Firefox autoplay youtube

This extension stops YouTube HTML5 and Flash players from auto-buffering videos. Using this add-on (extension) you can save bandwidth and also prevent YouTube on multiple tabs from buffering media simultaneously.

You will have to click on the player to allow buffering of the media files. Once a player is buffered, it can play multiple tracks. There is no need to activate the player on each new track (so you can easily watch playlists for instance).

1. Stop auto-playing on "/watch?v=" pages
2. Stop auto-playing on "/user/" pages
3. Stop auto-playing on "/channel/" pages
4. Stop auto-playing on embedded YouTube players.
5. Supports YouTube's new Material Design (as of version 0.2.2)

1. As of version 0.2.4, this extension is compatible with YouTube's material design
2. As of version 0.2.5, this extension is not working on the old non-material design
3. If you would like the extension to not stop buffering when switching back and forth to the mini-player ("i" keyword on YouTube pages), go to the options page and check "Do not stop the player if the player is already playing" option.
4. This extension is compatible with ad-blocker extensions operating on YouTube pages.
5. This extension ONLY prevents YouTube HTML5/Flash players from auto-buffering (auto-playing) once after a YouTube page is being loaded. This extension does not aim to stop YouTube players from playing next tracks. For this you probably need to install another extension.

--- My other YouTube tools ---