What developmental milestone does the nurse expect to see in a 4 year old child?

EXAM 11.A nurse is assessing language development in all the infants presenting at the doctor's officefor well-child visits. At which age range would the nurse expect a child to verbalize thewords "dada" and "mama"?

2.During the toddler stage, ages 2-3 years, a child will gain approximately how many poundsper year?

3.Development that proceeds from the inside out is called by which of the following terms?

4.Routine physical examinations on children include height, weight, vital signs, physicalexamination, vision and hearing screening, diet assessment, screening for alcohol and otherdrug use, and screening for which of the following?

5.A mother tells you that her 4-year-old child has begun to have night waking and has startedthumb sucking again. Otherwise the child seems very healthy. From this brief history, yourimmediate response is:

6.Using your knowledge of the Freudian stages of psychosexual development when caring fora child between the ages of 1 and 3 years, it would be most important for you to ask thecaregivers about:

7.To look into the ear of a child younger than 3 years old, the nurse would position the ear bypulling the auricle:

8.The very first sucking by an infant occurs because of:

9.Piaget believed that interactions with the environment caused people to organize patterns ofthought called:

QuestionAnswerages and speaking words Children ages 4 to 5 years use sentences of four or five words. An 18-month-old child has a vocabulary of approximately 10 words. A 24-month-old child uses two- or three-word phrases. A 3-year-old child uses sentences of three or four complete words. Which should the nurse expect for a toddler’s language development at age 18 months? increasing level of comprehension The nurse should teach parents that which age is safe to give infants whole milk instead of commercial infant formula?

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