Which of the following was true of New England in the seventeenth century quizlet?

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America's History for the AP Course

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Terms in this set [30]


All of the following were true of New England in the 17th century EXCEPT...

A. Most New Englanders arrived in nuclear families.
B. The ratio of males to females was three to two.
C. People lived longer in New England than in Europe.
D. A cooler climate & clean drinking water led to longer life.
E. Early marriage led to a vast increase in the population.


All of the following were true of New England life in the 17th century EXCEPT...

A. Men & women lived in communities with their parents & grandparents.
B. Towns were a collection of families not individuals.
C. Education was very important to society.
D. Slavery blossomed as the predominant labor force.
E. The half-Way Covenant overcame religious problems for the Puritans.


Women in 17th century new England...

A. worked on family farms
B. joined churches in larger numbers than men
C. had fewer political rights than men
D. had fewer legal rights than men
E. All of the answers are correct.


In 17th century New England...

A. Most people were middle class.
B. Most colonists were yeoman farmers who worked their own land.
C. Free labor was the predominant form of labor.
D. Slavery never took root in a big way.
E. All of the answers are correct.


In the 17th century Chesapeake society...

A. Most people arrived individually, not in family units.
B. Many people arrived as indentured servants.
C. The ratio of males to females was six to one.
D. Life expectancy was less than in England & New England.
E. All of the answers are correct.


The economy of the Chesapeake society...

A. was dominated by large planters
B. was founded on tobacco production
C. saw indentured servants replaced eventually by slave labor
D. was a plantation society
E. All of the answers are correct.


Society in the Chesapeake area...

A. was dominated by great planters
B. allowed some men of humble origin to become planters
C. saw most of the indentured servants become freemen
D. originally had indentured servants at the bottom
E. All of the answers are correct.


Slavery in the 17th century...
A. was prevalent in the Caribbean & Brazil
B. saw slaves arrive in Virginia in 1619
C. kept the numbers of slaves small until late in the 17th century in VA
D. used British & New Englanders as the primary slave traders
E. All of the answers are correct.


In 17th century America, slaves...
A. maintained their African culture to the greatest degree in South Carolina
B. lived longer than their West Indies counterparts
C. were not numerous in the New England colonies
D. were not numerous in the Middle Atlantic colonies
E. All of the answers are correct.


In terms of commercial policy toward the American colonies...

A. The British ignored the colonies prior to 1660.
B. The British wanted to turn all colonies into royal colonies.
C. The British wanted to turn all colonies into corporate colonies.
D. The British merchants wanted to punish the southern planation owners.
E. All of these answers are correct.


The Navigation Act of 1660 required all of the following EXCEPT...

A. Ships must be British or North American.
B. Ships must have 3/4 British or North American crews.
C. The enumerated goods of sugar, tobacco, cotton, dyewoods, ginger & indigo must be kept within the British Empire.
D. British taxes must be paid on the enumerated goods.


The Navigation Act of 1663...
A. ordered colonial duties paid at the port of export
B. ordered all European goods sent to America must go through Britain
C. required all captains to be British or American
D. used the Royal Navy as an enforcement tool
E. All of the answers are correct.


The Navigation Act of 1696 used all the following EXCEPT...
A. Royal Air Force
B. expanded customs service
C. Royal governors to enforce the law
D. Admiralty Courts without juries

- stable society socially and politically
- family oriented
- religious
- community
- middle class
- yeomen farmers
- class system

Describe the New England society in the 17th century [7]

- population increase by reproduction
- long life expectancy
- family educated children
- family farmers
- balanced sex ratio

Explain the demographics, education, and labor system of New England in the 17th century [5]

- different gender roles than men
- worked in the household
- mostly married
- divorce rare and difficult
- more women in church
- rights were limited

Describe the lives of women in 17th century New England [6]

- middle class
- yeomen farmers

Explain the social standing and occupation of most New Englanders [2]

- population increase by immigrants
- white, poor, indentured servants
- low life expectancy
- high mortality rate
- unbalanced sex ratio

Describe the demographics of 17th century Chesapeake society [5]

- tobacco based
- slave based
- class system s

Describe the economy of the Chesapeake society [3]

- land owners
- freeman
- indentured servants
- slaves

Explain the social classes and their relationships in the Chesapeake society [4]

- slavery was small for many years because it was more profitable in South America
- growth started in late 16th century
- Royal African company successful in slave trade
- Slave codes stated slave legal status

Discuss the key aspects of the growth of slavery in 17th century America [4]

- slave experience varied
- New slaves were viewed negatively by slaves born in America
- population of slaves increased naturally
- violence between slaves was low
- freedom varied

Describe the social aspects of slavery in 17th century America [5]

No commercial policy before 1660

Explain British commercial policy toward the American colonies prior to 1660

Navigation Act of 1660

- Ships trading in the colony had to be constructed in England or in the colonies and the crew needed to be 75% English
- Enumerated goods can only be exported to England or the colonies

- goods must go to England before being sent to the colonies
- intent was to eliminate Dutch as traders

Explain the intent of the Navigation Act of 1663 [2]

- crown put pressure on colony governors
- expanded custom officials
- established admiralty courts

List the enforcement mechanisms of the Navigation Act of 1696. [3]

slave codes

These tated that slavery is life institution, whether a newly born child was a slave depended on mother, no matter who father was, if mom = slave child = slave, conversion to Christianity does not make a slave free, slaves are to be treated as property

size and density

____ and ____ of slave population determined if there was a slave culture

christianity and music

Slave culture was developed based on ____ and ____


Colonies served interest of mother country through importation of its raw materials > Exportation > importation

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