Blacklist 9 car

Need for Speed Pink Slip trick (Always get Pink Slip rival car) :

Blacklist 9 car

Using this trick we can  always get pink slip to rival cars of Need For Speed Most Wanted Black Lists

1:We always have to choose any 2 markers from these

Blacklist 9 car

2: if we get the pink slip  of rival in its first marker,then pink slip of next marker will be in 2nd marker

if we get pink slip  of rivalin 2nd marker then we get pink slip from 3rd marker for the next rival......

if we keenly observe this.........


1:Always select 1st marker ,if u get pink slip then enjoy.if it is not present then goto step 2

2: if you get   Extra Impound Strike then select 2nd marker .pink slip will be there

3:else u select  3rd marker .we will get pink slip of rival car of blacklist Blacklist Rival 15: 1st Marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 2nd Marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 3rd marker - Extra Impound Strike Blacklist Rival 14: 1st marker - Extra Impound Strike 2nd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 3rd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free Blacklist Rival 13: 1st Reward Card - Get Out Of Jail for Free 2nd Reward Card - Extra Impound Strike 3rd Reward Card - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival Blacklist Rival 12: 1st marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 2nd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 3rd marker - Extra Impound Strike Blacklist Rival 11: 1st marker - Extra Impound Strike 2nd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 3rd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free Blacklist Rival 10: 1st marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 2nd marker - Extra Impound Strike 3rd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival Blacklist Rival 9: 1st marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 2nd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 3rd marker - Extra Impound Strike Blacklist Rival 8: 1st marker - Extra Impound Strike 2nd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 3rd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free Blacklist Rival 7: 1st marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 2nd marker - Extra Impound Strike 3rd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival Blacklist Rival 6: 1st marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 2nd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 3rd marker - Extra Impound Strike Blacklist Rival 5: 1st marker - Extra Impound Strike 2nd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 3rd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free Blacklist Rival 4: 1st marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 2nd marker - Extra Impound Strike 3rd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival Blacklist Rival 3: 1st marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 2nd marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free 3rd marker - Extra Impound Strike Blacklist Rival 2: 1st marker - Extra Impound Strike 2nd marker - Pink Slip from Blacklist Rival 3rd Marker - Get Out Of Jail for Free    Check out this tutorial to get unlimited money and bounty to your profile     Thats it enjoy NFS.....    

Need for Speed – Most Wanted 100% Completion100% Spielfortschritt MarkersMarken

Unique Performance Upgrades (Junkman Parts) steigern die Leistung eines Wagens permanent und können zusätzlich zu den üblichen Performance Upgrades verwendet werden.

Für jeden Blacklist-Fahrer lässt sich der dazugehörige Fahrzeugschein und damit dessen Wagen erhalten. Die Position des Fahrzeugscheins bei den ?-Marken ist dem Zufall überlassen. Jedoch kann ein Spieler vor dem Herausfordern eines Blacklist-Fahrers abspeichern, die Rennen anschließend gewinnen um dann zwei der drei ?-Marken zu sichten. Startet der Spieler das Spiel sofort neu und besiegt den Blacklist-Fahrer erneut, wird sich die Reihenfolge der ?-Marken nicht verändern.

Unique performance upgrades (Junkman parts) permanently raise a performance aspect of a car and can be stacked with typical performance upgrades.

It is possible to get a pink slip and thus every car of each and every driver. The pink slip is hidden behind one of the random markers and its position is random. However, one is able to save right before challenging a blacklist driver, win all races against the driver to then check out two of the three random markers. Resetting the game before the auto save can kick in and challenging the blacklist driver again won't change the pattern.

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Last update: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Next Career Black List #8 - Jewels Prev Career Black List #10 - Baron

Just as before, you should start off by visiting one of the nearby car dealers. You'll probably be a little surprised, because there are three different cars waiting for you there. Nevertheless, I wouldn't recommend buying any of them, especially since you own a Cayman S.

Vauxhall Monaro VXR (#1) seems like a very fast car, but with poor handling... and this time the information is correct. Taking control of this beast is certainly not an easy task. You could spend some money to improve Monaro's handling abilities, although you wouldn't achieve too much that way. Why bother when you can stay with your Lancer or even much "older" Supra. Furthermore, you wouldn't have to spend too much money on those two cars in order to improve their performance bars.

Pontiac GTO (#2) looks just like the Vauxhall, it also handles identically. Like I've said before, you shouldn't be interested in any of these cars. I'd be best to spend the rest of the money on something else.

Porsche Cayman S (#3) is by far one of the fastest cars you've manage to unlock. Furthermore, this vehicle handles quite well. If you drove a Lancer before you might find its handling a little bit "risky", although you shouldn't worry about that too much. The main problem with the Cayman is its price. The car costs 60000 dollars (Vauxhall and Pontiac are a lot cheaper). Thankfully, you should have Baron's car, so you wouldn't have to buy one of these.

Before you move on to the next challenges be sure to spend some of your money on performance upgrades for your current cars. You should own a Cayman S and the Mitsubishi Lancer. You can sell the Supra at this point. The same thing goes with the rest of the cars.

Earl will require you to do following things:

1) Races won: 5

2) Milestones completed: 4

3) Total number of points: 790000+.


1. Tollbooth - Skyview & Waterfront

This race is not too hard, although you should know that police forces might join in to start the pursuit. You shouldn't have any problems with the first few corners. Use the brakes once you reach a tight left run (#1). You will also have to maintain a decent speed. You will be moving on a freeway for the most of this challenge. Remember to use your nitro regularly (#2). Watch out for the additional police cars. You can't get in any type of contact with them.

2. Speedtrap - Seagate & Horn

You should be able to maintain a highest speed near the first checkpoint (#1), mostly because you will have a lot of time to accelerate properly. The following checkpoints are also situated in obvious points. The only exception is the camera located at the top of the small hill (#2). You have to look at your map often in order to notice its presence.

3. Tollbooth - Bristol & Route 55

Start off by using some of the nearby shortcuts (#1). They shouldn't slow your car down too much. You've got a series of tough corners ahead of you. Remember to use the brakes near one of the checkpoints (#2) in order to cut through a very difficult corner. You might also consider activating the Speedbreaker for a second or two.

You will be able to go through a very unusual shortcut at some point of this challenge (#1). Destroy the metal gate in order to get to the prison. Don't forget to keep a straight line, so you won't hit anything along the way. You will be jumping down to lower platforms. Don't worry, your car shouldn't experience any problems. You'll probably slow down a lot, although you will only profit from this type of action. Use the left shortcut near the finish line (#2).

4. Circuit - Boundary

This a rather easy race, although you will have to be careful at some points. You will encounter a tight corner near the start line (#1). It would be best to cut through it (using the grass). Be sure not to lose too much grip, though. You will be encountering some challenging corners along the way (#2). Thankfully, you should be able to cut through most of them. The final part of this race is very easy. You should be able to maintain a decent lead, that'll secure your ultimate victory.

5. Lap Knockout - Fisher Road

You have to be very careful. There's a difficult left corner near the start line. You will be able to use the prison shortcut in a few seconds (#1). Thanks to that, you should extend your lead even more. Be sure to use other shortcuts along the way. The final part of the lap will require you to cut through several challenging corners (#2). Watch out for the traffic, though. You should win the race without any other problems.


1. Trade Paint (46000 points)

You shouldn't have any major problems with this challenge. You will have to destroy or immobilize (use the huge constructions in order to do that) at least twelve police vehicles. The fastest way to complete this milestone will require you to brake through several roadblocks (#1).

2. Bounty (46000 points)

This time you will have to earn at least 30000 points during a single pursuit. It will require you to take part in a chase that lasts about 5-6 minutes. Thankfully, you should be able to complete some other milestones simultaneously.

3. Pursuit Evasion (46000 points)

It would be best to take care of this challenge after you finish one of the unlocked races. You will have to lose the pursuit within a three minute time limit. If you have a fast car you shouldn't worry too much about completing this objective.

4. Roadblock Challenge (46000 points)

You'll probably have some problems with this challenge. Just as before, I'd recommend staying on freeways. If you have the Cayman you shouldn't have any problems with breaking through the roadblocks (#1), although you have to be ready to go into reverse if the action is not successful. You should also notice that you'll be able to attack some roadblock several times. You should earn a point every time you break through them. Be sure to aim at the previously unharmed police vehicles.


Taking down Earl is not an easy thing to do. You shouldn't have any major problems with the Speedtrap challenge, BUT the Sprint is much more challenging. You will have to pick a car with an excellent handling in order to take the last few corners of that race without any major problems. I'd personally recommend Mitsubishi Lancer. More experienced players may pick the Cayman S, although it'll be tough to beat Earl in that car.

1. Speedtrap - North Bay Cannery

The first challenge is very easy. Furthermore, you won't have to cross the finish line before Earl in order to win it. You should remember that from the previous Speedtrap races. Concentrate ALL of your efforts on using the nitro button properly and maintaining higher speed near the designated checkpoints (#1). You have to be careful, though. Some of the cameras have been located near corners (#2). It would be best to use your map in order to locate these points.

2. Sprint - Camden & Route 55

The first part of this Sprint is not too difficult. You will have to get through a series of mild corners. I'd recommend using shortcuts along the way (#1). Be sure not to hit anything while doing that. More challenging turns will begin to appear shortly (#2). One of the toughest corners will require you to make a sudden right turn. Use the shortcut located in this spot (you can't see it on your map). It would be best to use the Speedbreaker feature in order to pass through it safely.

Another tight turn leads to the series of fast corners. You've been here before, so you should remember this area very well (#1). Be careful not to slide too much, especially when moving on grass. You'll have to slow down again in a couple of seconds. A very challenging left turn awaits you (#2).

Like I've said before, the final part of this challenge is by far the most challenging one. At first, you will have to deal with some mild corners (#1). Be sure to keep a high speed at all times. Don't let your opponent take the lead. At the end you will have to go through a small urban zone. You will be encountering very fast and very narrow corners along the way. Just as before, concentrate on blocking Earl. He will be doing his best to overtake you. You should leave this area in a few seconds (#2). Thankfully, only one small jump awaits you. It would be a good idea to use the nitro now. That way, you will be able to secure your lead.

Earl was driving a Mitsubishi Lancer. You should already own this car, so you won't have to fight for his vehicle. Even if you'll be able to win Earl's Lancer, I'd recommend selling it to get more cash. You'll need it...

Next Career Black List #8 - Jewels Prev Career Black List #10 - Baron