james madison là gì - Nghĩa của từ james madison

james madison có nghĩa là

JMU is what dreams are made of... its not just a school, its a way of life. If you are privileged enough to go there or to experience its greatness, you are truly one of the lucky ones!


so many dimes its unreal and the 70/30 ratio aint bad either

JMU stays poppin..... we gets busy

james madison có nghĩa là

A prestigious research university located in Virginia, that is known for having the hottest girls and relentless parties.


I went to James Madison to get layed by a calender girl.

I got an HIV from a girl at James Madison.

james madison có nghĩa là

A school defined by it's 70/30 ratio: the average female is 70% desperate and 30% wasted, while the average male is 70% 'bro' and 30% rapist. Commonly, both males and females are 100% stupid.
Students are commonly victims of "JMU Delusion Syndrome", an ailment characterized by the victim's staunch belief that their school is in fact, not lame. As the victim falls deeper and deeper into the throes of the disease, they will refuse to acknowledge basic facts, primarily the blatant repetitiveness of their party scene. They will also find females who go to JMU more attractive than they would be elsewhere in the world, apparently to rationalize their belief that the campus is brimming with "dime-pieces".
This tragic affliction is only in the beginning stages of study, and as such, any person who has someone they care about attending James Madison should watch carefully for signs of JMUDS.


Remember that they will simply not be able to understand how lame James Madison University is [owing to the JMUDS], so you cannot be offended if they react in a hostile manner to intervention.


james madison có nghĩa là

Our smallest founding father and president. Kind of a dick. Wrote the federalist papers with Alexander Hamilton before siding with his boyfriend Thomas Jefferson


James Madison won't talk to me, I only called him useless what's his deal??

james madison có nghĩa là

America's most emo president. Short little dude. Southern motherfucking democratic republican. Used to be cool with Alexander Hamilton, but not anymore. Gay for Thomas Jefferson. Always sick.


Did you hear about what happened in Monticello between James Madison and Thomas Jefferson? Guess we know what Jefferson does there now.

james madison có nghĩa là

A pretty chill place in Vienna, puts way to much money into their band and has got a kick ass crew program.


"hey where do you go to school?" "James Madison high school" "fuck you"

james madison có nghĩa là

Best Damn High school in the state of Wisconsin. Also it has the damn best Basketball program in the state of Wisconsin. They have gone to state every year since 2000. Their mascot is the Spartan and the name of the mascot is Bruce the Spartan. Annually, this school is the best school academically and has at least 5 ivy league acceptance letters, and at least one division 1-A letters for either football, basketball or baseball.


person A: You go to James Madison Memorial Highschool?
person B: Yea, why?
person A: Cool, I wish I was a Spartan Person C: Hey I go to West
person D: you must be asian

james madison có nghĩa là

A large university attended mostly by hicks under the impression that JMU is a "huge party school" and that the girls are "dimes". Truth: With 70% girls you will absolutely fine attractive ones but probably only 10% of that 70% are even decent looking. Men at JMU convince themselves that the girls there are actually hot because most of them haven't ventured outside the deep south where people can be compared to the cast of 'Buckwild'. If you are from a part of the US where girls can actually be considered model status, don't be surprised when the clueless JMU gentleman thinks the chubby girl with acne is doable. He doesn't know any better! As for the parties, they're over by 2am [if you're lucky]. If you attend a legitimate party school then you know that going home at 3am is considered early. Most JMU parties are comparable to high school parties and get broken up by cops around midnight. Very pretty area though.


James Madison University kid: Wow that girl is a hard ten!
Regular kid: I know you're not talking about that chubby gorilla sitting in front of us. Because where I come from shes a hard 2.5.

james madison có nghĩa là

That school is full of back stabbing slut faced hoe bags , ugly ass drug addicts, stank teachers , retarded nasty fuckin boys , like the kids are so mother fuckin dumb they set fire to the bathroom like wtf ... Also they literally got rid of the bathroom doors because of kids fucking in the bathrooms . The fuckin hoe ass cracked up hillbilly teachers Are so rude act like just because they are old wrinkly hags m and they can control kids lives . And the perv p.e. teachers be looking in the girls locker rooms


Kid : daddy do I have to James Madison middle School.?? Dad: yes kiddo it's the only school in your district kid : well my friend sarah goes there and she said she saw 2 kids fucking in the bathroom. Dad: .......

james madison có nghĩa là

Basically "If Lake Braddock Secondary School is a university" but with some minor changes to the mascot. It also so happens that this is where many Lake Braddock kids go after secondary school.


// Meanwhile, at James Madison University // A: "Hey, which high school were you from?" B: "Lake Braddock Secondary." A: "Eyy Me too!" B: "Aren't we all Lake Braddock Alumni here?"

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