What does it mean when someone makes you a playlist

What does it mean when someone makes you a playlist

Making a playlist for a crush is an age-old tradition that dates back, I believe, to the invention of the first cassette tape during the Stone Age. (I did not fact-check this.) But now, a few wise-beyond-their-years Twitter users have figured out a new, more literal way to harness the power of a playlist to communicate with a crush. This weeks best meme involves stringing together a message for your crush using song titles. Which, if you do it right, should create a coherent sentence once listed on Spotify.

I told my crush I liked them through a Spotify playlist pic.twitter.com/f51lfkIMQv

hannah (@iwannabawitch) April 18, 2017

Of course, the meme works better if youre a little less genuine in your feelings. Or if your crush is on Cole Sprouses Jughead from Riverdale or Smash Mouths 1999 hit All Star. Which, frankly, what is not to love about either.

i told my crush i like him thru a spotify playlist pic.twitter.com/QPWVPsQzGR

지금 이 노래 (@solowoohyuns) April 20, 2017

omg @abbycolbyy made a spotify playlist for her crush pic.twitter.com/6AVKAPG68V

rocky shut the fuck up challenge (@tequilacowgirl) April 20, 2017

made a playlist for my crush xoxo pic.twitter.com/HwPVXUp8Xn

alexis (@kiplingsthor) April 20, 2017

Told my crush I liked her through a playlist pic.twitter.com/UZh04q9Kus

Red Nose Jose (@superharambejos) April 20, 2017

made my crush a lil playlist pic.twitter.com/VnGaEDa7RX

g (@wholegrainne) April 20, 2017

This method also works pretty efficiently for breakups, if you want to go that route. Though, you could also just send them Justin Timberlakes Cant Stop the Feeling 17 times, a surefire way to let someone know you hate them.