Which approach to therapy emphasizes the challenging of irrational, unrealistic beliefs?

Which approach to therapy emphasizes the challenging of irrational, unrealistic beliefs?

Psychologists generally draw on one or more theories of psychotherapy.

A theory of psychotherapy acts as a roadmap for psychologists: It guides them through the process of understanding clients and their problems and developing solutions.

Approaches to psychotherapy fall into five broad categories:

  • Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies. This approach focuses on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts by discovering their unconscious meanings and motivations. Psychoanalytically oriented therapies are characterized by a close working partnership between therapist and patient. Patients learn about themselves by exploring their interactions in the therapeutic relationship. While psychoanalysis is closely identified with Sigmund Freud, it has been extended and modified since his early formulations.

  • Behavior therapy. This approach focuses on learning's role in developing both normal and abnormal behaviors.

    • Ivan Pavlov made important contributions to behavior therapy by discovering classical conditioning, or associative learning. Pavlov's famous dogs, for example, began drooling when they heard their dinner bell, because they associated the sound with food.

    • "Desensitizing" is classical conditioning in action: A therapist might help a client with a phobia through repeated exposure to whatever it is that causes anxiety.

    • Another important thinker was E.L. Thorndike, who discovered operant conditioning. This type of learning relies on rewards and punishments to shape people's behavior.

    • Several variations have developed since behavior therapy's emergence in the 1950s. One variation is cognitive-behavioral therapy, which focuses on both thoughts and behaviors.

  • Cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy emphasizes what people think rather than what they do.

    • Cognitive therapists believe that it's dysfunctional thinking that leads to dysfunctional emotions or behaviors. By changing their thoughts, people can change how they feel and what they do.

    • Major figures in cognitive therapy include Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.

  • Humanistic therapy. This approach emphasizes people's capacity to make rational choices and develop to their maximum potential. Concern and respect for others are also important themes.

    • Humanistic philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Buber and Søren Kierkegaard influenced this type of therapy.

    • Three types of humanistic therapy are especially influential. Client-centered therapy rejects the idea of therapists as authorities on their clients' inner experiences. Instead, therapists help clients change by emphasizing their concern, care and interest.

    • Gestalt therapy emphasizes what it calls "organismic holism," the importance of being aware of the here and now and accepting responsibility for yourself.

    • Existential therapy focuses on free will, self-determination and the search for meaning.

  • Integrative or holistic therapy. Many therapists don't tie themselves to any one approach. Instead, they blend elements from different approaches and tailor their treatment according to each client's needs.

Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology

Date created: 2009

Which alternative best expresses the relationship between psychotherapy and psychoanalysis?

Psychoanalysis is one type of psychotherapy.

Which of the following professionals has an MD?

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy?

Psychoanalysis is a synonym for psychodynamic therapy.

Psychodynamic therapy involves:

considering the past experiences of the person who is in treatment

Which type of psychotherapy places the greatest emphasis on early childhood and internal emotions and drives?

Which of the following approaches might be used in psychoanalysis?

a. Dream analysis b. Free association c. Consideration of past experiences d. All of the above might be used in psychoanalysis.

Which of the following defines the psychoanalytic concept of free association?

The therapist listens while the client talks about whatever comes to mind

Which of the following defines the psychoanalytic concept of insight?

An understanding by the client of the unconscious causes of his or her symptoms

Which of the following defines the psychoanalytic concept of resistance?

The patient's attempts to avoid the painful feelings in his or her unconscious

Which of the following defines the psychoanalytic concept of a defense mechanism?

The methods used by the patient to avoid the painful feelings in his or her unconscious

In psychodynamic therapy, what is transference?

the transfer of strong feelings about parents or authority figures to a psychoanalyst

How does modern psychodynamic therapy differ from classic psychoanalysis?

The goals of today's psychodynamic therapy are more specific than in the past.

According to humanistic therapists, psychological disorders are primarily caused by

limits and expectations imposed by others

In person-centered therapy, the therapist:

attempts to provide unconditional positive regard

Person-centered therapy is a specific type of ________ therapy. It is associated with _________.

Which of the following terms most nearly captures the essence of unconditional positive regard?

cognitive-behavior therapy -

focuses on thoughts, not just behaviors

Characteristics of cognitive-behavior treatment approaches include each of the following EXCEPT:

They are loosely structured.

According to a behavior therapist, how might psychological disorders be treated most effectively?

The client should learn new behaviors.

Which of the following is true about the technique offlooding ?

In flooding the client is exposed to his or her fear all at once

Recall the terminology of classical conditioning. In systematic desensitization, relaxation is best seen as a: (what type of response)

systematic desensitization

Gradual exposure to an anxiety-provoking stimulus is paired with relaxation.

A hierarchy of fears may be used in:

systematic desensitization

Which of the following procedures are used in systematic desensitization?

The client imagines the feared object while trying to relax.

Which of the following procedures are used in aversion therapy?

An unpleasant stimulus is paired with an undesirable behavior of the client.

Which of the following procedures are used in cognitive therapy?

The client is helped to identify incorrect or distorted beliefs.

Rational-emotive therapy is associated with ________; cognitive therapy, with ______.

Which approach to therapy emphasizes the challenging of irrational, unrealistic beliefs?

rational-emotive behavior therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy is often used to treat which of the following disorders?

Bipolar personality disorder

A goal of dialectical behavioral therapy is to

get the patient to help out with his or her own treatment

Each of the following treatment approaches reflects the social component of the bio-psycho-social model of illness EXCEPT:

a. dialectical behavioral therapy b. couples therapy c. primary prevention programs d. group therapy a

Which type of therapy is correctly matched with the general treatment approach it exemplifies?

electroconvulsive therapy - BIOMEDical approach

Which brand of psychoactive drug is correctly described?

Adderall - effective at reducing hyperactivity and inattention

Tricyclic drugs, MAO inhibitors, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are examples of which class of drugs?

Lithobid - is correctly matched with the disorder it is intended to treat?

Which brand of psychoactive drug is correctly matched with its class?   Zyprexa -

Which alternative correctly pairs a class of medication with a neurotransmitter that it influences?

a. tranquilizers - GABA b. antipsychotics - dopamine c. antidepressants - serotonin d. All of these are correctly paired.

Psychostimulants are often prescribed to treat ADHD. How long does one dose of such medication usually last?

Which of the following is not among the neurotransmitters that your text states are influenced by the various antidepressant drugs?

The original antidepressants were the _____________; today's antidepressants are the _____________.

tricyclics and MAOIs; SSRIs

Lithium carbonate is used to treat which of the following disorders?

Benzodiazepines work by influencing the neurotransmitter:

The first major antipsychotic drug to be introduced was _________; it was used to treat _________.

chlorpromazine Thorazine   schizophrenia

Regarding the action of antipsychotics on schizophrenia, ________ is to positive symptoms as ________ is to negative symptoms.

Which alternative correctly pairs a class of medication with its potential side effects?

antipsychotics - blurred vision, muscle spasms, dizziness, restlessness

Which of the following defines electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

A medical procedure in which brief seizures are created in the brain

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) was introduced in the _________; it is used to treat severe _________.

With respect to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which of the following statements is true?

It is very effective, at least in the short term

Which of the following is mentioned in your text as one of the negative consequences of the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

Which of the following defines Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)?

A medical procedure that uses a pulsing coil to stimulate the brain

Transcranial magnetic stimulation most often targets the ________ in the brain.

Most often, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used to treat:

Which of the following might be used to treat a mood disorder?

a. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) b. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) c. an SSRI d. Any of the above might be used

Originally, the prefrontal lobotomy was developed to treat

Which of the following defines cingulotomy?

Surgery that destroys brain tissue

Family therapy is which type of approach to treatment?

A social-cultural approach

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an example of:

How do self-help groups differ from group therapy, if they differ at all?

Self-help groups are open to a broader spectrum of people than is group therapy.

Community mental health services are offered by:

a. psychologists b. social workers c. nurses d. A, B, and C d

Traditional therapy aims to __________; community mental health aims to __________.

Select one: a. treat; prevent b. prevent; treat c. prevent; facilitate d. facilitate; rehabilitate


Which of the following correctly defines primary prevention?

Prevention targeted at everyone in a given community

Which of the following correctly defines secondary prevention?

Prevention targeted at people displaying the risk factors for a disorder

Which of the following are examples of therapies that represent the social component of the bio-psycho-social model of illness?

a. secondary prevention programs b. couples therapy c. group therapy d. All of the above are examples of the social component


The social, environmental, and economic vulnerabilities making it more likely that an individual will develop a disorder are termed:

Prevention targeted at people who have been diagnosed with a disorder

Which alternative correctly orders the types of community mental health prevention with respect to breadth of focus, from the narrowest focus to thebroadest focus?

tertiary prevention → secondary prevention → primary prevention

Studies that assess the effectiveness of medical treatments are termed ___________.

Which alternative correctly identifies one of the variables in a typical outcome research study?

independent variable- the type of treatment clients receive

Which alternative correctly pairs an outcome research variable with an example?

independent variable - whether clients receive psychodynamic or behavioral therapy for phobic disorder

Factors that might discourage the use of medications for psychological disorders include each of the following EXCEPT:

Most drugs are only minimally effective, even in the short term.

Which of the following correctly defines a nonspecific treatment effect?

People improve over time simply by attending therapy

A research technique in which the results of many studies are combined is known as:

The __________ is a statistical measure of the effectiveness of psychological treatment.

Empirically supported therapies include each of the following EXCEPT:

Psychodynamic therapy for generalized anxiety disorder

Therapies that are known to be effective on the basis of research are termed ___________ therapies.

According to your text, which form of psychotherapy is often used in conjunction with the prescription of psychostimulants in the treatment of ADHD?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

According to your text, psychotropic drugs seem to be less helpful for:

phobic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder

According to your text, which type(s) of psychotropic medication(s) are especially ill-advised for pregnant clients?

a. benzodiazepines
b. psychostimulants
c. SSRIs
d. both A and C


Since the advent of federal legislation in the 1970s, blood-lead levels among children have fallen by about _____%.

What therapy emphasizes the challenging of irrational unrealistic beliefs?

Rational emotive therapy was developed by Albert Ellis in the mid-1950s. Ellis proposed that people become unhappy and develop self-defeating habits because of unrealistic or faulty beliefs.

What challenges irrational unrealistic beliefs?

Albert Ellis - REBT. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a type cognitive therapy first used by Albert Ellis which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioral problems. The goal of the therapy is to change irrational beliefs to more rational ones.

What form of therapy would focus on having a client replace unrealistic irrational beliefs with more realistic thoughts?

REBT is an action-oriented approach that's focused on helping people deal with irrational beliefs and learn how to manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthier, more realistic way.

What form of psychotherapy involves challenging unwanted or irrational thoughts?

REBT is a type of CBT that focuses on changing the irrational thoughts or beliefs that negatively affect a person's emotions or behaviors. Therapists will often challenge or dispute these thoughts to help a person understand how they can change their thinking about events that occur.