantage: Timely Message Delivery. ... .
Disadvantage: Poor Attentiveness and Fragmentation. ... .
Disadvantage: Lack of Visual Appeal..

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