DIY laptop stand cardboard template

How to Make a Cardboard Laptop Stand

DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Introduction: How to Make a Cardboard Laptop Stand

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
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DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

In this instructable I will show you how to make a sturdy laptop stand out of cardboard.

Why pay over 30pounds/$60 for a flimsy plastic laptop stand, when you can make a stronger and more environmentally friendly stand for free ?!

When I thought of this idea I was skeptical and didn't think the cardboard would be able to support the heavy laptop, but after a bit of brainstorming and some strength tests i thought it was possible and decided to give it a go.

When I had finished making it I tentatively lowered my laptop onto the stand, half expecting it to crumble and my laptop slide off the desk. Fortunately the process was uneventful and my laptop was perfectly happy sitting on top of its swanky new stand.

Even though the initial test was a success i didn't want to publish an ible that would fall apart in a few days and drop peoples laptops, so i decided to go the distance and do an endurance test. Now its just under two weeks since the first test and everyday i have put the laptop on the stand in the morning and left it there all day and then taken it off in the evening.

Perfect, The stand is like new, nothing bent, frayed or crumpled, its been really good having the screen elevated, much more ergonomic than usual.

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Step 1: Get Cardboard

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
Pretty easy, everyone has some laying around.

If you dont have any:
  • Ask freinds
  • Ask in shops
  • Look behind shops
  • Ask at supermarkets
  • Ask Parents
  • Go to recycling center
  • Ask anywhere that sells things, they will have some
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Step 2: Cut Shapes

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
Now you have got the cardboard you can get started cutting out the shapes.

  • You will need a knife; X-acto, Scalpel, Box cutter.
  • -- It is much easer if your knife is sharp
  • A metal ruler is also handy, you get nice clean cuts.
  • -- Any ruler will do though
  • Cutting mat
  • -- If you are doing this inside this will save your floor/desk

You Need:
1 : BASE
1 : BACK
6 : STAND's

On the stand section you need to cut a 0.6cm wide 6cm tall slit for the support near the back.

This stand is designed for a 13' MacBook but will accomodate laptops up to 15'
It probbaly wont hold those laptops that are like portable desktops...
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Step 3: Check It All Fits

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Using some pins put all the peices toether and check you have the right sizes.

Dressmakers pins are perfect.

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Step 4: Glue !

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Now you have all the shapes cut and they all fit together we can assemble the stand.

I used a hot glue gun for my stand but PVA or superglue would work just as well.

Before gluing i would reccomend tracing out where you want the stands to be, this makes it easier and you are less likley to get it wrong.

Glue the support bar to the base first. Then glue the stand sections to the base and support, then add the back and front.

The laptop will be resting on the front pannel so use plenty of glue to make sure its strong. Infact use lots of glue all over.

Remember, Spare the glue Spoil the stand ! hahaha

Let the glue dry for a bit before you test the stand.

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Step 5: Finished !

DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Now get your laptop, and enjoy ergonomic bliss !

I am really pleased with this laptop stand, its very strong and suits my needs perfectly.

~ Thanks for reading, Dont forget to subscribe ! ~

~ Check out all my other Instructables ~

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DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

5 years ago


I am really looking forward to making this. I think I might store things in the slots. This is going to be great

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

6 years ago


Thx so much for the awesome idea!!

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

6 years ago on Introduction


Thank you so much, it made a whole world of difference. It just goes to show that a little thing done can change peoples lives.

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

10 years ago on Introduction


Harman/kardon Sound Sticks.... ROCK ON!!!

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Introduction


I've probably got a laptop that could crumple this one, but it's very big and very old. Don't know if you've ever heard of or seen a Gateway m675 with a 17 inch screen. If you have and had the misfortune of carrying, you'll know it's almost 9 pounds of portable computing power. (Specifications say 8.8 pounds, but we all know it feels heavier)

3 replies
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction


I have one that might crumple it: old HP from about 2001 or so, came with windows 2000, and is about 1.5 inches thick. it was a low end model...

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction


i saw a brand new laptop at a store with a 20 inch screen and it weighed over 20 pounds i think it had 16 gigs of ram and 2 terabytes of storage.

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction


oh, and I have one that will definitely crumple it, though you probably don't need a stand for it: huge desktop.

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Introduction


I'm thinking of doing one of those and maybe adding two coolers on the back wall to remove the hot air from the laptop's base (i have one of those "cooler tables", but it seems to not work at all... so i have to use my ventilator to cool off this thing).

3 replies
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Reply 11 years ago on Introduction


make sure to have the fans blowing air out of the box and away from the laptop, and add vents *not too much* to have a nice airflow, and also have negative air pressure insider the box. what this does is the negative air pressure actually causes a drop in temperature, and the airflow blows air through the bottom surface of the laptop.

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction


no. all computers I've seen had the fan blowing from the bottom to the side or back. additionally, making a negative pressure in the box puts strain on the computer's fan.

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction


Yes you are right... the strain however is negligible..

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

10 years ago on Introduction


Thanks :) my laptops overheat all the time to the point of shutting down. My mom has these cookie cooling racks that I resorted to using before I found this. Works great, the fans don't even run unless its updating. I'm going to try to build one that folds down, without glue, so that you can store it easier. Thanks again :)

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

10 years ago on Step 5


i made one for my 10 inch laptop.
i ad a mouse pad and a drawer.

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
1 reply
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
copper tube

Reply 10 years ago on Introduction



DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Introduction


I used the same basic design as you, except that I don't have any glue so I had to use a kind of joint to hold the two pieces of cardboard together. I guess an advantage to my design is that I can take it apart easily.

I plan on making the middle section, between the two cross pieces, a semicircular cut on each of them for airflow through the middle section. Right now I can only imagine how hot the center boxes will be once my computer starts doing some serious number crunching

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Step 2


Old newspaper=free cutting mat :D

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Step 5


this is great!!! even though i haven't tried it yet i think its going to be awesome thanks!!! :-)

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Introduction


I'm going to make one with the newToshibaI got for my Birthday(Yay).

DIY laptop stand cardboard template
DIY laptop stand cardboard template

11 years ago on Introduction


just finished mine works good

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