Bài tập tiếng anh unit 8 lớp 12 test 1

UNIT ~ LIFE IN THE FUTURE PRACTICE TEST A PHONETICS I Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A answered B threatened C wiped D saved A looked B thanked C watched D expected A believe B leisure C eating D speed A life B thing C device D micro A burden B certain C better D work II Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A answer B threaten C believe D healthy A optimistic B experience C environment D technology A computer B contrary C efficient D contribute A economic B corporation C pessimistic D development 10 A methane B complete C appear D result B VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE I Choose the most suitable word or phrase (A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence I1 Could you lend me some money? I'm very short of cash A at the moment B in the moment C on the moment D at moment 12 Paris lies the River Seine A over B next C on D at 13 When he left school, John decided to become a priest studying languages A but B instead of C no D than 14 Take this road and you will at the hotel in five minutes A arrive B come C find D reach 15 The liftle girl wouldn't go into the sea her father went too A except B but C also D unless 16 The new factory must be finished as the profitability of the company depends on it." A on time B in times C at time D for a time 17 It was quite play I've ever seen A too long B a long C the longest D so longer 18 When I saw her smiling face, I knew she good news of her husband A has B had had C has had D was having 19 He has just bought expensive new furniture A an B some C these D those 20 500 years ago, the average human was about 40 years A life length B lifetime C life cycle D life span 21 A strike in the mining industry is to bring about a shortage of coal in the near future A causing B threatening C resulting D proposing 22 I have been looking for this book for months, and I have found it A in time B at last C at the end D at present 23 The driver is for the safety of his passengers A responsible B taking charge C accused D capable 24 I had to wear uniform when I worked in the hotel A a B some C any D an 25 She refuses to eat meat under any A opportunity B occasion C circumstances D possibility II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting 26 We (A) went there (B) in (C) a car my sister (D) uses 27 We (A) left (B) United Kingdom and (C) crossed to (D) the Netherlands 28 We arrived (A) on time to have (B) a meal before (C) the plane (D) left 29 (A) I’ve been (B) living here (C) since three (D) months 30 We (A) waited for Tim (B) for ages, and (C) at the end we (D) left III Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given one 31 Mary teaches English A Mary's language is English B Mary is an English teacher C Mary is a teacher of English D B and C are correct 32 We walked to the station A The station is the place where we often walked B We went to the station on foot C We went for a walk at the station D We took a walk at the station 33 Peter is a very good guitarist A Peter has a very good guitar B Peter plays the guitar very well C The guitar Peter plays is very good D Peter plays the good guitar 34 The college is not responsible for private property left in this building A If anything is stolen, we will help you find it B You are not allowed to leave anything here C Be careful with your private property here D It is better to leave your property outside the building 35 We are now open on Saturdays in the afternoon as well as the morning A On Saturdays we now stay open longer than before B On Saturdays we are now open in the afternoon instead of the morning C On Saturdays we now close for lunch D We are now open all weekend C READING I Read the passage below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space Our century has (36) great changes in the life and living conditions of people Less than a hundred years ago, many of the things we (37) now seemed impossible No one could imagine that people could fly, or that wJ could listen to music thousands of miles away Today, radio and television serve many purposes (38) pleasure They help us fish in the sea and land airplanes in bad weather or at night They control the work of large (39) of machines in industry Never before in history have (40) been such rapid changes in our (4l) of life as at the present moment Scientists have been using what is (42) a scientific method' to make new discoveries Among the (43) important scientific discoveries are new medicines Many illnesses that people died (44) 50 years ago are no longer dangerous The study of science helps us (45) our outlook and opens a whole new world for us The progress of science is leading to a better and better life for man 36 A watched B seen C looked D viewed 37 A make B conduct C D get 38 A besides B in addition C also D despite 39 A numbers B amounts C lots D tasks 40 A they B there C those D these 41 A means B method C form D way 42 A regarded B known C called D defined 43 A much B more C most D mostly 44 A from B out C for D in 45 A widen B enlarge C lengthen D open II Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question Western people rely on technical and mechanical solutions in everything they Refrigerators preserve their food, washing machines clean their underwear and computers are supposed to solve all their problems When they are ill, they rely on the surgeon's knife If their hearts are running down, then they must be repaired; if they cannot be repaired, they should be replaced, just as an old car sometimes gets a new engine But up to now we have had a shortage of donors to give their hearts: to keep one person alive, another donor had to die Nowadays there is more and more talk about using monkeys Every monkey has a near-human heart, and humans have always been over careful in respecting the lives and well-being of other animals This includes the life and well-being of other humans Therefore in the early years of the 21st century - I was told - the mass killings of monkeys may occur We'll need to use their hearts for human consumption Monkeys, on the whole, are happier creatures than their near relatives, Sapiens, or man They know fear, of course, and they face real dange but they are also more intelligent than us They create no unnecessary dangers for themselves; they run no businesses, chase no money, are unimpressed by gold - that utterly useless metal, and they not care at all about hell or evil spirits I have a vague feeling that it is not monkeys' hearts that we ought to implant in ourselves, but monkeys' brains 46 According to the author, Westerns believe health problems can be solved by A spending more money on scientific research B taking more precautions C using technical or mechanical methods D increasing the number of doctors 47 The problem with heart transplants has been that A artificial hearts not work very well B there are not usually enough donors C some of the heart honors are too old D many people die after the operations 48 The author suggests that in the future A people will care less about other human beings B monkey hearts will form part of our diet C monkeys will become extinct D monkey hearts will be used in transplant operations 49 The author suggests that A human beings will return to a more natural lifestyle B we are wrong to think of ourselves as cleverer than monkeys C monkeys would be better at running the world than humans D scientists should work out how to brain transplants 50 The main point the author is making is that humans A make life more complicated that it needs to be B have no right to make use of other animals C should worry less about growing old D are similar in many ways to monkeys The End ANSWER KEY C C 11 A 16 A 21 B 26 C the car 31 D 36 B 41 D 46 C D A 12 C 17 C 22 B 27 B the United 32 B 37 C 42 C 47 B B B 13 B 18 B 23 A 28 A in time 33 B 38 A 43 C 48 D Link B D 14 A 19 B 24 A 29 C for 34 C 39 A 44 A 49 B C 10 A 15 D 20 D 25 C 30 C in 35 A 40 B 45 A 50 A ... other animals C should worry less about growing old D are similar in many ways to monkeys The End ANSWER KEY C C 11 A 16 A 21 B 26 C the car 31 D 36 B 41 D 46 C D A 12 C 17 C 22 B 27 B the United... lives and well-being of other animals This includes the life and well-being of other humans Therefore in the early years of the 21st century - I was told - the mass killings of monkeys may occur... United 32 B 37 C 42 C 47 B B B 13 B 18 B 23 A 28 A in time 33 B 38 A 43 C 48 D Link B D 14 A 19 B 24 A 29 C for 34 C 39 A 44 A 49 B C 10 A 15 D 20 D 25 C 30 C in 35 A 40 B 45 A 50 A

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