Which of the following testing methods is considered the most accurate way of measuring percent body fat quizlet?

Chapter 7 Quiz over Energy Balance and Weight Control

Terms in this set [34]

Mary Sue wishes to lose 5 pounds before her vacation in approximately 5 weeks. Her average consumption is 2,100 kcalories. How many kcalories should she consume daily to lose this weight, assuming her activity pattern remains unchanged?
A] 1,800 to 1,900
B] 1,600 to 1,700
C] 1,400 to 1,500
D] 1,100 to 1,200

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following statements about underwater weighing is true?

a. It can divide the body into bone, muscle, and fat components.
b. It assumes standard densities for bone, muscle, and fat.
c. It can divide the body into visceral and subcutaneous fat components.
d. It is a direct method of assessing body composition.

What is the most accurate method to measure percent body fat?

DEXA [Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry] Body fat testing is a great way to have an accurate metric for your body composition. There are many ways of getting your body fat tested, but most experts will agree that the DEXA [Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry] scan is the most accurate testing technology available.

Which method of assessing body composition is considered to be most accurate?

DEXA / DXA Scan is widely considered as one of the most accurate and comprehensive body composition tests. The DEXA scan utilizes dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry [DXA]. The test looks beyond your weight and the traditional body mass index [BMI].

Which method measures body fat directly quizlet?

The only true measurement of the amount of fat in the body is by chemical analysis of cadavers.

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