Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?

Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


Liking YTtalk
JoinedMay 12, 2017Messages77Reaction score25Age33Channel TypeReporter
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So am sorting through my items finally making playlists up, and wondering....can you have too many playlists ?
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


I Love YTtalk
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You can never have too much of a good thing.
  • Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


I am a Traveler, A Wanderer, A Thinker
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I have a least 3 playlists, one for my vlogs, one for my Music videos, when I film music from concerts, and one for my traveling videos!
I see it as a good thing, because it separates them and if people just want to see my traveling videos, they could just put that playlist on and watch!
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


ApexTV Makes Top 10 Videos!
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There is no limit to the amount of playlists a YouTube user can make, hope this helps!
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


Liking YTtalk
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Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?
think my problem is that my topic is so sub divided into various aspects . Like Job interviews, resume, legal issues, interpersonal skills , yadda yadda that am worried I might cut my lists with too fine a knife that my viewers won't want to scroll through my playlists looking for what list is relevant for them
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


Love always wins
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I think too many playlists can sometimes do the opposite of organising your videos and appear disorganised or a little overwhelming, at least for me. I have about 6 but I don't recommend too many more as might start looking a little cluttered, but that's just my opinion
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?

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Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


Liking YTtalk
JoinedMay 26, 2017Messages92Reaction score29Age35LocationDurham, EnglandChannel TypeGamer
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I'm pretty sure you can't. I've seen a few channels with awesome alphabetical playlists so you can find basically every video in any series.

For myself, I've got my daily Let's Play series at the top (and it will always be there) and my other Let's Plays all listed beneath that one on the home page.
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?

Farley Productions

Pursuing the Arts one step at a time.
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For me playlists are a wonderful tool to keep everything organized. There is one Youtuber I follow who doesn't use these playlists enough and when I try to find a video I have to dig through hundreds again or remember exactly what it was called. Which is extremely nerve-racking.

So there can never be enough playlists in my opinion. =]
Better to have too many then not enough.
  • Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


YTtalk Mad
JoinedOct 13, 2015Messages345Reaction score170LocationCalifornia (West Coast)Channel TypeYoutuber
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I wouldn't worry too much either way since most people are not going to watch your videos through your main channel on the playlist. they're more likely to watch it when they get a notification on a new video or a suggested video.
Is there a limit to videos on YouTube playlists?


I've Got It
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I have a playlist for each series I have, Or if I have a 2-3 parter I put them in playlists for ease? I think this is ok?