Microsoft has been busy building additional functionality into Outlook lately. From annotation abilities to voice assistant integration, it's clear that the company sees Outlook as an opportunity to bring the best of Microsoft to Android. The app's latest update adds a feature that should make keeping track of events easier for people who use multiple calendar apps.

Outlook on Android now supports syncing calendar events between Outlook and other calendar apps. Apps supported include popular options like Google Calendar and Samsung Calendar, but it should be compatible with alternative choices too.  Syncing works in both directions, so events created in Outlook show up in competing calendar apps and vice versa — and events can be edited across apps as well.

This addition may not be as exciting as the app's previous update, but it's still something that's great for usability. Microsoft 365, Office 365, and accounts work with the new feature, which should be available now in the app. Download the latest version from APK Mirror or the Play Store and get those calendars synced up.

  • News
  • Applications
  • microsoft
  • google calendar
  • outlook