general grievous là gì - Nghĩa của từ general grievous

general grievous có nghĩa là

General Grievous from Episode III, the awesome design,
which I thought would kick-ass in the movie but he didn't.

He had no point in the movie
and his fighting abilities sucked.

General Grievous was killed by Obi-Wan with a Blaster (!!!).
He had some serious coughing problem and always ran away.
What a coward.
So much potential wasted.

Ví dụ

General Grievous didn't kick ass in the movie, he totally sucked

general grievous có nghĩa là

The most badass villain ever.

If you hated him in Ep III, watch the Clone Wars cartoons or read Star Wars: Visionaries.

He is just... the greatest.

Ví dụ

General Grievous didn't kick ass in the movie, he totally sucked

general grievous có nghĩa là

The most badass villain ever.

Ví dụ

General Grievous didn't kick ass in the movie, he totally sucked

general grievous có nghĩa là

The most badass villain ever.

If you hated him in Ep III, watch the Clone Wars cartoons or read Star Wars: Visionaries.

Ví dụ

General Grievous didn't kick ass in the movie, he totally sucked The most badass villain ever.

general grievous có nghĩa là

If you hated him in Ep III, watch the Clone Wars cartoons or read Star Wars: Visionaries.

Ví dụ

Judging by the pained look in his eye and the sweaty forehead, Jeff will not soon forget that General Grievous.

general grievous có nghĩa là

He is just... the greatest.

Ví dụ

Grievous is the man now dog!

general grievous có nghĩa là

one of the greatest villains ever to light up the silver screen. he appears in Star Wars, Episode 3, and leads the attack that kicks the movie off. he is a four armed cyborg psycho with a keen tactical mind.

Ví dụ

Holy Crap, it's General Grievous, he just sliced me into 4 while i exclaimed

general grievous có nghĩa là

General Grievous, who appeared in Star Wars, Episode 3, was a military leader for the Empire. He was a cyborg, possessed of four arms and a cowardly disposition.

Ví dụ

general grievous is epic and badass

general grievous có nghĩa là

Unfortunately, he ended up being a complete and utter disappointment due to the fact that his main tactic was to run away. When he finally did get his robotic hands on four lightstabers, his strategy was to spin them around like a puss as he was slowly dismembered. we ridin spinnaz we ridin spinnaz we ridin-

Ví dụ

*chặt! General Grievous loses an arm*
(repeat x4)

general grievous có nghĩa là

a exceptionally painful bowel movement.

Ví dụ

Judging by the pained look in his eye and the sweaty forehead, Jeff will not soon forget that General Grievous.