Why is managing workplace diversity so important in a globally competitive environment?

In today's global economic system, companies need to diversify to remain competitive. The benefits of a diverse workforce go beyond political correctness. Bringing in people with different backgrounds and perspectives can lead to better decision-making, greater innovation, and higher engagement in the workplace. It may also improve a company's reputation and make it easier to attract top talent.


A diverse workforce can bring fresh, new ideas to the table and foster innovation. Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion report higher engagement, lower turnover and increased profits.

Benefits of a Diverse Workforce

Workplace diversity is one of the most discussed topics in the business community. Organizations with a diverse workforce have a competitive advantage and tend to perform better. This approach can enhance creativity, drive innovation, and help companies expand their reach. The Boston Consulting Group states that businesses with above-average diversity on their management teams report 19 percent higher revenues from innovative products and services than those with less diverse leadership.

A diverse workforce is one that employs people of different ages, races, genders, languages and cultural backgrounds. For example, women accounted for nearly half of the U.S. workforce in 2017, but they were still underrepresented in high-paying fields, notes Wake Forest University. Furthermore, only 19.3 percent of working-age Americans with disabilities were employed in 2019, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The labor force participation rate for people with no disability was 66.3 percent.

Companies need to embrace diversity to remain relevant and thrive in an ever-changing marketplace. Having a diverse workforce can improve your ability to compete globally and strengthen your brand. You will also have a better understanding of specific markets, attract highly talented people, and achieve lower turnover.

Employees from diverse backgrounds can bring fresh perspectives to the table, leading to enhanced creativity and innovation. This can result in better problem-solving and decision-making, suggests the Harvard Business Review.

Foster Innovation in Your Company

Innovation stems from the ability to approach an issue and find solutions from different perspectives. When you have a team of people with different skills, life experiences and cultural backgrounds, you are more likely to get fresh, new ideas. As a manager, you can leverage each individual's strengths and bring them together to work toward a common goal.

The Harvard Business Review conducted an experiment to determine how six different teams responded to new, uncertain and complex situations. The groups that scored highest were more cognitively diverse than those that took longer or failed to complete the challenge. As the researchers note, higher cognitive diversity may lead to greater performance and faster learning. These factors spark creativity and innovation.

When multiple voices and personalities come together, you get a fresh perspective on the task at hand. This can lead to higher productivity and strengthen your competitive advantage. On top of that, you have access to a wider talent pool. Someone on your team may be great at generating ideas, while another individual may have the skills and experience to execute them.

Increase Sales and Revenue

In 2018, the Harvard Business Review reached an unexpected conclusion after analyzing the financial performance of venture capitalists. As it turns out, diversity may improve fund returns and lead to more profitable investments. Researchers point out that only 8 percent of venture capitalists are women, and fewer than 1 percent of investors are African Americans. In general, venture capitalist professionals are more likely to team up with people who share their race, gender or educational background.

The acquisition success rate for investments by partners from different school backgrounds was 11.5 percent higher than that of those who studied at the same schools. Furthermore, partners from different ethnic backgrounds had 26.4 to 32.2 percent greater success rates than those of the same ethnicity. These findings confirm that diversity has a substantial impact on financial performance.

One of the primary benefits of diversity in the workplace is that it improves employee morale and engagement. This factor alone can lead to higher productivity and revenue. Additionally, having a diverse team can strengthen your brand and make it more appealing to potential clients. You are also better able to understand your customers and target your marketing efforts toward diverse audiences from different social, ethnic and racial backgrounds.

Attract and Retain Talent

A diverse workplace is essential for organizations that are looking to attract and retain talent. According to Deloitte, millennials tend to stay longer with companies that understand the needs of a diverse workforce. Compared to the previous generations, these people have grown up with the idea that diversity and inclusion are crucial. Therefore, they take these aspects into account when making a job decision.

Striving for a diverse workforce can make your company more appealing to job seekers and existing employees alike. Organizations that embrace this approach are seen as socially responsible and have a better reputation. Accenture, Novartis, Gap, L'Oreal and Nestle are just a few examples, according to the Diversity and Inclusion Index published on the Thomson Reuters website.

For example, nearly half of all new hires and one-third of executives at Accenture are women. The company has more than 513,000 employees in 120 countries, fostering a culture of equality. As a small-business owner, you can start by reaching out to specific communities through business networks and social media. Another option is to team up with agencies that help expats and immigrants integrate into their new communities.

When you find the right people, provide them with the tools they need to succeed in their roles. Employees with disabilities, for example, may require height-adjustable desks, one-hand keyboards or speech recognition programs.

Empower and Engage Your Employees

The benefits of diversity in the workplace go beyond brand recognition and higher profits. Building a diverse culture in your organization may also provide new opportunities for your current employees. They have the chance to see things from a different perspective, learn about other cultures, and discover new approaches to work. It's a truly enriching experiencing that can help them grow as individuals and professionals.

A diverse workplace may also increase employee engagement and morale. Employees who feel engaged become more involved in their work and deliver better results. A survey conducted by Salesforce Research revealed that people take pride in working for companies that have a positive impact on the local community and provide equal opportunities for employees. Respondents also showed interest in organizations that foster an inclusive culture and care about closing the gender pay gap.

Diversity and inclusion go hand in hand. An inclusive workplace is one where every person is heard, valued and respected. As a manager, you need to prioritize inclusion – not just diversity – to engage and empower your team. A strong diversity and inclusion program can improve knowledge sharing, decrease turnover and increase loyalty.

To achieve these outcomes, make sure that everyone's voice is heard and show your employees that you respect their traditions and backgrounds. You may also organize inclusion awareness events and training activities focused on diversity and inclusion. Implement these initiatives at all levels of the organization, starting from the top.

Why is managing workplace diversity important in a globally competitive environment?

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace Encouraging diversity is the way forward for organizations. In a global talent market, businesses that can successfully manage diversity in the workplace will have a definite competitive advantage over others in terms of differentiation, innovation, and employer branding.

Why is managing workplace diversity so important?

Diversity in the workplace will also increase employee morale and instill a desire to be more effective and work more efficiently. This will greatly increase the productivity of your business. A workplace that encourages diversity and inclusion will make employees feel valued and accepted.

Why is workplace diversity so important in today's business environment?

Research has shown many benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace: Higher revenue growth. Greater readiness to innovate. Increased ability to recruit a diverse talent pool.

Why effective diversity planning is so important to a global company?

Diversity is an important element of every organization. It gives you access to a greater range of talent; helps to provide insights into your customer base; and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the business, which means more profits.