Intimately là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ ” intimately “, trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh – Việt. Chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể tìm hiểu thêm những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong trường hợp cần đặt câu với từ intimately, hoặc tìm hiểu thêm ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ intimately trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh – Việt

1. Someone intimately associated with the project.

Ai đó có mối liên hệ rất mật thiết với dự án Bất Động Sản .

2. Faith and character are intimately related.

Đức tin và chí khí tương quan ngặt nghèo với nhau .

3. I’ve studied the form of comics intimately.

Tôi đã học tường tận về thể loại truyện tranh .

4. ● Social drinking is often intimately linked with smoking.

● Uống rượu bia xã giao thường liên hệ mật thiết với hút thuốc .

5. However, Contursi’s lyrics became intimately associated with the song.

Tuy nhiên, phần lời hát của Contursi đã gắn chặt với bài hát .

6. Syria is intimately tied to regional security, to global stability.

Syria có quan hệ mật thiết với bảo mật an ninh khu vực, và sự không thay đổi toàn thế giới .

7. And greed and hubris are intimately intertwined when it comes to recklessness.

Tham lam và ngạo mạn có liên hệ mật thiết với nhau khi nó cùng dẫn đến sự liều lĩnh.

8. Love is intimately connected with promise; lust finds its home with pride.

Tình yêu phối hợp mật thiết với lời hứa ; dục vọng rất thích hợp với tính kiêu ngạo .

9. This makes it possible for us to intimately know truth for ourselves.

Điều này làm cho tất cả chúng ta hoàn toàn có thể tự mình biết được tường tận lẽ thật .

10. The history of disease is intimately bound up with social and moral factors.”

Lịch sử bệnh tật cũng liên hệ sâu xa đến những yếu tố xã hội và đạo đức ” .

11. But even the most noble among them do not know their subjects intimately.

Nhưng ngay cả người đáng trọng nhất trong vòng họ cũng không biết rõ dân chúng .

12. I didn’t do anything that you didn’t do, gutting that Skitter very intimately.

Em làm gì anh làm nấy, moi ruột con Skitter đó rất điêu luyện .

13. Captain Thomas Forrest was intimately connected with Nuku and represented the British as ambassador.

Tuyền trưởng Thomas Forrest đã bí hiểm liên hệ với Nuku đại diện thay mặt người Anh làm đại sứ .

14. This suggests that the early history of commercial signage is intimately tied up with the history of branding and labelling.

Điều này cho thấy rằng lịch sử vẻ vang khởi đầu của những bảng hiệu thương mại gắn chặt với thương hiệu và lịch sử vẻ vang của nó .


in an intimate fashion; warmly, in a familiar manner; closely; personally, privately, secretly

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "intimately", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ intimately, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ intimately trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. They touched each other intimately .

2. He knew the town intimately.

3. Someone intimately associated with the project.

4. Faith and character are intimately related.

5. The two aspects are intimately connected.

6. I've studied the form of comics intimately.

7. She was intimately involved in the project.

8. 24 The two aspects are intimately connected.

9. Previously, art was intimately interwoven with the social.

10. His work is intimately concerned with epistemological questions.

11. ● Social drinking is often intimately linked with smoking.

12. I have seen them intimately, close at hand.

13. However, Contursi's lyrics became intimately associated with the song.

14. And that was intimately connected with the other problem.

15. Native West Virginian Julia Bonds understands these problems intimately.

16. Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.

17. She scratched delicately, not to say intimately, with her forefinger.

18. She's been intimately involved in the project since it began.

19. 22 Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong.

20. Syria is intimately tied to regional security, to global stability.

21. He did not feel he had got to know them intimately.

22. The nematode generations are intimately connected with those of their hosts.

23. I am intimately acquainted with the state of my bank account.

24. com/excretive.html] contact at least 8 hours intimately with your skin.

25. It was the first time they had attempted to talk intimately.

26. Successive governments have declared that science is intimately linked with national wealth.

27. And greed and hubris are intimately intertwined when it comes to recklessness.

28. Love is intimately connected with promise; lust finds its home with pride.

29. This makes it possible for us to intimately know truth for ourselves.

30. Our voices are intimately connected with the way we live our lives.

31. The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.

32. 2 The nematode generations are intimately connected with those of their hosts.

33. 14 The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.

34. The book authentically and intimately describes the small details of her daily life.

35. The history of disease is intimately bound up with social and moral factors.”

36. But even the most noble among them do not know their subjects intimately.

37. 15 The history of tobacco growing is intimately associated with colonialism and slavery.

38. I didn't do anything that you didn't do, gutting that Skitter very intimately.

39. Conclusions Coronary sinus diverticulum is anatomically intimately related to the posteroseptal accessory pathway.

40. They were intimately connected by an active worldwide electronic network, encrypted where necessary.

41. I have got it why my parents and friends call me flocky Na intimately.

42. You have to be willing to get to know yourself and your partner intimately.

43. 12 His disciples, who knew Him intimately, were clearly convinced of His utter sinlessness .

44. Captain Thomas Forrest was intimately connected with Nuku and represented the British as ambassador.

45. The survival of whales is intimately bound up with the health of the ocean.

46. Hubbell, part of the Clintons' inner circle, is intimately familiar with their financial affairs.

47. He was — what is the phrase I'm looking for — not intimately acquainted with his subject.

48. The history of anthrax is intimately associated with the history of bacteriology and infectious disease.

49. Hence the study of primitive culture is intimately bound up with that of primitive religion.

50. 25] Hubbell, part of the Clintons' inner circle, is intimately familiar with their financial affairs.

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