WordPress Terminology and Advice

Popular content management systems [CMS] like WordPress are used to build and maintain websites. Like any specialized field, WordPress has its own terminology that new users of the platform may find confusing. Here are a few terms used frequently in WordPress and what they mean:

The core of WordPress: This refers to the fundamental components—files and operations—of the WordPress platform. The WordPress database, dashboard, themes, and plugins, which are used to customize and increase the functionality of a WordPress website, are all part of the core.

Theme: This is a group of files that control the appearance and organization of a WordPress website. WordPress users have access to thousands of free and premium themes that can be customized using the dashboard. The use of themes is time efficient as well as easy.

Plugin: A WordPress plugin is a piece of software that gives a WordPress website extra functionality. WordPress also has thousands of free and paid plugins that can be used to add features like galleries, contact forms, and social media sharing buttons to a WordPress website.

Widgets: A WordPress website's sidebar, footer, or other widget-ready areas can be enhanced with small blocks of content called widgets. Recent posts, social media links, and search boxes can all be displayed using widgets.

Shortcodes: Without writing any code, shortcodes are specialized codes that can be used to add sophisticated functionality to a WordPress website. A payment method or schedule for appointments, for instance, could be displayed on a WordPress page or post using a shortcode.

User: One who has an account on a WordPress website is referred to as a WordPress user. Different roles, such as administrator, editor, or contributor, can be given to WordPress users, determining their level of access and functionality on the website.

Post: An article of content that can be posted on a WordPress website is known as a  post. On the website, posts are typically shown in reverse chronological order and can be categorized and tagged for simple browsing.

Page: Unlike posts, which are displayed in reverse chronological order, WordPress pages are static pieces of content. Pages like "About" or "Contact"  are frequently used for content that is not time-sensitive.

Menu: The links found in a WordPress menu are used to move around a WordPress website. Menus are typically displayed as a list of links in the header or footer of a WordPress website, and they can be customized using the WordPress dashboard.

Media Library: The WordPress media library is a collection of media files that have been uploaded to a WordPress website, including pictures, videos, and audio files. A WordPress website's media files can be managed and arranged using the media library, which can be accessed from the WordPress dashboard.

WordPress hosting: It is a service that offers the tools and assistance required to maintain a WordPress website. There are numerous WordPress hosting companies, and they all provide a variety of packages and services to cater to the requirements of various websites and customers.

Advice when using WordPress

  1. For your WordPress account and any other accounts connected to it, such as your hosting provider and domain registrar, use strong and distinctive passwords. This will assist in preventing hacking and unauthorized access to your website.
  2. Update your WordPress installation, along with any plugins or themes you may be using. New versions are frequently released to address security flaws and enhance the CMS's functionality.
  3. Make regular backups of your website using a backup plugin or service. In the event that something goes wrong, such as a server crash or a hacking attempt, you will be able to quickly restore your website.
  4. When installing plugins and themes from outside sources, be very cautious. Make sure to only download from reliable sources and carefully read reviews. Unsecure plugins and themes can make your website more vulnerable to attack.
  5. To help shield your website from common threats like malware and cyber attacks, think about using a security plugin. In the event that your website is being attacked, these plugins can help you be alert and block suspicious activity.


WordPress is a great choice for building a website, but the terminology around it may be confusing for beginners. Hopefully, this article gave you a better idea of the meaning behind each term. Additionally, we recommend you implement the above-given advice in order to avoid any potential issues in the future.


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