Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 3

1.Choose the word that DOES NOT fit in the sentences.
Chọn từ KHÔNG phù hợp với những câu sau.

1. You may feel____ before taking an important exam.


2. You have finished your exam, and you think you did well. You may feel____


3. You have a problem with your classmates at school and you don't know who to talk to. You may feel________        (worried/delighted/stressed/depressed)

4. You are asked to fix a broken bicycle chain and you are not sure what to do. You may feel______ . (confused/frustrated/happy/embarrassed)

5. You have moved to a new school and you know nobody there. You may feel____.


6. You notice something strange happening to your body when you start your adolescence. You may feel______ .

(embarrassed/confused/left-out/ worried)

Key - Đáp án:

1. surprised

2. depressed

3. delighted

4. happy

5. delighted

6. left-out

2.Match the verbs in A to the nouns in B

Nối những động từ ở cột A với danh từ ở cột B.



a)      Support

b)      Healthy habits

c)       risks

d)      Informed decisions

e)      Conflicts

f)       Stress

Key - Đáp án:

1.d; 2.e; 3.f; 4.c; 5.a; 6.b

3.Use the phrases created in 2 to complete the following sentences.

Sử dụng những cụm từ ở bài 2 để hoàn thành những câu sau.

1. Recognising your feelings is a way to_________.

2. Our teacher said we should ______such as sleeping at least eight hours a night and exercising regularly.

3. ‘I'm fighting with my sister again! It feels like we can never____________________ our_________ !"

4. ‘Don't act too quickly! You should consider both the good points and bad points in order to_________!’ my father advised me.

5. He is a very wise man. He knows when to_______and when to wait.

6. 'When you are in trouble, who do you__________________?' asked the survey.

Key - Đáp án:

1. overcome stress                2. form healthy habits

3. resolve - conflicts              4. make informed decisions

5. take risks                         6. ask for support

4. Match the skill to the example.

Nối những kĩ năng với những ví dụ sau.

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 3

Key - Đáp án:

1. b,i; 2. d,g; 3. a,f; 4. c,h; 5. e,j

5. Turn the following statements into indirect/reported speech.

Chuyển những câu sau thành câu gián tiếp/câu trần thuật.

1. 'Have you seen her recently?’ asked Thanh.

2. 'Last night I couldn't sleep!’ she said.

3. 'I am on my way,’ he said.

4. 'We want to send our son to a university in the UK,’ they said

5. 'Have you ever tried calling a helpline?’ the teacher asked Ngoc

6. 'Tell Emma I miss her very much,’ she told me.

Key - Đáp án:

1. Thanh asked me if I had seen her recently.

2. She told me she couldn't sleep the night before.

3. He said he was on his way.

4. They said they wanted to send their son to a university in the UK.

5. The teacher asked Ngoc if she had ever tried calling a helpline.

6. She told me to tell Emma she missed her very much.

6. Turn the following sentences into direct speech.

Chuyển những câu sau thành câu trực tiếp.

1. He advised me to visit the company's website.

2. They said he hadn't come to the meeting.

3. She asked if I wanted to become a doctor.

4. They said the support service would be set up in December.

5. My mother said she had sent me the book the week before.

6. He asked if it was too late to apply for the course.

Key - Đáp án:

1. 'You should visit the company's website,’ he told me.

2. 'He didn't come to the meeting,’ they said.

3. 'Do you want to become a doctor?’ she asked me.

4. 'The support service will be set up in December,’ they said.

5. 'I sent you the book last week,’ my mother told me.

6. 'Is it too late to apply for the course?’ he asked.

7. Rewrite the following sentences using question words before to-ìninitives.

Viết lại những câu sau có sử dụng từ để hỏi trước to-V.

1. 'When should I start the computer?’ Nguyen asked his teacher.

—> Nguyen asked_________________________________________ •

2. I don't really know what I should say in my graduation speech. Can you help me?

—► I don't really know                                                    , Can you help me?

3. They can't decide what they should do in this situation.

—►They can't decide ____________________________________________            .

4. 'Should I tell this to her?’ he asked himself.

—► He wondered ______________________________________________ .

5. She was not sure who she should contact.

—» She was not sure_______________________________________ .

6. 'Where can I find more information about this?’ he asked.

—► He didn't know_______________________________________ .

Key - Đáp án:

1. Nguyen asked his teacher when to start the computer.

2. I don't really know what to say in my graduation speech. Can you help me?

3. They can't decide what to do in this situation.

4. He wondered whether to tell that to her.

5. She was not sure who to contact.

6. He didn't know where to find more information about that.

Page 2

1.Take a piece of paper and write down three sentences that your teacher or classmates said to you today. Then relay these sentences to your family members, using reported speech.
Lấy một mảnh giấy và viết ba câu mà giáo viên hoặc bạn cùng lớp đã nói với bạn hôm nay. Sau đó nói những câu này với các thành viên trong gia đình bạn, sử dụng câu trần thuật.

2.Here are some skills from 3, VOCABULARY&GRAMMAR. Answer these questions, using your own experience.

Đây là một số kĩ năng từ bài 3, phần VOCABULARY&GRAMMAR. Trả lời những câu hỏi dưới đây, theo kinh nghiệm của bạn.

1. Have you ever overcome stress? How did you do it?

2. Have you got any healthy habits? What are they?

3. Have you ever resolved any conflicts? How did you do that?

3.Imagine that you are in a difficult situation where some of your classmates force you to do their homework for them. What wil you do? Why do you choose to do that?

Tưởng tượng bạn đang trong tình huống khó xử là bạn cùng lớp của bạn bắt bạn phải làm bài tập về nhà giúp họ. Bạn sẽ làm gì? Tại sao bạn làm thế?

a. Do what your classmate have asked, and tell nobody about it.

b. Refuse to do what they have asked, and tell nobody about it.

c. Talk to your teacher or your parents about it.

Page 3

1.Read the following text about Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, and do the tasks below.
Đọc văn bản sau nói về Bill Gates, người sáng lập ra Microsoft, và làm bài tập dưới đây.

Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft, the world's largest PC software company. He is among the richest people in the world.  Bill Gates' interest in computers started when he was a teenager. After high school, he was accepted to several top colleges in the USA: Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. He chose to go to Harvard to study law. At Harvard, he focused more on his interest in computers than on coursework. He often relaxed by playing video games in Harvard's computer lab. He left Harvard before graduating because he wanted to open a software company with his friend Paul Allen. However, he later said, "I don’t think dropping out is a good idea.’ In 2007, he received an honorary degree from Harvard. He began his speech by saying this to his father in the audience. "I have been waiting more than 30 years to say this: Dad, I always told you I'd come back and get my degree.’ Bill Gates is no longer working full time for Microsoft. He is now, with his wife, running The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which aims to improve healthcare, reduce poverty, and promote education around the world.

 a. Choose the best answer.

1. When did Bill Gates first develop his interest in computers?

A. during his teenage years

B. when he went to university

C. when he was at nursery school

2. What did he study at Harvard University?

A. computer science

B. business

C. law

3. What did he often do to relax while at Harvard?

A. play sports

B. play video games

C. go to parties

4. Why did he drop out of Harvard?

A. because he was ill

B. because he wanted to study at another university

C. because he wanted to start a software company

5. What did he receive from Harvard in 2007?

A. an honorary degree

B. a job

C. a company

6. What is the purpose of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

A. law

B. healthcare, poverty reduction, and education

C. computer software

Key - Đáp án:

1. A; 2. C; 3. B; 4. C; 5. A; 6. B

b.Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Đánh dấu nếu những câu sau đúng (T) hoặc sai (F).



  1. After high school, Gates was accepted to only middle-ranking colleges in the USA.
  1. At Harvard, he focused more on his coursework than his interest in computers.
  1. He didn't know how to relax after his hard work.
  1. He regretted that he had dropped out of Harvard.
  1. He had always wanted to get his degree from Harvard.
  1. He wanted to make his father happy by getting his degree.

Key - Đáp án:

1. F (He was accepted to several top colleges in the USA)

2. F (He focused more on computers)

3. F (He played video games to relax)

4. T

5. T

6. T

c. Rewrite these sentences in indirect speech.

Viết lại những câu sau về câu gián tiếp.

1. I don't think dropping out is a good idea,’ said Bill Gates.

2. I always told you I'd come back and get my degree,’ he said to his father.

Key - Đáp án:

1. Bill Gates said he didn't think dropping out was a good idea.

2. He told his father that he always said he would come back and get his degree.

2.Read this text about ways to manage your anger, then do the tasks that follow.

Đọc văn bản dưới đây nói về cách thức để chế ngự sự tức giận của bạn, sau đó làm bài tập dưới đây.

Tips to control anger

It is normal to be angry sometimes, but if you let your anger get out of control, it can lead to problems. Here are some simple tips to control this feeling.


-     Take deep breaths to make you calm down.

-     Repeat slowly some calming words such as 'relax’ or 'take it easy’.

Think positively

-      When things go wrong and make you angry, say to yourself: 'this is not the end of the world’.

-     Remind yourself that getting angry won’t solve anything, and won't make you feel better.

Solve the problem

-     Instead of feeling angry, try to solve the problem, but remind yourself that it's okay if the solution doesn't work.

a. Choose the best answer.

1. It's normal/not normal to be angry.

2. You should/shouldn't let your anger get out of control.

3. Anger can/can't be controlled,

4. Relaxing is/isn't a good way to manage your anger.

5. When feeling angry, try to think positively/negatively.

6. Don't try/ Try to solve the problem that makes you feel angry.

Key - Đáp án:

1. normal                                    2. shouldn't                         3. can

4. is                                            5. positively                         6. Try

b.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases from the text.

Hoàn thành những câu sau với từ và cụm từ từ văn bản trên.

1. Take_____ breaths to make you calm down.

2. Repeating words or phrases such as______ or_______ might help.

3. Tell yourself    if things go wrong.

4. Feeling angry is not going to______ and make you ____  .

5. Remind yourself it's okay if the solution you tried.

Key - Đáp án:

1. deep                                       2. 'relax’; 'take it easy’                 3. 'this is not the end of the world’

4. solve things; feel better            5. doesn't work

3. Read the text below about useful tips when you are studying for tests, then do the tasks that follow.

Đọc văn bản sau về những mẹo hữu ích khi bạn ôn thi, sau đó làm bài tập dưới đây.

Studying for a test

1. Create your own study aids: make an outline of the main ideas, or a timeline of important events.

2. Don't wait until the last minute to study! Have short daily study sessions.

3. Read the test instructions carefully.

4. Read the entire test through before starting.

5. Read the teacher's feedback on your test carefully, and try to learn from your mistakes.

6. Answer the easiest questions first, then the ones with highest point value.

7. If you aren't sure hơ to answer a question fully, try to at least answer part of it.

8. Save the test for later review.

9. Save time at the end of the test to look over your work.

10. Be sure to find out ahead of time the areas the test will cover, and the format of the test.

a Match the underlined words/phrases in the text to their meanings.

Nối những từ/cụm từ gách chân trong văn bản với nghĩa của chúng.

 1. comment(s)

2.  quickly examine something

3. whole

4. a line that shows the order in which events have happened.

5. before something takes place

6. the way the test questions are presented, e.g. multiple choice or essay

7. study something again

Key - Đáp án:

1. feedback            2. look over                 3. entire               4. timeline

5. ahead of time     6. format                    7. review

b. Put the tips in the appropriate box.

Điền những mẹo vào hộp phù hợp.

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 3
 Key - Đáp án:

Before the test


When taking the test


After the test


c. Answer the following questions.

1. What should you find out before taking the test?

2. How can you remember the main ideas or important events?

3. Which types of question should you answer first?

4. What should you do just before the end of the test?

5. What should you do when the test is returned to you?

Key - Đáp án:

1. The areas the test will cover, and the format of the test.

2. Make an outline of the main ideas, or a timeline of important events.

3. Answer the easiest questions first, then the ones with highest point value.

4. Look over the work.

5.Keep it for review. Read the teacher's feedback. Learn from the mistakes.

Page 4

1. Rewrite the ideas in 3, READING, in the form of advice. Use the phrases for giving advice you have learnt in this unit.
Viết lại các ý trong mục 3 - đọc hiểu theo dạng câu khuyên bảo. Sử dụng các cụm từ đã được học trong bài này.


Create your own study aids.

—► I think you should create your own study aids ...

It might help to create your own study aids ...

Have you thought about creating your own study aids...

2. Match the following pieces of advice to the situations in 1, VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR.

Nối các ý sau với các câu khuyên bảo ở bài 1 mục Từ vựng và ngữ pháp.

A. It might help if you try to be open and friendly first. This will make it easier to make newfriencs

B. Have you thought about asking someone to show you how to fix it?

C. The change is normal, but if you are worried, it might help to call a helpline.

D. I think you should relax now. You've done very well in the exam.

E. It might be, a good idea to find out about the format of the exam in advance.

F. If I were you, I would talk to the teacher about this problem.

Key - Đáp án:

1. A-5; B-4; C-6; D-2; E-1; F-3

3. Now look again at the situations in 1, VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR. This time give your advice for each problem.

Nhìn vào bài 1 mục Từ vựng và ngữ pháp, đưa ra lời khuyên của bạn cho mỗi vấn đề.

Page 5

1. Look at the sentences below. Put the underlined words into the correct column according to whether they are stressed or unstressed. (1 p)
Nhìn các câu dưới đây. Xếp các từ gạch chân vào đúng cột.

1. A: They didn't embroider this picture by hand.

2. A: She's still doing her homework.

B: Is she?

3. A: Who broke the window?

B: He did!

4. A: Are you angry?

B: Yes, I am.

 Key - Đáp án:



Didn’t, picture



She(A), her

Who, he



2. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. (1 p)

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Nam didn't know__________to find more information about the course.

A. what                      B. why              C. Where              D. while

2. He asked_______it was too early to apply for the course.

A. if                           B for                  C. while                D. that

3. I couldn't sleep last night____________ the bar nearby played music so loudly.

A. although                      B. so that                                C. while                                    D. because

4. _____they moved to the city five years ago, they still remember living in a small town.

A. Although                      B. Whereas                             C. While                             D. In order that

5. The students didn't know to do to deal with the problem.

A. where                          B. when                                   C.why                             D. what

6. Lots of people choose to buy houses in the suburbs in the city.

A. although                      B. when                                   C. so that                       D. so as

7. Minh is_______ the most successful student in my class.

A. so long                        B. by how                                C. by far                           D. so now

8. My grandfather is the ................ oldest artisan in the village; Ngoc's grandfather is the oldest.

A. first                              B. second                               C. most                                    D. one

9. ________was talking to my teacher, my friends were waiting outside the classroom.

A. In order that             B. While                                   C. Although                         D. So that

10. Lan couldn't decide_________ to work with on the project.

A who                               B. what                                C. how                                D. when

Key - Đáp án:

1C; 2A; 3D; 4A; 5D; 6C; 7C; 8.B; 9B; 10.A

3. Complete each sentence using a verb from A in the correct form and a particle from B. You can use any particle more than once. (2 p)

Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng động từ ở cột A kết hợp với giới từ ở cột B, có thể sử dụng một giới từ nhiều lần.


Turn, bring, deal, live, break,

Set, keep, go, give, run


Out, down, with,

up, on, off

1. Don't ............... practising. You're making good progress.

2. Mai_________ her stress by taking up yoga.

3. Hoang was sad because he failed to________ to his parents'expectations.

4. If they _______  cutting down trees, the city will lose its beauty.

5. Our band has just_________ our second album.

6. We missed the beginning of the film since our motorbike_____________ on the way to the cinema.

7. She wanted to knit a scarf, but she________ of wool before she was finished.

8. If you don't_________ with your regular exercise, you'll gain more weight.

9. Their proposal to build another skyscraper in the city has been _______ as it may be dangerous.

10. What time do you want to_________ for Hai Duong?

Key - Đáp án:
1. give up              2. dealt with               3. live up                   4. go on

5. brought out             6. broke down          7. ran out              8. keep up

9. turned down           10. set off

4. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. (1 p)

Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của động từ cho trong ngoặc.

1. One of the_____in my hometown is the traditional market, which is open every Sunday. (attract)

2. What are the differences between Dong Ho________ and Sinh ones? (paint)

3. This is a very beautiful piece of______ . (embroider)

4. _____is one of the biggest problems in this city. (employ)

5. Photography is strictly ___  in this museum. (forbid)

6. Do you know what is the most________ town in this region? (population)

7. Remember to visit the Ancient Tower as it's the only________building in our area, (history)

8. I feel so________ because I can't run as fast as my friends, (embarrass)

9. _______can help you succeed in many fields, (confident)

10. Find out more about the job so that you can make an_________ choice. (inform)

 Key - Đáp án:

1. attractions             2. paintings                3. embroidery                4. Unemployment

5. forbiden                 6. populous/populated               7. historic             8. embarrassed

9. Confidence             10. informed

5. Identify a mistake in each sentence and correct it. (1 p)

Tìm ra lỗi sai trong mỗi câu sau và sửa chúng.

1. Mai went to the Student Support Office although she wanted to get some advice.

2. I don't know which one is most ancient: Bat Trang pottery village or Bau True pottery village?

3. Are you sure you can get on your new classmates?

4. If you don't know what to operate the machine, you should read the instruction manual.

5. Ngoc is stressful because she's sitting an important exam tomorrow.

 Key - Đáp án:

1. although -> because/since/as            2. most -> more           

3. get on-> get on with                         4. what -> how                    5. stressful -> stressed

6. Read some students'opinions about whether a city should preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings. Do the following exercises. (1 p)


Preserving some of our old and historic buildings for future generation is necessary. We can build modern buildings anytime. However, once old buildings are destroyed, we can bring them back again. We may find these buildings unnecessary at the moment, but in the distant future, they may become very important to our descendants.They may to see those buildings with their own eyes, not just look at pictures, or read descriptions of them.


We should preserve historic sites because they are of educational value. To be specific, historic buildings are popular spots for field trips for various schools, ranging from schools to high schools. In fact, my class was taken to the Temple of Literature, the first university in Viet Nam, was in grade five. It was an interesting experience as it help me and my friends understand more about our educational system in the past.


Old and historic buildings can be interesting tourist attractions. We may be astonished by, and admire, their unusual and distinctive beauty. Local people enjoy experience their country's history, but foreign visitors also want to see those buildings. They come from other and want to enjoy something different.

a. Match the words in A with their definition in B.

Giải sách bài tập tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 3

b. Which student Nga, Trang, or Long mentions the following points? Tick () the appropriate boxes.

Nga, Trang hoặc Long đề cập đến những điểm nào? Tích vào trong cột tương ứng.

Which student




1. visited a historic site?

2. says foreign tourists may like seeing historic buildings?

3. thinks future generations may be interested in historic buildings?

4. mentions the educational aspect of these buildings?

5. mentions the special beauty of historic buildings?

Key - Đáp án:

a. 1B; 2D; 3E; 4A; 5C

b. 1. Trang; 2. Long; 3. Nga; 4. Trang; 5. Long

7. Put an appropriate word in each gap in the following passage. (2 p)

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau.

I've (1)____________ working with teenagers for five years. I've spent time talking to them besides teaching them English. I remember once asked them (2)______ their parents or classmates had influence on their success at school. Some said their parents had (3)__________ influence on their achievement. The (4) _____________ given was that parents usually loved their (5)____________ unconditionally, and they definitely would do their best to help and support their children. For (6)___ parents could do all housework so that their children could have(7)_______for studying.

However, some students revealed that their parents were (8) busy to spend time with them. Therefore, it was difficult for parents help their children. In this case, classmates or friends affected their success (9)...................... because they talked to them more and they helped each other to deal (10)____________ any difficulty in studying.

Key - Đáp án:

1. been                  2. if/whether                    3. most/biggest/greatest              4. reason

5. children              6. example                       7. time/opportunity

8. too                    9. most                             10. with

8. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the given. (1 p)

1. I have no idea when I should take that English test, (to)

-> I_______________

2. The prospect of moving to a new flat on the outskirts of Ha Noi made me much happier. (cheered)

-> The_____________

3. Why did you put on smart clothes yesterday? (dress)

-> Why____________

4. Despite the bad weather, we went out for a picnic, (although)

-> We____________

5. His parents haven't decided who they should seek advice from to deal with their son's problem. (consult)

-> His___________

Key - Đáp án:

1. I have no idea when to take that English test.

2. The prospect of moving to a new flat on the outskirts of Ha Noi cheered me up.       

3. Why did you dress up yesterday?

4. We went out for a picnic although the weather was bad.

5. His parents haven't  decided who to consult to deal with their son's problem.