dux là gì - Nghĩa của từ dux

dux có nghĩa là

The person with the highest academic rank in their cohort. Although the term ‘Dux’ is extremely common in some regions, most notably Queensland, Australia, it is often unheard of in most other parts of the world.

Synonym: valedictorian

Ví dụ

He was presented the Dux award for his outstanding achievement.

dux có nghĩa là

To run or leave a place

Ví dụ

He was presented the Dux award for his outstanding achievement. To run or leave a place

dux có nghĩa là

Ví dụ. "oi blud lets dux"

Ví dụ

He was presented the Dux award for his outstanding achievement.

dux có nghĩa là

To run or leave a place Ví dụ. "oi blud lets dux"

Ví dụ

He was presented the Dux award for his outstanding achievement. To run or leave a place

dux có nghĩa là

Ví dụ. "oi blud lets dux"
"feds are comin.DUX!" very bad, stupid, terrible this homework is totally dux! 1. Shit Talker
2. Escaped Mental Patient 1. "He's a total dux"
2. "Did you hear about the dux on the news today?" To Be Frank Duxed is:

similar to being knocked out in world record fashion by swift Frank Dux roundhouse kick to the head

Ví dụ

John really got Frank Duxed the other night, he went in all in at poker on the 1st hand and lost with a pair of twos.

dux có nghĩa là

it can apply to, quick losses in gambling, fighting, sports games, or rejection to name a few

Ví dụ

"The young couple's blood curdling screams could be heard from the pier as the hungry architeuthis dux destroyed their little yacht and pulled them toward it's gnashing beak!"

dux có nghĩa là

also applicable to the pansy at a party who passes out after a shot of tequila

Ví dụ

It Can also be used in the verb form: Frank Duxing It, in which the losing/rejection is pre meditaded

dux có nghĩa là

its origin comes from the Bloodsport movie, in which Van Damme played the character Frank Dux, a martial arts specialist who honoured his shidoshi in the Kumite by winning it all and by defeating opponents in world record time John really got Frank Duxed the other night, he went in all in at poker on the 1st hand and lost with a pair of twos.

Ví dụ

The giant squid. The second largest species of squid known to man. The giant squid can reach lengths greater than 50 feet and has the largest eyeball in the animal kingdom. It is thought by many marine biologists to battle with and maybe even prey on sperm whales. Unlike most squid the architeuthis dux has serrated suckers on the clubs of it's two longest tentacles which are most likely used for catching and holding prey. The giant squid is one of the earliest and most terrifying examples of the fabled sea monsters that destroyed and sunk ships hundreds of years ago and is widely considered to be the same monster known as the kraken.

dux có nghĩa là

"The young couple's blood curdling screams could be heard from the pier as the hungry architeuthis dux destroyed their little yacht and pulled them toward it's gnashing beak!" To lie or mislead purposefully with the intent to decieve and glorify ones self to achieve financial gain. The evil dictator sought to dux with the foreign ministry of the United states.

Jim jones pulled a dux on his followers.

Ví dụ

A slang word, typically used by South Africans. I'm so tired, and going to dux now.

dux có nghĩa là

A thing or situation that seems to be the best there is.

Ví dụ

Dux: smartest person in a classroom