basher là gì - Nghĩa của từ basher

basher có nghĩa là

A individual who is unfriendly and/or commits harmful acts to group of people or an individual due to prejudice and/or ignorance.

Ví dụ

Bashers should be shot on sight.

basher có nghĩa là

A rail enthusiast who follows a particular type of rail traction (for example Class 37 locomotives) and tries to travel as many miles as possible behind their chosen type of locomotive to earn the respect of fellow bashers. They "bash" trains (travelling behind a specimen of their chosen locomotive class) for the purpose of their own enjoyment, they often lean out of windows to hear the engine noise better and often wave their arms in the air (in a manner which can confuse and send dangerous messages to railway staff) to show their appreciation of the engine hauling their train. They are the arch-enemy of many rail staff who are not enthusiasts or bashers themselves as their exploits, can be time wasting - one wave bashers specialize in is waving his (they are rarely "hers") arm upwards to show that he does not believe the driver is applying enough power to make a suitable noise from the locomotive (despite the fact that it could damage the train if too much power was applied to quickly), this sign, to all rail staff means: "APPLY BRAKES", and this sign is often used in an emergency.

Ví dụ

Bashers should be shot on sight. A rail enthusiast who follows a particular type of rail traction (for example Class 37 locomotives) and tries to travel as many miles as possible behind their chosen type of locomotive to earn the respect of fellow bashers. They "bash" trains (travelling behind a specimen of their chosen locomotive class) for the purpose of their own enjoyment, they often lean out of windows to hear the engine noise better and often wave their arms in the air (in a manner which can confuse and send dangerous messages to railway staff) to show their appreciation of the engine hauling their train.

basher có nghĩa là

They are the arch-enemy of many rail staff who are not enthusiasts or bashers themselves as their exploits, can be time wasting - one wave bashers specialize in is waving his (they are rarely "hers") arm upwards to show that he does not believe the driver is applying enough power to make a suitable noise from the locomotive (despite the fact that it could damage the train if too much power was applied to quickly), this sign, to all rail staff means: "APPLY BRAKES", and this sign is often used in an emergency.

Ví dụ

Bashers should be shot on sight.

basher có nghĩa là

A rail enthusiast who follows a particular type of rail traction (for example Class 37 locomotives) and tries to travel as many miles as possible behind their chosen type of locomotive to earn the respect of fellow bashers.

Ví dụ

Bashers should be shot on sight.

basher có nghĩa là

A rail enthusiast who follows a particular type of rail traction (for example Class 37 locomotives) and tries to travel as many miles as possible behind their chosen type of locomotive to earn the respect of fellow bashers.

Ví dụ

"Oi! that basher's done 'im in good!"

basher có nghĩa là

They "bash" trains (travelling behind a specimen of their chosen locomotive class) for the purpose of their own enjoyment, they often lean out of windows to hear the engine noise better and often wave their arms in the air (in a manner which can confuse and send dangerous messages to railway staff) to show their appreciation of the engine hauling their train.

Ví dụ

The Geeze is so redneck that he believes taking a basher actually gets his penis tits clean after snooking the chicken in her glory hole.

basher có nghĩa là

They are the arch-enemy of many rail staff who are not enthusiasts or bashers themselves as their exploits, can be time wasting - one wave bashers specialize in is waving his (they are rarely "hers") arm upwards to show that he does not believe the driver is applying enough power to make a suitable noise from the locomotive (despite the fact that it could damage the train if too much power was applied to quickly), this sign, to all rail staff means: "APPLY BRAKES", and this sign is often used in an emergency.

Ví dụ

Train Driver: "I had a load of bloody bashers on the 1030, mate"

basher có nghĩa là

A hautian who bash es.

Ví dụ

Other Train Driver: "Yeah, I had a load of them last week - had to dump the brakes because they kept waving their arms in the air"

basher có nghĩa là

bollywood starlets (aka paki)

Ví dụ

Train Driver: "Pricks"

basher có nghĩa là

A neutral term for a person, but connoting someone tough and a bit dangerous. A thug or gangster.

Ví dụ

Watch out for that basher, he was an Army ranger. (n) A person that 'bashes' a person or his/her/its views simply because that person has no life; a bad debator The basher insulted me very often for my views on what is considered n00b.