hopeless romantics là gì - Nghĩa của từ hopeless romantics

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

This person is in love with love.They believe in fairy tales and love.They're not to be confused as stalkers or creepy because that's not what a hopeless romantic is. All hopeless romantics are idealists,the sentimental dreamers,the imaginative and the fanciful when you get to know them.They often live with rose colored glasses on.They make lovelook like an art form with all the romantic things they do for their special someone.


"Angie is a hopeless romantic,she's always writing beautiful love poems to her boyfriend Mike."

"Jack is such a hopeless romantic, he's always bringing flowers and doing the sweetest things for his wife."

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

Hopeless Romantics are NOT Hopeless per-say, but very true, caring, and loving people. They are "NOT MADE FOR TODAYS STANDARDS", sadly. They believe in passion, chivalry, and true love. They have loved sincerely at one point in their life, discovered what love feels like, and can't understand why it was not returned in the same form. Hopeless Romantics are usually dreamers, idealists, and sincere, however what they expect in any relationship is a full return for their effort and caring, to be loved as much as they loved. What makes them "Hopeless" is the fact that they are few and far between in todays daily life, and usually get let down in the long run, even though they gave all they had to give, money, love, time, housing, belongings. Hopeless Romantics give 100% ALL the time, and hope for the same in return.


Hopeless Romantic - "One Day you'll find sumone who appreciates you, loves you, u gave so much, u were so true and faithful, u did EVERYTHING RIGHT" - you

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

A hopeless romantic is not the same as a hopeless flirter. A hopeless romantic dreams of who they will spend the rest of their life with and what the two of them will do together. They want to be romanced with sweet simple things and the thoughtful amazing surprises. They dream of being loved but also loving somebody. They don't just want somebody to hold them. they also want to hold someone. They realize that love isn't just about one person but both people. they are hopelessly in love with being loved AND loving back.


My friends is a perfect example of someone who isn't a hopeless romantic. She says she wants to be romanced but she flirts with every guy. And I mean EVERY guy. She calls herself a hopeless romantic but shes not. Once she has a guy that just wants to love her shes get bored after two weeks and then when he gets a new girlfriend she suddenly likes him again. Thats not hopeless romantic thats just hopeless.

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

A definition of a Hopeless Romantic can be typed for pages really. These people have larger hearts than the rest of us. They tend to get hurt more than the regular person. It's sad to say that now and a days the romantics hide or they just lose their touch with being a Hopeless Romantic. We live in a time where everyone is hurting each other and everyone is scared to give their 100%. Hopeless Romantics don't make themselves known very often for that reason. Hopeless Romantics will give more than 100% to a relationship. They look at their partners as something that will has never been made before; that their partner was made just for them. They get hurt because of this but they remain hopeful. Hopeful that one day they find someone for them. It's also sad to say sometimes the hope dies. I honestly think they are one of the most pure things left on this planet. If you're going to love, please give it you're all. Every ounce inside of you should go to someone.


She's a hopeless romantic. That's why she has hope that he'll go to her.

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

A hopeless romantic has a larger heart then others, being more prone to a broken heart then the regular person. They are in love with the idea of being loved and loving back. They are NOT made for today’s standards, as they believe in the little things about true love, fairy tales, and chivalry, and truly believe that there is only one person out there for them. They get attached quickly, but they are genuinely the best boy/girl friend you could have. They are loving, caring people who give their 100%, expecting full return. They often dream of who they will spend the rest of their life with, and romanticizing what the two of them will do together. They dream to be romanced with sweet simple things and thoughtful surprises, and just want someone to care for them and hold them, and tell them everything will be okay.


a hopeless romantic is one who romanticizes about their partner and their future together

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

A hopeless romantic is a person who believes in all the little things about love, despite painful burns and heart shattering scenarios. And even after all this, deep inside won't give up on the idea that true does exisit. A well intentioned heart who seems to find love in all the wrong places but who's heart never spoils Or A hopeless romantic is someone who in spite of either always being turned down or not being able to find someone truly compatible with them still gives effort into the attempt to find themselves a romantic connection.


A Hopeless Romantic really reminds me of movies like Serendipity, where they find little signs that they are meant to be together, that fate and destiny do play a role in our lives.

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

A person that has good genuine intentions. Modern day romance is hell for them. They seek a person that is real and seeks true love. They want a family together and wish to remain together. They get hurt easily because they carry their heart on their sleeves, but despite this, they never loose hope of finding the love of their life. They like the feeling of being in love because it’s their natural high but know that they’ll end up hurt in the end. They typically like love songs and romantic movies. They’re also very romantic [obviously].


Person 1: *sigh* I wish I wasn’t such a hopeless romantic.

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

Someone who is simply terrible in/at love. They fall in love easily, are very open with their emotions, and can't seem to find the love of their life. They have a sense of honor, great valor, a deep sense of right and wrong, and are very romantical in the extreme. When they woo or court a person they always try to be the best they can be for the other. A Hopeless Romantic is someone who always has a wistful look in their eyes, is sad and shows it discreetly, or someone who always seems to be happy, but when they think no one is looking they drop the act and it is plain to see. These people are sad, lost, lonely souls.


That poor boy is A Hopeless Romantic.
Just look at him, see how he's always smiling? Look into his eyes and you'll see the truth. A Hopeless Romantic that's what he truly is.
All is fair in love and warfare. So what if he can't help that he prefers one over the other?

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

Believing in true love obsession with one person forever being loyal and always finding was to love each other because if you have it with everyone else it's not special because then you can go to a whore. Finding someone that fits you perfectly and not being interested in another person because that person is the one. Being comfortable content with life not seeing anyone else like they the only person in the world.


You call it old fashioned I call it Hopeless romantic.

hopeless romantics có nghĩa là

A hopeless romantic is a person who truly believes in love. No matter how many times the have been rejected, heartbroken, or turned down, they still try to find the right partner and still haven’t lost hope in love.


“Oh, she’s a hopeless romantic- which means she is never going to give up on finding true love.”

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