Can friends see your private playlists on Spotify?

While in the desktop app, I noticed yesterday that a friend I was following was listening to a playlist, "Your Top Songs 2017", so I clicked on it and was taken right to it. I followed it, went to the webplayer, and it wasn't visible, so I copied the URL from the app, pasted it in Chrome, and voila. I followed it again, and this time it is listed in my selection of playlists. I even have the option of making it public.

It's easy to make a Spotify playlist private, and then public again. Reuters

While Spotify is often used for sharing playlists with friends, there may be some playlists you want to keep private. This is easy to do with Spotify's "Make Secret" option.

Once you hide a Spotify playlist, your followers will no longer be able to view the playlist, and it won't appear in any searches. And if in the future you want to make the playlist public again, you can do so with just a click.

Remember, though, that you can only make playlists you've created private — if the playlist is owned by someone else, you can't edit it.

You can make a Spotify playlist private in both the desktop app for Mac and PC, and the mobile app for iPhone and Android.

1. Open the Spotify app on your Mac or PC.

2. Open the playlist you'd like to make private by searching for it, or selecting it from the left sidebar.

3. Click the three dots to the left of the large green "Play" button, just below the playlist's name.

4. Click "Make Secret." If you instead see a button that says "Make Public," the playlist is already private.

Making the playlist "Secret" is the same as making it private. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

If you ever change your mind, you can open the same menu again and select "Make Public."

You can make the playlist public again at any time. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

1. Open the Spotify app on your iPhone or Android device.

2. Open the playlist you want to make private by searching for it or finding it in the "Your Library" tab.

3. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner.

Open the three-dot menu. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

4. Tap "Make Secret." A pop-up message should automatically appear, saying that you've made the playlist private.

If you instead see an option that says "Make Public," then the playlist is already private.

You can make the playlist "secret" from this menu. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

To make the playlist public again, tap the three dots and select "Make Public."

You can also make a hidden playlist public. Marissa Perino/Business Insider

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Trying to keep your music taste to yourself? Here's how to keep your playlists private.

Can friends see your private playlists on Spotify?

Private playlists have a variety of uses, from keeping your personal and sometimes embarrassing songs to yourself ... to your top selections for upcoming artists you have your eye on.Private playlists remain private, until you share the link. Once this has happened anyone with the link has access, which means also anyone can get the data from Spotify's API. There’s little we can do about it this as the data comes from Spotify.

To help remove old unused (and private) playlists from Chartmetric we implemented a code to delete playlists from the database, when we detect that the playlist is not accessible any longer.

If you still have concerns you could make a new private playlist, move your songs there and delete the songs in the other playlist, followed by deleting the old playlist. Once you have done this be sure not to share the link and your playlist should stay private.

It's possible that she followed that playlist before you turned it to private. She could also save the link and follow it later. 

It's still possible for other users to view a playlist, even if it becomes private, if they are following it or have a link to it. They just won't be able to access it from your profile because it won't be displayed there if it's not public. 

If you don't want anyone to have access to that playlist, you can move all the songs to a new private playlist. 

The easiest way to do that is using your desktop: 

  • go to your playlist, 
  • select all with keyboard shortcut ctrl+A , 
  • drag them to a new playlist.

I hope you'll find this info useful! 

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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.